What will you be doing on 9/11/02 - Printable Version

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- Kim - 08-04-2002

After sharing our memories in the "where were you on 9/11" thread, I began thinking about 9/11/02. Has anyone thought about what they'll do that day? If you work in Manhattan will you go into work? Will you take a trip via plane? Will you participate in any memorials?

I thought it would be interesting to hear everyone's plans for the 1 year anniversary.

- GonzoStyle - 08-04-2002

Hopefully I might have a job by then, so I hope the answer would be; Working.

Other than that, I honestly dunno. I guess watch TV which should have a ton of memorial shows, maybe light a candle.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-04-2002

I work and go to school downtown, and at this point I don't know what I'm going to do. If there is a memorial service at my school, I will most likely attend it, but I can't go to work or school without seeing the site, and that bothers me. I guess I will just see how I feel...

The one thing I know is that I'd like to be with people who make me feel safe

- criticslovesnatch - 08-04-2002

I'll be at school....i'm sure UMD will have some kind of ceremony that day

- Arpikarhu - 08-04-2002

a matinee and an evening show with my pal Joey Fatone

- GonzoStyle - 08-04-2002

My name is Joey!!!!! :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:

- Arpikarhu - 08-04-2002

no it isnt, edward

- fbd - 08-04-2002

i think i'm in school, but they might give us off for it. if i have school, there'll be a prayer service(i go to a catholic high school). if i have off, i'll be watching tv all day, and avoiding memorial shows

- SLASH - 08-04-2002

I am supposed to be moving back to Ohio on September 11th.

- GonzoStyle - 08-04-2002

Quote:no it isnt, edward

I despise you Morgie.

- Kim - 08-04-2002

Ohio? ewww why Ohio?

- GonzoStyle - 08-04-2002

There's no black people in Ohio.

- SLASH - 08-04-2002

I moved out here for a significant other, but, all of my family is back in Ohio, and I miss them dearly :-(

- Kim - 08-04-2002

smart ass :moonie:

- GonzoStyle - 08-04-2002

that was uncalled for kim, no need to make fun of slash's misfortunes.

- NaughtyAngel - 08-04-2002

ill be in school and its also my dad's birthday

- AdolescentMasturbator - 08-04-2002

Most likely I'll be watching cheesy 3rd-rate hack emo high school bands performing songs about 9/11. 9/11 songs + whiny voice = worse than barbra streisand naked.

- Is Don on the phone? - 08-05-2002

Working, and for all of our sakes, hopefully getting paid to stand around and look important while doing nothing. Or I'll be at the memorial ceremonies.

- GonzoStyle - 08-05-2002

Bless your soul don, we salute you, a true hero.

With a really dope cell phone.

- Is Don on the phone? - 08-05-2002

Thanks.... The phone does rock!