Gay and lesbian organizations - And why they all must die... - Printable Version

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- Austin - 10-22-2002

You have got to be fucking kidding me. At what point did we become so fucking moronic and weak as a society that anyone plays a discrimination card? The Gay and Lesbian Irish Association is now bitching about how they want to march in St. Patty's Day Parade, and how they should be allowed to march because they are gay. Since when is your sexual prefrence anywhere near relevant to a friggin St. Patricks Day Parade? Everything comes down to using your prefrences and personal likes as leverage. You don't see me making a coalition about how I love tits and vag. Come the fuck on already.
At this point it's a fucking joke how low they are going, if you want to march, march as a drunk irishman, not as a gay drunk irishman. Fuck em all... :fuckoff:

- ClusterF@#$ - 10-22-2002

[Image: faggots.jpg]

Seriously... I say let 'em march. They're here, they're queer, they will not disappear. They aint hurtin nobody.... they been bitching about it forever... what's the big deal. Not like New York hasn't seen or tolerated freakier people.. I don't get the whole wearing your sexuality on you like a badge either.... but so what if they wanna march? Let em.

- Austin - 10-22-2002

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hey, I'm not sayin they shouldn't march, but the premise that they want to is completely wacked.

- Mad - 10-22-2002

Militant fagots and dyke's should go back in the closet and nail the fucking door shut.

Fags love parades, what gives?

- Noellevious - 10-23-2002

Quote:You don't see me making a coalition about how I love tits and vag.
Only 'cause you're lazy. :thumbs-up:

- Austin - 10-23-2002

Do I have to do anything?

- LyricalGomez - 10-23-2002

You have to openly love tits and vag

- Mad - 10-23-2002

Count me in.

Love the T,V and A.

- LyricalGomez - 10-23-2002

I also invite women to join us in celebrating T V and A

- fbd - 10-23-2002

i love the tenesse valley authority

- crx girl - 10-23-2002

i like boobies

- Goatweed - 10-23-2002

Count me in too - I can provide the financial backing/sponsorship. I'm always looking for a tax deduction :-D

- GonzoStyle - 10-23-2002

I like Ass, vag and Tits. In that order.

- Buttmunch - 10-23-2002

I hate agendas.

- GonzoStyle - 10-23-2002

But you like ass.

- LyricalGomez - 10-23-2002

You acctually do not have to love all three to become part of the coalition....

I will see about our first meeting, can anyone suggest a good stripclub?

- GonzoStyle - 10-23-2002

Let me process NJStrawberry, she will give you all the stripclub info you need.

Before I do that, we'll need to get rid of this smiley.. Rolleyes

- LyricalGomez - 10-23-2002


- GonzoStyle - 10-23-2002

I wish she would roll her eyes once to often and be unable to roll 'em back.

- LyricalGomez - 10-23-2002

Then you could skullfuck her and she would'nt be able to identify you :thumbs-up: