Ted williams dies - Last guy to hit .400 - Printable Version

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- Tenbatsuzen - 07-05-2002

Guy was 83 years old and in failing health... As much as I hate the BoSox, he was an amazing player.

- Galt - 07-05-2002

On ESPN news, they've been showing tributes all day. Now there's no way that they put all these things together in one day.

How cold-hearted is it to pull in all these voice-over guys, copywriters, video editors, and everyone else months ago, saying "yeah, this dudes pretty close, let's punch this out"?

Also, yeah he was great and all, but he was 83. Don't you think that the death of Darryl Kile at 33, would be more newsworthy than someone that old?

- criticslovesnatch - 07-05-2002

news people make canned tributes to people on the verge of death all the time. Obituaries work like that too, write it up weeks in advance, change a few dates and times when the time comes and boom, go to print.

as for williams, he was a great great hitter, still wonder who can be the guy to hit .400 again. they are saying Ichiro, but he seems to be a consistent .350-.360 hitter, as great as that is 40 points of BA isn't exactly easy to come up with.

- Galt - 07-05-2002

Gotta be a great contact hitter, that also takes walks.

Ichiro and Nomar are both guys that could do it but they don't walk enough.

If Williams had any speed sort of speed whatsoever, he would have picked up an extra 20 or so infield hits a year, and would have ended up hitting around .430 instead of .400

- GonzoStyle - 07-05-2002

Daryl Kiles death was tragic and there is no point to make light cause he was a human being. He was a good pitcher but lets be honest they made him out like he was Nolan Ryan, whenever someone dies they always have to make them out as the greatest thing ever. Kile was a good pitcher and a good all around person that should be enough.

Yes Williams was 83 but he was also as close to a living legend as you're gonna get next to Willie Mays. Look at his lifetime records and now remember that he missed several PRIME years due to two wars. Now imagine if he had all that time 512 homeruns moves into the 600's without a doubt. The argument can be made that he was the greatest hitter ever, I still stick to Cobb. He was the greatest hitter of his generation without a doubt. But like I said it is my preference the argument can be made for Williams as being the best ever alongside Cobb, Hornsby, Ruth, Mays, Mantle, etc. That's about as elite as you can get.

It wasn't as sad as when Mantle died but I was thinking about it when I heard the news. When Mantle died I cried, it was just something about him. Maybe the knowlege of how beaten up he was when he played and wondering how much greater he woulda been if he was healthy. His charisma, he's about as close to a superhero as I can imagine in life.

But Ted williams will always be in the top 5 all time no matter what, that is why it's sad. When you do so much in your life, even beyond playing ball he was a war hero in 2 wars and a much beloved man, much more than Dimaggio was the fuck that he was.

- Tenbatsuzen - 07-05-2002


I think you have Mantle and DiMaggio confused.

Mantle was the prick when he played, and he continued to be a prick after his career was finished. This was the guy, no matter how great of a player he was, still continued to drink heavily after being illegally bumped up a liver donor list.

I felt really bad when Mantle died, but there was a difference between Mantle dying and DiMaggio died.

DiMaggio was THE MAN. He played hard, he loved hard, he was an all-around class act. As for serving his country, DiMaggio gave three years - in his prime - to the army during WW2.

The very fact that he still sent roses to Marilyn's grave even after she broke his heart is one of my favor anecdotes of baseball lore.

- diceisgod - 07-06-2002

I agree. Fuck Williams.

- GonzoStyle - 07-06-2002

Everyone who played with Dimaggio hated his guts, the guy was a primmadonna. He was a great player, I can't take away from that. Mantle was beloved by his fans and friends. His alcoholism was a disease which neither you nor I understand cause neither of us have that problem. But that's like disavowing all knowlege of Hendrix for being a fuckin junkie. The fact that he left Monroe roses was great, shoulda thought of that when he was beating her during their marriage.

Fuck Williams? I won't even bother to ackowlege that ignorance.

- Galt - 07-07-2002

Oh, don't say your goodbyes just yet. He's not quite gone.

Ted Williams' head might just come back to challenge American League pitchers in a hundred years or so, when doctors figure out a way to cure the illnesses that stopped him, old age, and that pesky fact that no one knows how to even bring back someone from being frozen, or even if it's possible at all.

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- The Sleeper - 07-07-2002

That scores an 11 out of 10 on the Creepy scale.

- Galt - 07-07-2002

Please stop reading Bill Simmons. I like to use those lines as original comedy.

Thank you.

- Keyser Soze - 07-07-2002

[Image: vanilla.jpg]

- Galt - 07-08-2002

It's dumb enough to even think that they'll be able to bring you back since despite all these people who are being frozen, no one's ever been brought back, nor do any of the experts have a clue if it is even possible. But let's just say that somehow they find a way to do it. You are just a head.

"Super, they found a way to cure my brain tumor, but shit, now I'm just a head. I sure wish I splurged and spent the extra $50,000 so I could have the rest of my body now."

- Keyser Soze - 07-08-2002

This story gets better and better. I wonder if Ted chose the "Lucid Dream" option....

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- Galt - 07-08-2002

I thought people were supposed to be frozen in carbonite.

- The Sleeper - 07-08-2002

pfff Bill Simmons doesn't have a creepy scale

- onehung - 07-09-2002

Quote:pfff Bill Simmons doesn't have a creepy scale
Ever hear his voice??

- Galt - 07-09-2002

Actually no, but I hear he's got some high-pitched squirrley freak voice.

- onehung - 07-09-2002

Quote:he's got some high-pitched squirrley freak voice.
Yea, That pretty much sums it up. Creepy

- The Sleeper - 07-09-2002

Well I guess he has the perfect voice for writing then.