The pranks you've pulled.... - Halloween and beyond - Printable Version

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- Danked - 10-31-2002

When I was twelve, my parents through this huge Halloween bash for some of our relatives and family friends. To keep us occupied so they could get absolutely obliterated, as most of their parties went, they put up the tent in the backyard and sent all of us kids out there to hang out. Anyway, my brother and I started to tell this story about the real life murder-suicide that happened next door decades ago, but leaving out the part about the guy's suicide. We told them that he had gotten arrested all those many years ago and had escaped. The cops had come door-to-door to let us in the neighborhood know that he might come back to his old home and that we should be constantly aware of strangers in the neighborhood matching his description. We go on and on in detail about this murder and how he had stabbed his mother with a huge kitchen knife which was never recovered. The kids in the tent were getting consistently uneasy and wanted to get out of the tent and go back inside. Just as they were getting up to unzip the tent and leave, my brother who is outside the tent turns on this bright flashlight and shines it at the tent. Standing in front of it he waves a kitchen knife and casts this menacing silhouette that can be seen from the inside of the tent. Everyone starts freaking out and screaming and trying to literally claw through the rear of the tent where the wasn't an exit. It was great. Naturally, everyone from the party came running out when they heard the screams and we were grounded for the rest of the week, but it was so worth it.

- GonzoStyle - 10-31-2002

It woulda been cooler if someone pooped their pants.

- Hybrid - 10-31-2002

i can poop my pants right now if you want

- LyricalGomez - 10-31-2002

Let me take it away before Gonzo says it

Yeah, you could, but you'd mess it up

- GonzoStyle - 10-31-2002

Hybrid poops his pants on a regular basis, when he is nowhere near a familiar toilet.

I'd tell one of mine but mine are way too lame.

- Hybrid - 10-31-2002

i can crap in a chef boyardee cup and microwave it

- GonzoStyle - 10-31-2002

You'd have to open it first and then get comfortable enough to shit. I'd be collecting social security before that happens.

- Danked - 10-31-2002

These are all very excellent pranks. :bow:

- GonzoStyle - 10-31-2002

I shit in kitty litter.

- nerdo5 - 10-31-2002

once at college, we called a kid we hated, and pretended to be physical plant, needing to do some flooring work in his dorm room. we needed for him to empty out his room for about an hour, during his classtime, naturally. He put all of his stuff out in the hallway while he went for class. he was smart enough to put all of his valuables in someone else's room, but ended up moving his clothes, bed, footlocker, etc. out into the hall. by the time he came back, most of his clothes had been "damaged", or stolen. we felt so bad for the kid. not bad enough to fess up, but pretty bad. this sounds like one of those urban legends, and it is. that's where we got the idea.

- Danked - 10-31-2002

Oh yeah. Gonzo wins.

- Gooch - 10-31-2002

Quote:I shit in kitty litter.

ha ha...i remember that story from the OA thread.

- GonzoStyle - 10-31-2002

Something about a blood soaked tampon, cum on a cracker, blowjobs from a tranny, finger or penis? Dankeds was pretty cool though.

I have no haloween ones, I threw eggs at a car once.

- LyricalGomez - 10-31-2002

I stole Gonzo's strawberries

- nerdo5 - 10-31-2002

we used to put bologna on cars. we had heard that the oil in the bologna releases the clearcoat in auto paint, but we were never smart enough to stick around and see. we did used to shoot bottle rockets at other kids who were out trick or treating. that was fun.

- Danked - 10-31-2002

There was this other Halloween a couple of years later where we rigged our room because we knew we'd be pulling out the Ouija board that night. We tied fishing line to the window blinds so that we could make it look like it was rattling on it's own and set up all all sorts off things to come crashing down off the shelves when we yanked on another line. We waited till it got really quiet during the Ouija sessionand then just let all Hell break loose.

- Arpikarhu - 10-31-2002

a friend of mine told me that he had to send his green card and that he would recieve a new one in 2 weeks. i downloaded the seal from the department of immigration and messengered a letter to him saying that he had 10 days to report with his green card or his status as a resident alien would be revoked and that he would be deported. he freaked out!! i finally told him after 2 hours when he started to call an immigration lawyer.

- Jack - 10-31-2002

Arpi's last post sucked.

- nerdo5 - 10-31-2002

arpi that's rough.

- Arpikarhu - 10-31-2002

Quote:Arpi's last post sucked.

does that mean the last post in this thread or the last post i made? i mean is it a floating judgment?