The real fuckin deal.... - Now, leave me the fuck alone - Printable Version

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- Sean Cold - 07-26-2002

ok, I think now is a good time to point us in our new direction.

For months, I have been preasured into going into a full blown Message Board "war" with My buttons were pushed constantly and I tried to be strong for I thought what we had here was better. I thought by letting everyone have thier voices heard actually was a good thing. It seemed like fun for a while actually. We all had our laughs but then we had what happened this week. To be frank....

I was dead wrong.

I tried to kind of reinvent message boards or at least how they were run. How was I repaid for this? Well, I got to spend some time in the fuckin cells because the mods here got all high and mighty. These fuckin ingrates that YOU, the members decided were the right choices have caused me nothing but stress. They are a bunch of fuckin lolligaggers. They lolligag when I ask them to do something. They lolligag when they post just one word or a smile. I am tired of the lolligaging.

Even the members can't do what I want. I try to get my points across and all I get is a bunch of lip from you fucks. Well, no more. All day long, I get emails, phone calls, IM's and PM's on what is going on. Why is this like this? Why is this like that? Why did you do this? Fuck, I was tempted to skull crush myself.

You guys have made life hell on two of our most productive members, Arpi and Ken's. These two have spent countless of hours posting here and ammusing you mother bitches and how do you repay them? By shunning them and all of thier efforts. How they never pulled a Seph and just gave up and left is beyond me. I know I wouldn't have been able to take the shit they have been forced to eat at your grubby hands. It has seemed to have become much easier to just write them off as assholes and just make a lame Grumpy joke at them.

The other day, these two provided a full days worth of entertainment for all of us. They also offered me the services of our lovely Lunababe to try and cure me my addiction to fat chicks. I decided to reward them by modding them, albiet on a limited basis, and you people just had a hissy fit and throw tantrums. Did any of you stop to wonder what this would do to them? Or, how it would make me feel in the least?

No, you son of a bitchs only cared about your selves. Thats fine, because now I am just caring about what I think is best for the board. I am in negotiations with Froy and I have decided that CDIH will be an sister site. To help me in my endevure, I have chosen the group that shall now be called fOl of Arpi, Ken and Luna to help my usher our board into a new era of peace and tranquility with our former site. We and we alone can figure out what is best for this fuckin place and do not need a bunch of ingrates to tell us how to run shit.

Now, be fuckin happy already, now you all know what's going on. maybe now i can get the peace and quiet I have earned and deserve.

- OAS - 07-26-2002

Is this where the thread gets locked?

- Jack - 07-26-2002

I fucking knew it. I tried to warn everybody. Did anybody fucking listen to Jack though? hell NO!

Now we have to deal with this crap.

- Arpikarhu - 07-26-2002

thank you sean. i appreciate your trust in us and we wont let you down

- Ken'sPen - 07-26-2002

No Mod Squad this time around.

- Kid Afrika - 07-26-2002

Viva La Resistance! :-o

- Hey Ladi - 07-26-2002

can you change the colors again?

- Jack - 07-26-2002

Viva La Resistance! Who's with us? We can stop this bullshit.

- crx girl - 07-26-2002

i always appreciated them :clueless:

- virgingrrl - 07-26-2002

im scared. Undecided

- GonzoStyle - 07-26-2002

Hey sean want a tissue, captain cry baby?

wah, wah, wah.

What's next you gonna hold froys cock and take pics together?

- Arpikarhu - 07-26-2002

i for one am looking forward to going back to an O&A themed board. by sistering up with the other board things should be alot of fun

- Gooch - 07-26-2002

Jesus fuckin've lost your mind. You made this site to be an oasis from OA bullshit. You put these two jackasses in charge (luna's still ok in my book)...and demod the rest. What the fuck? :fuckoff:

- GonzoStyle - 07-26-2002

Gooch is right man what the fuck?

One day you bitch about froy and now you are all over his cock, or lack there of.

Ken a jokes a joke but this is fuckin ridiculous man.

Arpi I expect this from, fuckin follower that he is.

Ken we've had tender moments in IM.

- OAS - 07-26-2002

So who get's to wear the horse teeth in this new "arraingement" of yours?

- Jack - 07-26-2002

My sediments exactly. Now we need to figure out how to get OUR board back.

We all came here to get away from, the most part, Froy and his bullshit drama. Now we are going to be a part of that site? Fuck that.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 07-26-2002


- GonzoStyle - 07-26-2002

what the fuck did you do to the site lay out are you fuckin insane?

This is not even funny in the slightest, I will take fuckin action if must.

- Sean Cold - 07-26-2002

at least now you can just come here and post instead of running to like a wounded bitch, right GS?

oh, btw, our new banner:[Image: fol.gif]

- virgingrrl - 07-26-2002

that's it, im going to join