Sports Own You - The Fans Are Mindless Twits - Printable Version

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- Keyser Soze - 11-25-2002

Todays world of sports is nothing but another part of the machine and you are all cogs. Teams are nothing more than faceless corporations with uniforms representing a marketing device which you will glady plunk down your hard earned cash to own several variations of.

Lets face it, with todays free agency market the likelyhood of the same team existing from year to year is non-existant. Especially when it comes to baseball. You really are just rooting for a corporation and a piece of laundry.

Fans today are suckered into throwing ridiculous amounts of money to overpaid, ego bloated, self centered athletes who could care less about the logo on their jersey and more about their individual statistics.

I say if you are going to be a fan, the idea of rooting for a team is dead. This is the age of rooting for a player. Root for him to squeeze the owners for as much cash as possible. Root for him to break every record he can achieve. Teams today come and go, at least with a player you can follow him for the life of his career, which far exceeds todays average life expectancy of sticking around with your hometown squad.

Fans are stupid. They cry about how overpaid athletes are and how greedy they can be and then they go and plunk down the ridiculous amount of money it costs to go see these same people they claim to hate. If they wanted to change things they would put their money where their mouth is and stick it back in their pocket. Stop supporting the players you despise. They just can't do it. Like lambs being sent to slaughter they file in every year. They can't help it.

- DGW - 11-25-2002

you calling me stupid?

- Gooch - 11-25-2002

is this an article or a post???

And, does this apply to being a fan of a band or rock group???

- QuickStop - 11-25-2002

go islanders!

- Jack - 11-25-2002

It's both an article and a post. Topics that are started in this forum are automatically ported to the front page. :thumbs-up:

We wanted people to be able to reply to the articles so we set it up this way.

Edited By Jack on 1038244935

- Gooch - 11-25-2002

actually, Jack, it was addressed to Keyser...since he wrote the post I was referring to. No offense, Jackypooo. :banana:

- Sloatsburgh - 11-25-2002

Athletes tell me what sneakers to wear and the corporations that own these teams tell me what phone service to use.

- Keyser Soze - 11-25-2002

its an article, an editorial, and a post. its all of the above.

and yes, this goes for being a fan of anything where the people you are fans of are only interested in your money. sure there are exceptions to this rule. some bands and teams really care about their fans. but generally this is far from true.

- HedCold - 11-25-2002

but projectpseudo cares about us, right? :clueless:

- Sloatsburgh - 11-25-2002

projectpseudo has fans?

- Keyser Soze - 12-03-2002

project pseudo <3's you

- The Sleeper - 06-18-2003


- onehung - 06-19-2003

Gatorade is good.

- LyricalGomez - 06-19-2003

Why is Sleeper pulling this Fast Freddy routine?

- DGW - 06-19-2003


- The Sleeper - 06-20-2003

Quote:Why is Sleeper pulling this Fast Freddy routine?
eeeexcuuuuuuuseee meeeeee?

- LyricalGomez - 06-20-2003

Don't you remember? This is how Freddy got banned from

- The Sleeper - 06-21-2003

i assure you my actions were not influenced by fast freddy in the least

- Is Don on the phone? - 06-21-2003

Quote:overpaid, ego bloated, self centered


- x-file - 06-25-2003

I thought sports were meant to be viewed as something that every interested person watches in order to unwind, have fun, some getaway from the worlds troubles. Sure there are super fans who don't miss a game, follow the team to different stadiums. That might be viewed as little over the top. But for the most part, sports are viewed as enjoyment for the fan. Something that can be a fun thing. As soon as you start getting into the whole business of your team your rooting for or any other point like that, the fun of it is taken away.