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- Teenweek - 09-23-2002

PPV was good until the last hour. 8 man tag was ok. Lance Sotrm looked like he got killed when he landed on his head. Women's match was ok. Glad to see Jericho won for once. Flair has jobbed more times lately than Barry Horowitz or Iron Mike Sharpe of days of old. Benoit vs Angle stole the show. Eddie Guerrero vs Edge was good too but they need to move on to new things. RVD vs HHH was what I expected a screw job ending. Did not think it would be Flair but was not surprised when he came down to ringside.

The HLA segment had great potential and I was getting excited until Bischoff got rid of Peaches and Cream and brought out Rikishi in a dress. Tha segment sucked so bad and Steph loses no heat and comes out on top. If Steph went through with those 2 hot girls, she would have been a goddess in my eyes. Damn cunt. Thanks for ruining it.

Undertaker vs Brock sucked. I think Lesnar loses all heat. Undertaker no sold everything. Even though there was a brawl at the end Undertaker came out on top of that too by throwing Lesnar through the Unforgiven sign. Lesnar is now the Undertaker's next big bitch.

- Jack - 09-23-2002

Lesnar definately lost his heat last night. WTF were they thinking? I guess the politics outweigh what is good for the company. Although, I do admit, after the chair shot, the match kinda went into a shoot. Those were some stiff blows they were exchanging.

I was surprised by the 8 man tag. It was a much better match than I would have given it credit for before seeing it. Golddust and Booker T are the next tag champions. They have to be.

I enjoyed the Benoit/Angle match but it is sad that he had to win by cheating. I guess thats just the way of the heal though.

Was it worth 30 bucks? Not really. Damn glad I have a descrambler box.

- Gooch - 09-23-2002

PPV was boring. Flair's turn was fuckin obvious....and about the only highlight. RVD vs Triple H was actually boring until that ending. Brock vs Undertaker was fine...but had no true power over show...and the disqualification was a fuckin cop-out. Undertaker should have taken the loss. Didn't have to be clean...but that slow sack of shit should have gotten pinned. That or Brock should have pulled out the kid from Sara's gut. That would have made it interesting. Last night actually brought Brock down, unfortunately. They could have really set his swath of destruction up until the Rumble...when "someone" COULD make his return (barring the courtroom, which begins Oct 6th).

Only thing good from this PPV is that RAW will be interesting with Flair as a heel. If you notice, Trips has a very Piper-like old-style to him (polo shirts, longer more protracted promos), and I expect Flair to be his manager or as a stable.

- GonzoStyle - 09-23-2002

I liked the benoit vs. angle match a lot, especially the final few minutes. Then they had to go and fuckin ruin it with a cheap win by benoit. The lesnar match started off very good, the finish also ruined things by a lot.

The HHH vs. RVD match is a blessing in disguise, it will give RVD a major push in the coming weeks I believe. Also we all know that among all the heels in the history of the sport, Flair was always one of the best.

- FollowThisLogic - 09-23-2002

Quote:Unforgiven thoughts
Christ, I already watched it, do I have to THINK about it now too?

As has been said so far, it pretty much sucked. Benoit vs. Angle was a Damn fine match - I suppose the ending had a point, though. Both guys, going into the match, were heels. Benoit a true heel and Angle somewhat... shaky. The cheap ending is probably just a means to get Angle over the face/heel borderline.

Any match with Taker annoys the piss out of me automatically. But you've got to think about it from the perspective of the average idiot fan sitting in that arena - remember, these people believe every line of bullshit that the WWE can throw at them... these people, for whatever reason, actually LIKE THE FUCKING UNDERTAKER..... so if you rub "Decade of Destruction" in their faces enough times, they actually believe that Taker is not only a credible wrestler, but a powerful one.

The point? Brock, a new guy, faced this "destructive force" and fought him to a no-contest. He didn't go down, he was just as tough as Taker. That's what's gonna get Brock over with the idiot fans. Everyone knows they never play to the internet crowd.... that was WCW's job.

- Kid Afrika - 09-23-2002

Hey guys, wrestling is scripted. Just a li'l tip for ya.

- Goatweed - 09-24-2002

Stop it, it is not!

- Jack - 09-24-2002

Pft.... And I suppose Santa Claus isn't real either right?

- GonzoStyle - 09-24-2002

Movies are scripted as well, yet you still discuss them.

- Sir O - 09-24-2002

Quote:The point? Brock, a new guy, faced this "destructive force" and fought him to a no-contest. He didn't go down, he was just as tough as Taker. That's what's gonna get Brock over with the idiot fans.
But, Brock barely got any offense in on Taker. And what little offense he did get in, Taker no-sold. So, Brock is good enough to beat Rock clean for the title, he's good enough to beat Hogan clean and put him out of action for a while, but he just can't seem to hurt The Undertaker. That's fucked up.

I watched the tape of the PPV today, it was worse than I'd expected. Politics definitely take precedence over the good of the company, and it fucking sucks. Oh well, MLW Thursday...WWWhat?

- Gooch - 09-25-2002

Thanks for reminding me....

UNDERTAKER sold Brock poorly. Put the champ over, you heap of fuckin shit. You got the least sell his moves. I hope Sarah miscarries, you miserable waste of wrestling skill.

- Sean Cold - 09-25-2002

I taped this piece of dog shit PPV and wished the vcr ate the damned tape. I made it through the whole shitfest in under an hour with Fast foward. The Angle/Benoit match was good with some good spots. Other than that, well, I rather watch a 96 WCW PPV with Waste Luger in the wolf pac.