Where are you now? - Printable Version

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- Maynard - 08-08-2002

Stop and take a look at your life as it is now. Your age, your social life, your job, romantic relationships. Are you were you thought you'd be?

We all get told certain things growing up. It's forced upon us by parents, friends, media, church, etc. Most people sit there, and somewhere along the line (around Jr. High/High School) and say "this is where I want to be in 10 years". I did that, and my life couldn't be further from where I thought it would be.

In HS, I wanted to be a teacher. Music was my life, and I wanted to go to school to share my knowledge and passion with as many people as I could. Things change. I got a job in HS working as a graphic designer and continued doing that for a few years after. I never thought I'd be married, and divorced. I didn't think I'd still be living in this area either.

Well, I'm at one of those crossroads in my life right now, and it's time to make more decisions. My thoughts have completely changed about what I'm going to do with the rest of my life, so it's time to put some of that stuff into action.

- Hey Ladi - 08-08-2002

I never really had a plan. I just let it happen. Sometimes I don't feel 25, and think I should be much further along than I am.

I'm so afraid of making a mistake, that it takes a long time to make a decision to change anything.

- SLASH - 08-08-2002

Quote:I'm so afraid of making a mistake, that it takes a long time to make a decision to change anything.

Sometimes taking a long time to make a decision is the mistake.

That is not a jab at you, that is just a conclusion that I have come to.

- Hey Ladi - 08-08-2002

Yes, not choosing is a choice in itself. But that's the chance I take. And until this pattern starts to go poorly for me, I'll continue it. I'm comfortable with my lot in life, I suppose. I know that anything I don't change is my own fault, and I'm fine with that. :thumbs-up:

- Sloatsburgh - 08-08-2002

Buy a Harley and ride to the Mississippi. If you don't know what to do when you reach the river, keep on riding until you hit the coast.

- Maynard - 08-08-2002

Funny you should mention that Sloats.....Sluggo has a lead on a Harley for me.....

- Corpsegrinder13 - 08-08-2002

Everything I've ever wanted to do in life was a long far fetched dream. When I played high school baseball, I had college scouts at the game to watch me and was supposed to go to LSU before I blew out my knees so pro athelete dream dead. I had a really good band 7 years ago and we were in the middle of our demo and everyone started getting pissy and the band was disbanded. Musican dream postponed. The only thing I really want to have in life now that I haven't had already is to own my own home, be debt free from credit cards, have a luxury SUV, and to have children. I have already started the debt consolidation to get rid of all of my credit card debt in the next 4 years, and hopefully I will be in a new much higher paying job in the next few months to get my SUV and start saving for a downpayment on my house. Life is really a swift kick in the balls most of the time. It's how long we sit and suffer in pain is the true problem... :toast:

- Danked - 08-08-2002

Quote:Buy a Harley and ride to the Mississippi. If you don't know what to do when you reach the river, keep on riding until you hit the coast.
Bring a laptop so we can all stay in touch while you're waiting at a stoplight.

- Keyser Soze - 08-08-2002

i never had a plan but i'm pretty happy with where i'm at now. i've got a great job that pays well but i would like to do something more creative and closer to home. my band has been gaining more and more momentum as each show passes, a project that was 7 years in the making. it was nice to see all that hard work pay off and still evolving. i've got a great new apartment with 3 good friends right near the city. i can't complain much. i'm always striving for more though, so maybe its time i create some sort of goals for the Hell of it just to motivate myself more towards them. i always thought having a plan was kinda corny but i suppose it could be helpful.

- Katya_ann - 08-08-2002


When I was born they looked at me and said
What a good boy, what a smart boy, what a strong boy
And when you were born they looked at you and said
What a good girl, what a smart girl, what a pretty girl

We've got these chains that hang around our necks
People want to strangle us with them before we take our first breath
Afraid of change, afraid of staying the same
When temptation calls we just look away

This name is the hairshirt I wear
And this hairshirt is woven from your brown hair
This song is the cross that I bear
Bear it with me, bear with me, bear with me
Be with me tonight
I know that it isn't right
But be with me tonight

I go to school, I write exams
If I pass, if I fail, if I drop out, does anyone give a Damn?
And if they do, they'll soon forget
'Cause it won't take much for me to show that my life ain't over yet

I wake up scared, I wake up strange
I wake up wondering if anything in my life is ever going to change
I wake up scared, I wake up strange
And everything around me stays the same

This name is the hairshirt I wear
And this hairshirt is woven from your brown hair
This song is the cross that I bear
Bear it with me, bear with me, bear with me
Be with me tonight
I know that it isn't right
But be with me tonight

I couldn't tell you that I was wrong
Chickened out, grabbed a pen and paper, sat down and I wrote this song
I couldn't tell you that you were right
So instead I looked in the mirror watched tv laid awake all night

We've got these chains that hang around our necks
People want to strangle us with them before we take our first breath
Afraid of change, afraid of staying the same
When temptation calls....

This name is the hairshirt I wear
And this hairshirt is woven from your brown hair
This song is the cross that I bear
Bear it with me, bear with me, bear with me
Be with me tonight
I know that it isn't right
But be with me tonight

When I was born they looked at me and said
What a good boy, what a smart boy, what a strong boy
And when you were born they looked at you and said
What a good girl, what a smart girl, what a pretty girl, hey

- Spitfire - 08-08-2002

I have no plan...aside from wanting to buy a big piece of land and stay there til I die. I have no clue where or when that will be...

