Madden 2003 - It's out!!!! - Printable Version

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- Galt - 08-13-2002


I need to play but I can't.

Anger and jealousy consumes me.

Tell me all the totally sweet new things you can do with this game.

- Arpikarhu - 08-13-2002

simulate football games on yout tv. its the wave of the future

- HedCold - 08-13-2002

the kid i wanted to room with has a ps2 and i would have made him get this game. but, i'm rooming with some other kid and now i can't play. :-(

- PatCooper - 08-13-2002

Wow so this is what the sports forum looks like. Gee i was tricked i thought this was gaming.

- diceisgod - 08-17-2002

Update the uniforms of Madden 2002, tightenen up the graphics a bit and you have Madden 2003. Nonetheless it's pretty fucking cool. I have a six foot erection with a cheeseburger at the end of it.

- Galt - 08-17-2002

that's all you think? Stupid: preseason, custom plays, new draft setup in franchise mode, network capabilities? This game fucking rules.

- PatCooper - 08-17-2002

I dont know i'm kinda tired of the Madden series of games. They are the same every year. Plus his commentary sucks donkey shit. I have yet too play this years but i rented NFL2K3 and it's very fucking cool. This year they have the ESPN licence and it's almost perfect too watching it on the t.v.

- Keyser Soze - 08-17-2002

im a graphics junkie and this madden isnt much different visually than last years so its kind of a disappointment to me.

- diceisgod - 08-17-2002

Oh yeah and Al Michaels being in it is cool too.

- Keyser Soze - 08-18-2002

i would have really liked them to include dennis miller as well

- Sean Cold - 08-18-2002

I have it yet whenever I have time to play a game, I am still hooked to NCAA2003. I can't stop playing this fuckin game. My buddy made the mistake of talkin shit that he was going to whip my ass. Sorry fucker wound up with a -21 total yards. It was the first time I broke 100 in 6 minute quaters.

I need to play Madden already.

- PatCooper - 08-18-2002

I'll ost likely rent madden within the next couple of weeks. Right now i'm hooked on NFL2K3. The graphics kick ass and the replay's are amazing. With the split screen. Very cool.

- Tenbatsuzen - 08-26-2002

I hate to say it, I'm preferring NFL2k3 on pure playability than madden. I have both, but NFL is arcade-like, with Madden having all the bells and whistles.

- Keyser Soze - 08-26-2002

Just looking at the graphics, NFL2k3 looks better. I'm gonna give it a try.

- Galt - 08-27-2002

my buddy moved out, and so not only do I no longer have Madden, but I don't even have a PS2

- Keyser Soze - 08-27-2002

i'll light a candle for you.

- Hybrid - 08-27-2002

wed. we should get some online games goin on. i suck but i'll gladly play others.

- Sean Cold - 09-02-2002

Lame assed shit alert!!!!!!!!

Why in God's name is Andrew WK a playable character and why would I want him on my free agent list?

You know, it's actually beyond lame. It just sucks.

- Hybrid - 09-02-2002


- Keyser Soze - 09-02-2002

wait wait, how do i get the secret player?