Odd habits/rituals you have - Aka the ocd thread - Printable Version

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- Hey Ladi - 10-24-2002

I realized I have a few ...

~> I always shower top to bottom, washing in the same order
~> I can't leave work until I put all my pens back in the cup & markers in the drawer
~> I shave in the same order every time
~> deodorent goes right side then left, and if I do the right side a 2nd time, I have to do the left again
~> I shut off my car pretty much the same way

I think I had more, but I forgot

- Kid Afrika - 10-24-2002

I beat people, that post stupid topics, about the head and neck with a baseball bat uncontrollably(word?)

- The Jays - 10-24-2002

... well, the only odd ritual of mine involves a pentagram drawn on the ground in blood with a dead dog in the middle of it and the burning of assorted incense....

- Hybrid - 10-24-2002

i crack the big toe on my right foot over and over and over again. it hurts after a while. like now.

- LZMF1 - 10-24-2002

i have too many............................

you really don't wanna know.

- Hey Ladi - 10-24-2002

bite me Kid, you know you have them too

- LZMF1 - 10-24-2002


- Sweet Angel - 10-24-2002

Ladi, I do all those same things. You mean it's not normal? I also follow exactly the same schedule every workday morning. If I deviate, I get all confused and it screws up my whole day.

- LyricalGomez - 10-24-2002

I never eat just one Starburst, I always squish two together to make weird combinations

- Keyser Soze - 10-24-2002

i dont have any really weird habits but my ex-girlfriend had some weird OCD things like she couldnt drink soda or iced tea or something bad would happen. she also was meticulous about how things were arranged in her room. i'm far less anal about things and i used to drive her crazy about how easy going i am.

- Kid Afrika - 10-24-2002

Quote:bite me Kid, you know you have them too
My OCD consists of overthinking any situation to make sure that I negotiate in the most efficient manner possible. I map everything out (not literally) to the point that I don't take a wasted step in any journey.

- ClusterF@#$ - 10-24-2002

I know this guy who can only leave the volume on a tv on odd markers. He has a tapping problem, where he has to put something down exactly the right way. If it aint right.. he taps the object until he gets it in the right position.

I have a tapping complex too... every time i am walking close to a wall, I have to tap it with my right hand at strategic points... usually right before a doorway, or near a corner. I am a neat freak, and can't stand clutter.... things on my desk always have to be in the right place.