HA HA fuckers!! - Printable Version

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- Arpikarhu - 12-10-2002

my girlfriend just made a butterscotch cheesecake and you cant have any! it's all for me!!!

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1039494740

- Goatweed - 12-10-2002

butterscotch sucks - strawberry cheesecake is the only way to go.

- Jack - 12-10-2002

Yeah... clog those arteries.

- Hybrid - 12-10-2002


- Mad - 12-10-2002

The butterscotch is really used motor oil.

Blueberry cheesecake is mmmmm good.


- Arpikarhu - 12-10-2002

she made a raspberry cheesecake last week that would have changed your politcal views.

- Mad - 12-10-2002


- Goatweed - 12-10-2002

strawberry > raspberry (at least when it comes to cheesecake)

- The Jays - 12-10-2002

....I want a new thread devoted to someone getting a blow job while playing Vice City.... otherwise, I ain't reading any more Arpi threads.....

- Arpikarhu - 12-10-2002

you will be missed

- Rape Fantasizer - 12-10-2002

Why on earth would anyone fuck with cheesecake by making it butterscotch flavored? My cheesecake would kick your gf's out of the water. I've got the true guinea recipe, none of this butterscotch shit.

- TheGMANN - 12-10-2002

Quote:I've got the true guinea recipe........

Since when are you a true guinea anything ??? :-p

- Rape Fantasizer - 12-10-2002

Quote:Since when are you a true guinea anything ???
Ever since I moved into "a soprano house". And fuck you george, just cause you're a mutt doesn't mean you need to make fun of others to feel better about yourself. :bouncer:

- Metalfan - 12-10-2002

Hey Arpi....where'd she get the butterscotch?

Still like the way it tastes now???

- Maynard - 12-10-2002

I played Vice City AFTER I jerked off last night. Does that count?

- IrishAlkey - 12-10-2002

I drank scotch last night.

Same difference.

- Gooch - 12-10-2002

Italian Cheesecake from Junior's rules.

Pumpkin Cheesecake is more gooder.