Forrest vs. Mosley - Printable Version

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- diceisgod - 07-21-2002

Prediction: Forest in a split decision. Atlas said it best when he said that unless Mosley's pop taught him a completely different fighting style he wouldn't have a chance. Assuming Forrest fights smart like he did last time Mosley won't be in a position to land any bombs. I expect this fight to be a carbon copy of the first. Forrest will be in the guys face every round.

- GonzoStyle - 07-21-2002

I am picking mosley by either split decision or late round TKO. Mosley will not let lightning strike twice. Shane is too good a boxer/puncher to let himself lose back to back decisions. I picture a rubber match in december or january of 2003. Mosley will go to the body more and not head hunt, he will keep on the inside while forrest tries to keep him at bay with the jab and mosley will look for the counter hook or cross. While pounding the body hard like he did before. Mosley was too cocky the first time and let the press feed his ego, forrest may have fallen for the same trap.

we'll see in a very short while from now.

Either way it's gonna be a great fight, reminiscent of the Leonard Vs. Hearns wars of the 80's.

- Velociti - 07-21-2002

both are great fighters that seem to have the skills to take the fight the distance. I'll take mosely in a decision.

- Sean Cold - 07-21-2002

Wow, did this fight ever blow donkey ass. The ref never even threatened a point deduction, let them hold the hold the entire night. My christ, this was just boring as all hell. They gave Forrest the win, and I am not disputing that in the least. The fight just wasn't good at all. The best part of the entire fight ws Larry M. basiclly called Forrest a plug whore.

- Gooch - 07-21-2002

yeah, saw that. It's great when Larry gets irked. I thought Mosley would have been busier. Just goes to show he could have benefited from a tune-up fight first.

- GonzoStyle - 07-21-2002

Neither fighter deserved to win but alas DIG gets his props. But no one coulda predicted neither fighter would actually not put up a fight. What a fuckin travesty, the ref did more work than both mosley and forrest. This is not the mosley who beat de la hoya. Nor was that the forrest who demolished mosley.

I have no idea where mosley goes from this, a third fight is a moot point now. It's gonna be pretty tough for sugar shane to get back to where he was. Cause he honestly lost a lot of respect in my book and he should be ashamed.

- diceisgod - 07-21-2002

What a yawner that fight was. Shane was talking about possibly moving up to light heavyweight? Did I hear that correctly? Firstly, he doesn't have enough power. Secondly, Roy Jones would be waitng there to stomp him into the mat. Mosley should just stay off the steriods and worry about learning how to box, how to THROW PUNCHES. I've never seen someone's boxing career fall apart so quickly (well except for those other twenty times, Mike Tyson comes to mind).

- Sean Cold - 07-21-2002

Forrest just simply owns him, end of story. Sugar should just start calling Vernon "massa" just to show he knows his role. He can't stay at welterwieght because he has no one to fight. Everyone has moved up and out of the division. There is no big payday left and fighting VF for a third time won't sell for shit for he can't beat the fuckin guy. Shane is at a very serious crosroads right now, but, I agree with DIG.

Jones Jr. would annihilate him.

- Gooch - 07-21-2002

i think, personally, that Jones can eliminate anyone near or right above or below his weightclass. You want to make either of these two look like amateurs, send them to Roy. But...that's where the money is...and I will pay to see those beatings. Send them, De La Hoya, Vargas, etc over to Roy.

- Galt - 07-21-2002

So who won the Butterbean - Holmes fight? Did one of them have a heart attack?

- diceisgod - 07-21-2002

Quote:So who won the Butterbean - Holmes fight?

Regardless of the outcome they both lost.

- GonzoStyle - 07-22-2002

Mosley said he was gonna move up to junior middle not light heavy.

Mosley begun his career at 135 and dominated everyone. Then he jumped all the way from 135 to 147 and beat de la hoya. If he moves it will be to junior middle at 154. Jones is light heavy that's 175 he isn't gonna move up 30 pounds. 154 is where de la hoya is also vargas so when Delahoya beats the piss out of Vargas it will set up a rematch. Forrest beat mosley but he didn't "beat" him. Forrest said he'd look for one more big fight and then retire. But his name still can't pull out a PPV so he's gonna need to probably take on Vargas or delahoya if he loses. Then fight the winner of mosley vs. delahoya.

Really all depends on the Vargas Delahoya fight now.

- Arpikarhu - 07-22-2002

thefightwas a bore. on a side note, i despise lampley and merchant. merchant thinks that everything he says comes with the weight of a god-like pronouncement and lampley starts yelling before the fighters get in the ring. they suck!