And I want to get completely out of debt, which I took steps to do by taking out a loan. It was a lot easier than credit card consolidation and I'll be done in 4 years.

Maybe someday I'd like to open my own business, I don't deal well with being told what to do with someone else. I have an idea of having my own record store with a big area in the back where bands can play. I dunno, I'm just going with the flow for now.

- Keyser Soze - 08-08-2002

Quote:Maybe someday I'd like to open my own business, I don't deal well with being told what to do with someone else. I have an idea of having my own record store with a big area in the back where bands can play.

I'm in. When do I start?

- Spitfire - 08-08-2002

Find me some financial backers!

I also want to start a small indy label online, that will probably come before a store. I wish the industry wasn't so Damn dry now...hmmm.......maybe I'll look over OTL's business plan to get some good ideas on how to run a profitable business

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-08-2002

Now I'm at work. ;-)

But seriously, I'm 23, and about nine months away from my BS in Criminal Justice. I'm further behind in my schooling than I anticipated being, but when "planning my life," I never really anticipated the bumps in the road and the set backs that would have me being 23 and still in college. I guess the important thing is that I'm past the set backs and working towards something.

I didn't end up going away to school like I had originally planned, but after developing some close relationships with my professors at school, I'm glad that I am where I am. I started college as a journalism major, transfered to where I am now as a Marketing major and soon switched to Criminal Justice, wanting to be a lawyer. When I started to have doubts about wanting to practice law, I was lucky enough to have someone who cared enough to talk to me and thanks to him I'm now 100% sure with what I'm doing with my life. Had I gone away to school, I would've never met him and had the chance to be in his classroom and be taken under his wing, the things he's done for me make me happy to have had the bumps in the road (maybe I should tell him that Undecided ).

Financially I'm working on getting my credit back together, and I have two credit cards with zero balances in my own name, something I'm very proud of. Slowly but surely, I'm getting my finances together, although for the next several years, I'll need a cosigner for everything. I am however about $60k in debt for my education and will need to take out additional loans for my masters.

As far as my personal life goes, I'm quite content and happy.

Edited By PollyannaFlower46 on Aug. 08 2002 at 2:54

- Corpsegrinder13 - 08-08-2002

Quote:maybe I'll look over OTL's business plan to get some good ideas on how to run a profitable business


- Keyser Soze - 08-08-2002

Ask Goochie, he's a shareholder. Talk about sitting on a goldmine!

- DoughBoy - 08-08-2002

I'm 22 (23 in a few weeks). I've been working for a year and a quarder as an MIS Director for a large company. I make a decent amount of money (just got a raise FINALLY). I'm 22 credits away from my BS in Computer Sceince and 12 credits away from my BA in Political Science. I'm going to school part time now and working full time. I've been living with my parents for a month and a half (last lease ran out and couldn't find a house). I've moving back out in about 3 weeks to live with a few friends in Belmar. I've got about 3500 worth of credit card debt that I'm worried about (don't laugh... its the most I've ever been in debt; no school debt). I'm not sure what I wanna do with my life. I don't have a steady woman (I'm not sure I want that right now, but sometimes I get the feeling that I'm missing out). NO kids, no house of my own, I bought a 98 Ford Ranger a few months ago (so I have a decent mode of transportation). I'm happy. I"m dependant on NOBODY...just the way I like it. Where am I going? Donno. I don't really think that I care either.


PS I haven't even TOUCHED any of my credit card debt in about 8 months. Just been letting it sit (I haven't had the money between some shit that has been going on, school, etc). I owe around 3500...tops 4000. Anyone have any ideas what would be the best way to handle this. I have about 1200 ready to fork over, but I'm just not sure how to do it. Obviously, my credit is probably shit right now, but is there something I can do. As a student or something. I fucked that up a bit...

- criticslovesnatch - 08-08-2002

Well, I'm 19 years old, finished my first year of college, and am about to go back for my sophomore year. As far as school goes, i'm at a place I love and i've met some really great people there. Originally, the plan was to go to Maryland for a year and then transfer to a "name" school, to which i had a deal with an automatic transfer lined up. After my first year at UMD I decided to decline the offer from the bigger name to stay where i truly wanted to be. As for my actually schooling, I'm just about where i expected to be, double majoring in Government & Politics and Philosophy, and planning on going to Law school once i finish my undergrad work at UMD. I can't wait to get back, and I am glad that I found a place to spend these 4 years.

Personal-wise, my life is not bad. I have good friends, both up here and at school, and for the most part have a good time with myself. Sure there are some things missing, and there are often times where i'm not as happy as I'd like to be, but overall, things are going pretty well for me.

Thats it i guess.

- virgingrrl - 08-08-2002

growing up i never knew exactly what i wanted to do. so i guess im not on any sort of track...i have changed my major about 5 times, and im not even sure if i want to stick with the one im on now. there is so much that i want to do, and so much that i know i can do...its just a matter of sticking with one thing long enough to get it done. i'll get some where...eventually....

- Kid Afrika - 08-08-2002

I thought I'd be dead by now. So, I guess I'm much better of than I thought I would be, right? RIGHT?!?!