Vaginas are disgusting - How do you walk around with them? - Printable Version

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- Galt - 10-07-2002

So this girl I’m with has gone to the doctor a few times in the last few years and had cell scrapes that came up with potential cancerous cells. Then they had to get tested, and always came back negative. However the scare was always there.

She was told by her new doctor that if she just went in and had a whole layer of skin taken off from the inside, that she wouldn’t have these scares anymore.

So they did that on Thursday, but it’s all nasty down there now. And I mean REAL nasty!!!!!

For three weeks, she’s going to have nasty fucking discharges. She’s gotta put this peanut butter type goop in her cookie to heal the cuts, or burns or whatever the Hell they did down there.

She goes through like 5 panty liners a day because her coo keeps discharging the goopy slimy mush.

Not only that, but while they were down there, and she would be out of commission for three weeks, she also had a mole removed down near her Asshole.

So, now she’s got a perennially slimy snatch with goopy butter dripping out of it, not to mention two stitches in her Asshole that make it difficult to wipe the proper way, and an all together disgusting looking loin area that makes me want to vomit and recoil in terror when I see it.

And she slept in my bed last night, so I really need to burn those sheets.

- Hey Ladi - 10-07-2002

insensitive prick

Atleast our stuff doesn't jump up ever time a stiff wind blows.

- Galt - 10-07-2002

Well why don't you girls fucking stretch before you ovulate.

Why can't you girls do it right. Guys don't go around having to go to the doctor every year and have a team of mechanics work on our stuff and tune it up.

- OAS - 10-07-2002

Quote:Vaginas are disgusting, How do you walk around with them?
Keeping them 2 steps to the rear and to the right. :bow:

- PollyannaFlower46 - 10-07-2002

You guys might be easier to maintain, but at least we take care of our no-no places....its really not that hard to avoid swamp ass.

- Hey Ladi - 10-07-2002

Quote:Well why don't you girls fucking stretch before you ovulate.
What the fuck does that mean?

I see why no one lets you near one

- Kid Afrika - 10-07-2002

I like pussy. :thumbs-up:

- Galt - 10-07-2002

K1d, I always said the same.

If you ever have the misfortune of being near a swamp thing like this, you might change your tune.

The only redeeming quality is that not only do I not have to touch her, but I can't touch her.


- OAS - 10-07-2002

Quote:but at least we take care of our no-no places
We take better care of them than you do. :fucking:

- Hey Ladi - 10-07-2002

Quote:We take better care of them than you do.
so you say

As I hear it, chick to chick is better. That whole "same team, same equipment" thing. :thumbs-up:

- PollyannaFlower46 - 10-07-2002

Quote:We take better care of them than you do.
Nope...I know how to take care of mine the bestest....I just let you think you know what you're doing.

Oh and Galt, you should milk her for all the oral you can get now....usually when chicks know they can't have sex they want it even more...kiss her neck, get her all hot and then push her head down.

- OAS - 10-07-2002

Quote:I just let you think you know what you're doing.
I'll give you that one. I must admit, I never heard you complain. Just the opposite, that whole "oh my god" thing was pretty convincing. ;-)

- Hey Ladi - 10-07-2002

[Image: skippy_creamy_pack.gif]

who's hungry? :fuckoff:

- PollyannaFlower46 - 10-07-2002

Get the one with the chocolate in it Ladi!

- Hey Ladi - 10-07-2002

hi Polly :lookatme:

Don't you hate it when you have your period and you sit for a long time & then when you stand up you can feel it gush. :thumbs-up:

I'm always afraid of sneezing & popping a plug too.

- JimmyBlueEyes - 10-07-2002

I think it's safe to say that this guy is never gonna get it if his girl ever reads this.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 10-07-2002

:lookatme: Hi Ladi

LOL I sneezed once and did pop a plug on the bus was horrifying...thanfully I had on a pad too to catch the drippage. :clueless:

- OAS - 10-07-2002

Quote:Don't you hate it when you have your period and you sit for a long time & then when you stand up you can feel it gush.
I hate that whole sloshing around feeling you get when railing one that's about to gush. It feels like your nailing a rotten watermelon.

- Galt - 10-07-2002

Quote:I think it's safe to say that this guy is never gonna get it if his girl ever reads this

She's sitting right next to me in class, and you're right.

I can't even look at her without thinking of the science experiment that's fermenting in her jeans.

- Ants in My Pants - 10-07-2002

I'm never eating again.