Your economic confidence - A thread for painter - Printable Version

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- OAS - 11-08-2002

We are rapidly heading into one of the worst economic times I have seen in my life (sorry, contrary to popular belief I missed the great depression). Does this worry you? Do you even care? Did you even realize things are going to Hell, very fast?

How do you feel this will affect you. If it gets bad enough, are you ready to eat beans and soup like your grandparents had to do?

What about savings, investments, debts. Many of you are carrying college loan debt. Will you be able to find work to pay those debts off?

Who's fault is it. The Rebublicans? The Democrats? Big business? We went from the strongest economy this nation has ever seen to the brink of caos in 3 short years. What is going to happen to your generation because of this?

Your thoughts.

- Hybrid - 11-08-2002

goo goo gah gah

- FAST FREDDY - 11-08-2002

well put


- Luna - 11-08-2002

Quote:Does this worry you? Do you even care? Did you even realize things are going to Hell, very fast?
Yes. Yes. Yes.

I'm very concerned about this shit right now and my buisness has been feeling it, as well. :disappointed:

- LyricalGomez - 11-08-2002

Quote:goo goo gah gah

I don't know why but that always makes me laugh out loud

Maybe it's because I imagine you doing the same thing in real life

- OAS - 11-08-2002

I had to lay some people off a couple of weeks ago. First time ever in over 20 years of my working in IT. Up to now, it was a recession proof industry.

- FAST FREDDY - 11-08-2002

Quote:I don't know why but that always makes me laugh out loud

I'm still laughing! Im dyin' over here!


- LyricalGomez - 11-08-2002

I think people got to confident....There has to be a slump in the economy, look throughout history, it looks like a wave, and currentlly we are down, it had to happen sooner or later.

- Luna - 11-08-2002

I may be leaving NYC behind and going home to PA permanently soon. :-(

Edited By LunaBabe on 1036721406

- crx girl - 11-08-2002

at the risk of being the boring moron with a serious response...

as many of you know i'm a waitress. so, being in an industry that relies entirely on other people having money to spend, this is a very stressful time for me. granted, i'm not working at the same place i was 2 years ago, but then a really bad slow lunch, i'd walk with at least $50. now, i'm lucky if i make 30, and all of the staff right now are practically begging for more shifts, but without the customers i don't get the extra hours. i've also noticed that people aren't tipping so well anymore, i'm good at what i do and i'd gotten used to getting 18-20% tips, now half the time i'm lucky to get 15. so, yeah, i'm way beyond broke right now and my credit card debt is pretty ridiculous.

i don't know who's to blame, but i did notice a difference in the amount of business we were getting after the 2k election. the place i worked then closed down the following february. i then worked at a summer place and made 10k between may and september of last year. the waiters at the same place this year barely made 5k... :disappointed:

- OAS - 11-08-2002

There are always slumps Gomez. This has been a nosedive. It may be one that we will not be able to reverse for some time.

- Luna - 11-08-2002

In the past 6 months our health insurance companies have cut thier fees by about 3/4. It's ridiculous.
What gets paid doesn't even cover overhead costs. :crackhead:

- GonzoStyle - 11-08-2002

I always hear how bad the economy is, yet I never really see it. Then again the job market is horrible.

- crx girl - 11-08-2002

Quote:There has to be a slump in the economy, look throughout history, it looks like a wave, and currentlly we are down, it had to happen sooner or later.
this is true. with the way the stock market was going there was bound to be a correction. however, all the corruption in the large companies coupled with the sept 11 attacks have turned what would have been a small bump in the road into a major problem.

- Luna - 11-08-2002

Quote:This has been a nosedive.
Indeed it has.

- Hybrid - 11-08-2002

indeed. i wonder how my parents are doing. :-D

- Weird NJ - 11-08-2002

Well if we are being serious here, I'm as ignorant as they come. I don't know anything about our economy let alone my own personal finances. Maybe I just don't care. I wouldn't know what to do with the money if I ever came across any. Right now I'm just worrying keeping my head above water. Undecided

- LyricalGomez - 11-08-2002

I'm not saying it isn't an extreme dive, I'm just saying too many people were suprised by it.....They really need to teach this stuff in school, I saw too many friends invest heavily in the stock market only to lose most of their money

- GonzoStyle - 11-08-2002

Cigarettes prices are too high, that upsets me.

The only constant in life is Wrigleys 25 cent packs of gum, they been 25 cents as long as I can remember. That and 25 cent bags of chips, always been 25 cents.

- Is Don on the phone? - 11-08-2002

The Republicans have quite a task ahead of them. Since they now control the Congress, and the Clinton excuse is fast growing stale, it is make-or-break time. And W had better learn from his father's mistakes: he finds himself in similar circumstances.

I remember how hard NYC was hit by the last recession, although it went along with the crack wars and one of the most apathetic mayors in the city's history-again,it seems as if history is ready to repeat itself. Damn term limits....