Jump the shark - When it all went downhill. - Printable Version

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- Keyser Soze - 08-02-2002

When did < insert poster here > jump the shark? There was a time when Kid Afrika was one of my favorite posters. He would start topics that got me thinking and inspired me to reply with long winded and insightful verses. There was a time when I looked forward to what he would post next. But now he's resorted to hack material and arpi/ken bashing. I think he jumped the shark with the "Active Poster Check In" back on the old board. That was a sad, sad day. Its all gone downhill from there. Maybe the K1d I once knew will return but I won't hold my breath.

So when did your favorite poster jump the shark?

Edited By Keyser Soze on Aug. 02 2002 at 3:38

- Sloatsburgh - 08-02-2002

When Maynard changed his name the first time.

- Katya_ann - 08-02-2002

Sephiroth 2.0

- Doc - 08-02-2002

I think Doc Smith jumped the shark when he changed his sig pic for the first time ever.

OK, seriously, I never knew Up that well. We never talked on IM or anything, but he always seemed like a kind of OK guy. He jumped the shark after the whole bang party craptoberfest. He just seemed to become an incredible ass after that

Maybe it's just me

Edited By Doc on Aug. 02 2002 at 3:37

- Sean Cold - 08-02-2002

I think when keyser posted on Aug. 02 2002,3:29 pm, it was truly a sad day. Fuck, I just noticed I am trying to fuck with Keyser for no reason. Shit, did i Jump The Shark now? I am confused.

- IrishAlkey - 08-02-2002

I'm still quality.

- Keyser Soze - 08-02-2002

Quote:I think when keyser posted on Aug. 02 2002,3:29 pm

That was so obligitory I nearly added it to my original post.

- Galt - 08-02-2002

"Jumping the Shark has Jumped the Shark"

- Arthur Dent - 08-02-2002

Quote:inspired me to reply with long winded and insightful verses.

Yeah, but the choruses still needed work.

Grumpy j.t.s. when he went from sarcastic, funny poster to pig riding midget running gag. Type cast like Adam West as Batman.

- fbd - 08-02-2002

hybrid jumped the shark when he went from funny saracastic shit to "I SAT DOWN AND MY RABBIT JUMPED OVER A SPOON"
kid when he went from insightful to inciteful
fez when he stopped photoshop
doc when he typed a second line

- AdolescentMasturbator - 08-02-2002

I jumped the shark when I told everyone that I didn't give handjobs to che's dead corpse.

- GonzoStyle - 08-02-2002

I jumped the shark when I wrote articles for OTL.... :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed:

- Kid Afrika - 08-02-2002

Quote:I jumped the shark when I wrote articles for OTL

I disagree... I think you jumped the shark the first time you talked to otl's ceo on the phone.

- GonzoStyle - 08-02-2002

Quote:I disagree... I think you jumped the shark the first time you talked to otl's ceo on the phone.

This is true, cause the 1st and last time we spoke on the phone. Was the night before he demodded me... your case has merit.

- Arpikarhu - 08-03-2002

ken when he got modded

- Galt - 08-03-2002

"It's x days until I go to Spring Training"

- Arpikarhu - 08-03-2002

"i must shea the sox are good"

- Galt - 08-03-2002

"Hey, 'Morgan' is a good name for my son"

- Arpikarhu - 08-03-2002

" hey sleeper , lets keep this writing team gag going for another couple of weeks"

- Zootybang - 08-03-2002

I jumped when I posted twice In one day. Blew my whole lurker gimmick to shit.