Kids? - Fuckmeintheassifthishasbeendonealready - Printable Version

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- virgingrrl - 08-27-2002


who wants'em? how many?

if no, why not?

if you have kids already, are they at all what you expected them to be like?

- diceisgod - 08-27-2002

Quote:if no, why not?

They smell. They're stupid. They make noise.

- Silera - 08-27-2002

I have them.

I like them most of the time.

My kids are funny except that I'm the butt of all their jokes.

- Luna - 08-27-2002

No. No kids for me. Ever.
I'm far too selfish at this point in my life to have kids. :crackhead:

- IrishAlkey - 08-27-2002

I started a thread like this on the other board.

Can I fuck VG in the ass now? Undecided

- virgingrrl - 08-27-2002

i forgot to answer......

i want babies. millions of them.
3 will be suffice.
i've been a nanny for 7 years, basically raised these kids. i started when they were 1 and 4, at times they see more of me then their parents.
i think i'd be a good mom. :thumbs-up:

- Silera - 08-27-2002

Would you sing to them that my breasts are the best?

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-27-2002

I want kiddies....I used to think I want four, but that's insane...I want 2 or 3...but I want to make sure I have them at the right time in my life.

- HedCold - 08-27-2002

i like kids. when i watch my nieces they get annoying after a while, especially the two yr old cause she knows how to mess with me. but they're funny and even when they piss me off at times they still do something where i have to laugh and i can't bring myself to yell at them.
i think 2 or 3 would be good enough for me

- virgingrrl - 08-27-2002

whats this "other board" you speak of?
no can't. but you can *TOUCH* it.
yes, silera i would. need a nanny?

- Sean Cold - 08-27-2002

Polly, you as a parent makes me shutter, I can't even imagine the shit you would tell them when/if they were bad.

I want two kids, thats more than enough for me.

- Silera - 08-27-2002

I want 2-3 more.

I do need a nanny but I'm sure I couldn't afford you VG. Undecided

- Jack - 08-27-2002

I would like to have kids at some point in my life but not right now. Maybe in 10 years. 2 or 3 will be good. Probably just 2.

- Arthur Dent - 08-27-2002

I've been around kids my whole life. My mother has been babysitting other peoples kids since I was in 7th grade. I probably know more about diapering, feeding, and caring for a kid than most first time parents.

Eventually I want to have a couple of my own, but I'm in NO rush.

- fbd - 08-27-2002

i'd like to have a kid or two in about 10-15 years. i've always like kids, i'm good with my little cousins, they dont annoy me too much.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-27-2002

Quote:Polly, you as a parent makes me shutter, I can't even imagine the shit you would tell them when/if they were bad.

I'd be a good mommy...I'd never hit them...just fuck with their heads real bad....oh and hide in their closets when they had dates over.... :lol:

- diceisgod - 08-27-2002

I might consider having a child just so I could drown it.

- IrishAlkey - 08-27-2002

Quote:I want 2-3 more.

I'm guaranteed 2-3 more sexual encounters!


- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-27-2002

Quote:I might consider having a child just so I could drown it.

:rofl: Holy crap that is so wrong its hysterical.

- virgingrrl - 08-27-2002

Quote:I do need a nanny but I'm sure I couldn't afford you VG.

im not expensive....shit, for the past 7 years i've made about $6 an hour. i watched them for an hour and a half after school, and on saturday's from 7am till 4 pm. then in the summers 6 days a week from 7am till 4pm. was it tourture? yes, at times it was. but to see the smiles on their faces when they saw i was there in morning, all the hugs and kisses, the giggles and the look in their eyes when i taught them something new, makes it all worth it.

this past week i have had off, and i miss them terribly. their mom called me the other day to tell me how they have been bugging her to let them call me or come see me...she even told me a story of how the other night she was tucking the little on in to bed and she says to her "mommy is katie going to be here tommorow?" to which she said no shes not. she then got all upset and said " but i miss her...and she makes the best pancakes for breakfast ever." still my heart.