Common courtesy - Do you have it? do you exercise it? - Printable Version

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- Kid Afrika - 08-12-2002

There are some subtle little things we can do in our daily lives that are simply a matter of common courtesy. Would you consider yourself a courteous person?

For instance:

If you are in the left lane of a highway and the person behind you wants to go faster than you, do you...?

A. Slam on your brakes.
B. Move to the right to allow him/her to pass.

You are walking into a store as someone else is walking out, do you...?

A. Hold the door and allow them to exit before you enter.
B. Swing the door open and run in before they have a chance to come out.

You are dining with some friends, sitting in the smoking section (nearly extinct) of the restaurant. You finish before they do, and want to have a cigaretter, do you...?

A. Ask if they mind if you smoke while they eat.
B. Light up.

Driving again, you are merging onto a major thoroughfare, do you...?

A. Punch it and give it everything your car has got?
B. Lolligag and flip off people that nearly rear end you?

You are in a discount store, where the person in line before you has unwittingly left behind one of their many bags, when they left the cashier. On your way to your car, you see the same person in the lot, do you...?

A. Inform them that they left a bag at the cashier.
B. Mind your business.

My answers are honestly A. in most situations. On a shite day, they might lean more towards B., but usually A.

- GonzoStyle - 08-12-2002

Someone posts a thread about a personal issue

A. You Ignore It
B. You reply in a courteous manner
C. You Defile it for your own personal amusement
D. You store the personal info away for use at a later date.

- virgingrrl - 08-12-2002

always a. im too nice. i even say please and thank you and have a good day/night to everyone.

- Kid Afrika - 08-12-2002

hey ES, get your own thread. :-o

But, the answer is C., "Defile it for your own personal amusement."

Final answer.

Edited By Kid Afrika on Aug. 12 2002 at 4:21

- Arpikarhu - 08-12-2002

i am a firm believer that good manners are the grease for the friction in life.i try to be couteous at all times even though i despise mankind

- GonzoStyle - 08-12-2002

Afrika is marking his own threads now, watch that temper you know how darkies have weak hearts.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-12-2002

I'm more A than B, but like Kid said, it really depends on my mood and the day I'm having, it also depends on the type of person it is in question, if its an older person, I tend to be nicer.

I always say please and thank you as well.

- Luna - 08-12-2002

I am mostly the "A" choices, however, it depends on how the day is going.

- OAS - 08-12-2002

I am a model of courteous behavior.

- Kid Afrika - 08-12-2002

I can't believe I do it, but if someone holds a door for me, I always say thank you. I figure they don't have to do it, so there's no reason for me to be a dick about it.

Of course, these are my reactions IRL, my reactions here need not necessarily reflect my actions IRL.

- GonzoStyle - 08-12-2002

I think this thread needs hedcold pizazz idea of a "who cares" option.

- Kid Afrika - 08-12-2002

I think you are the poor man's version of a thread hi-jacker.

- GonzoStyle - 08-12-2002

I am a poor jews version of a man.

- Keyser Soze - 08-12-2002

I'm pretty much the same as K1d when it comes to those situations. It really depends on my mood. I prefer to let the person who is riding my ass in the left lane to lead so if a cop shows up they are more likely to get nailed than i am. I use them like a offensive tackle, leading a path for me.

- GonzoStyle - 08-12-2002

Yes but are you courteous for the reason of;

- you like being polite
- you feel obligated
- it makes you feel better about yourself
- or Cause you think it evens out the bad shit you done.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-12-2002

I'm polite because that's how I was raised...I know that's why I always say please and thank you, and its why I NEVER throw garbage on the floor.

- GonzoStyle - 08-12-2002

How you were raised pooey...

Do you like being nice or feel you have to?

Or do you just feel obligated?

- Luna - 08-12-2002

Being courteous towards others makes me feel better about myself. It's easy to be mean and is more difficult to be kind and understanding.

Edited By LunaBabe on Aug. 12 2002 at 4:34

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-12-2002

I guess I feel like I have to because its the right thing to do. Its funny because when I'm on a rampage I'm demonic, but under normal circumstances, I'm timid.

- GonzoStyle - 08-12-2002

See luna gets a cookie now.