Pointless threads - Printable Version

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- Maynard - 08-21-2002

Before you all rip into me, YES...I've been plenty guilty of it.

I say things that make myself laugh. Does anyone else get my jokes? Not most of the time. But I realized one day how much it annoys people. Sure, there are a few that don't care if there's 5 pages of dumb threads, but the majority don't like it. So I really don't start threads about nothing anymore. There are a few of you that do, and do it often. We have thousands of threads on this board right now. Instead of starting a thread just to get people to talk to each other about nothing, couldn't you just drag up one of the countless other threads about nothing?

Just a thought.

Carry on.....

- Arpikarhu - 08-21-2002

this is about whistles, isnt it? Undecided

- Maynard - 08-21-2002

Thank you for outing yourself to everyone that didn't realize you were one of the people I was talking about Arpi.

- Ken'sPen - 08-21-2002

I think it is silly to start a pointless thread about pointless threads....
Cause I don't think it happens much anymore....
I have had enough of my threads ripped that I don't start any new ones.
or no more than one a day.

- OAS - 08-21-2002

Quote:Instead of starting a thread just to get people to talk to each other about nothing, couldn't you just drag up one of the countless other threads about nothing?

Something tells me you're going to be sorry you said that.

- Corpsegrinder13 - 08-21-2002

Quote:Cause I don't think it happens much anymore....


- Maynard - 08-21-2002

Ken, are you fucking cracked???

You can't think that there aren't still TONS of pointless threads started daily.

- Luna - 08-21-2002

Here's a question:
What does it matter if someone starts a pointless thread?
What the fuck does it really matter?
Is it really that big an issue?????

- Arpikarhu - 08-21-2002

luna is going to lose it! RUN!!!!!!!!!!

- Luna - 08-21-2002

Fuckin' A! Confusedneak:

- Ken'sPen - 08-21-2002

I think that a message board needs activity,
I don't come here for content I come for humor.
some things get over done.
But I think Arpi's whistle thread was funny,
there were a few fucking whistle threads going on,
he was pointing out their stupidity with a mock poll,
I find irony funny,
I think everyone should stop worrying about what other people think and just start having fun,
we are critiquing one another into silence.
start a bad thread, get flamed
get flamed laugh at yourself.
it's all good bro.

- Arthur Dent - 08-21-2002

I could care less if a thread is pointless. I'm just sick of the constant repetition. There's no need to repeat the same idea over and over and over again just because your an attention whore.

- Luna - 08-21-2002

Quote:we are critiquing one another into silence.
That is exactly what is happening.

- Maynard - 08-21-2002

Quote:get flamed laugh at yourself.
Now that's some funny fucking irony! Take your own advice Ken. Laugh when people tool on you.

Quote:we are critiquing one another into silence.
There's more people not posting because the content sucks ass then because there are critiques. Trust me on this.

And yeah Luna, it is a big issue when people won't post because the content sucks.

- Arthur Dent - 08-21-2002

Quote:we are critiquing one another into silence.

That is exactly what is happening.

That's almost funny when you think about who is doing the most critiquing around here.

The cry of "Why do you pick on my threads when people post this crap" is getting old.

- Ken'sPen - 08-21-2002

Maynard I think I do laugh at myself.....
more than most.....

- Arpikarhu - 08-21-2002

is this the point where we start posting the "how can we fix O& " threads?

- Luna - 08-21-2002

Quote:And yeah Luna, it is a big issue when people won't post because the content sucks.
Well, call me odd then because I haven't been posting because pretty much all the current threads have run thier course. They go stale after a while.

...and don't you worry Maynard. I won't be starting any threads again. You can thank yourself and your flippant comments for that.

- Maynard - 08-21-2002

No Arpi. But believe it or not, I'M actually tired of not seeing anything good to post in lately. The crap has taken over the board, and I'm just pointing out my displeasure with it. You guys can start a thread about your own personal gripes, why can't I?

- Jack - 08-21-2002

I think we all just need to take a step back and look at what we are doing and what we are to this message board. Last time I checked, we were all members/posters and for the most part, friends. Now why must we rip eachother new assholes over every new thread. Its as simple as reply if you feel like it, don't reply if you don't. I myself tend to not start threads as I find it easier to reply to an exhisting topic. Thats a choice that I made and I have no regrets. Sometimes I feel as if the board is too slow and could use more topics to reply too.