Ok stoners, let's hear  your complaints on this - Supreme court ok's drug tests in school - Printable Version

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- OAS - 06-27-2002

The Supreme Court just ruled that random drug tests in schools are to be allowed. The court ruled that schools intrests in ridding their campuses of drugs outweighs an individuals right to privacy.

I'm not sure where I sit on this issue. I do believe schools should be drug free, but I respect the privacy issue. If a person doesn't want to be tested in the workplace, they have the option not to work in a profession that tests. A kid does not have the option not to go to school.

Your thoughts?

- Sephiroth - 06-27-2002

What is the extent of the testing? Pass the test to be admittted into school, or pass the test to get on the football team?

- Hey Ladi - 06-27-2002

They need to stop spending so much effort on this.

- OAS - 06-27-2002

The brief update I read was ramdom testing. I believe this stems from a suit related to high school sports. I believe the ruling allows schools to test ramdomly under any suspicion of drug activity in the school, including sports.

- Sluggo - 06-27-2002

I believe this is just wrong...
I mean, if a kid is smokin a blunt AT school...
And he gets caught...
If he burns one on saturday...
He should NOT be in jeopardy of being expelled or whatever...

- LZMF1 - 06-27-2002

ponerous! f'n ponderous!!

it would be great to keep drugs out of schools but we all know that that will not happen. oh sure have random drug tests......what the fuck is that gonna do? <span style='font-size:97pt;line-height:100%'>NOTHING!!</span>

- Hey Ladi - 06-27-2002

HS is different I think.... Grade schoolers & HSers aren't adults, they need to finish school. College is different, you don't need to go.

- Sluggo - 06-27-2002

I agree HS is not the place...
I know from personal expierience...
If this goes on a kids record, even if it was the only time he or she used said "drug"...
They are FUCKED.

- Hey Ladi - 06-27-2002

Proper Fucked?

- Kid Afrika - 06-27-2002

I think it's total shit to test people for drugs. To me the better method would be to test people for being under the influence. Afterall, how can you reprimand someone for something that they choose to do in the privacy of their own home?

- IkeaBoy - 06-27-2002

Thank God (uh-oh, CDIH is going to the supreme court) I'm out of high school. This is unfair and wrong. If a kid uses a bong to hav a good time one evening, one weekend he's not harming anyone. This is not a hazard to the school and forcing the regular students, the kids who don't do the sports or extracurricular activities to be drug free with these random drug tests just totally suck.

I woke up so bear my inability to form complete thoughts.

- Hey Ladi - 06-27-2002

Quote:and forcing the regular students, the kids who don't do the sports or extracurricular activities to be drug free with these random drug tests just totally suck.

You know they won't test the smart kids, the kids with money, the jocks, etc. It's gonna be the quiet kid, the tired looking one, the kid caught smoking cigarettes during gym class...

- Spitfire - 06-27-2002

Yeah, ladi, they'll pick all the kids that "don't fit in"...glad I'm not in school anymore...

I think it's an invasion of privacy...but they're just kids, they have no rights, right? Rolleyes

- Maynard - 06-27-2002

What will the penalty be if caught?

I agree with k1d to test them if they look under the influence AT school.

- Sluggo - 06-27-2002

I would have been more fucked than immaginable if this was the case in the years I was in HS.
If you wore hiking boots and flannel shirts you were instantly labled "Head".

:fuggin: Confusedmokey: :fuggin:

- IkeaBoy - 06-27-2002

Quote:If you wore hiking boots and flannel shirts you were instantly labled "Head".
Or dyke.

- Sluggo - 06-27-2002

Even the girls were labeled "Head"...

- Hey Ladi - 06-27-2002

Why Head? What does that stand for?

I only know one kind.... :blow: ;-)

- Doc - 06-27-2002

Quote:Ok stoners, let's here your complaints on this
I think they should only test those people who use improper homonyms, but that's just me...

Seriously though, this is a discussion of two different topics. One is random drug testing, and the other is the morality (not legality...that is NOT an issue) of marijuana use. Hear me out on this

I have no problem with random drug testing, if the test is looking for certain things. Performance enhancers for one thing. I competed in sports in high school and college and I know how often drugs are used to help out there, and I don't fell that is right. Test the motherfuckers and they'll have no problem if they're clean. Also, I have to problem if they test for certain drugs like cocaine, crack, or heroin. Same rule applies

The fact that most of us don't feel marijuana is in the same category is why a lot of people are against this. If you and your buddies smoke a little herb during a Cheech and Chong Marathon, that's catching people who do shouldn't be an issue.

I don't know, I think my brain is a little too fried from work, but I don't think this is as much an invasion of privacy issue as a morality of certain drugs issue.

Edited By Doc on June 27 2002 at 12:05

- Maynard - 06-27-2002

I think "head" stands for pothead.