The transit strike - Let's discuss - Printable Version

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- Suzie - 12-12-2002

I don't even work and I know this is gonna completely fuck up my life. Who else will get burned without public transportation? At least maybe I can make money riding over the bridge with commuters.
I think the worst part of the contingency plan is delaying school start. Parents still have to be at work on time, their kids will be out on the streets unsupervised.

- Keyser Soze - 12-12-2002

They should throw raw meat at the strikers and sic wild dogs on them. Theres nothing worse than f'ing with someones commute.

- Mad - 12-12-2002

The commuters should attack and beat the strikers to death. That would show them who is boss.

- The Sleeper - 12-12-2002

eh, I have legs

- Goatweed - 12-12-2002

This strike shouldn't affect me too much as far as the commute goes, because the trains and the ferries will be running on staten island, plus I walk to work once I get off the ferry. The one problem I foresee is there being way too many people taking the train and the ferry now, and it's already too fuckin' crowded in the morning.

- Suzie - 12-12-2002

Don't forget overcrowding in the parking lots for the trains and ferries.
The transit workers have the entire city by the balls.

- Goatweed - 12-12-2002

if the trains weren't running, I'd have to drive and park at the ferry - which I used to do years ago, and it was kinda tough to get a spot then!

Hopefully the strike will be averted, but it's really not looking good.

- Skitchr4u - 12-12-2002

I also heard rumor that bloomberg wanted to limit cars going into manhattan to only carpool vehicles (3 people or more) this true? or was I watching fox news again?

- Suzie - 12-12-2002

It's even worse than that. It's 4 ppl during the week and 2 on weekends. I hope to rent out my services as a passenger and make some cash.

- Keyser Soze - 12-12-2002

the opportunities for a capitalistic individual in this situation are mouthwatering.

- Skitchr4u - 12-12-2002

suzie, how much would it cost me for you to be my passenger??? lol

- Keyser Soze - 12-12-2002

i'd like to take her to lunch Wink

- Suzie - 12-12-2002

I'm gonna scope it out and first see what the smelly homeless ppl are offering. Probably twice the going rate, say $40?

- Skitchr4u - 12-12-2002

but suzie, if they are homeless, how are they gonna drive you to the city?

- Keyser Soze - 12-12-2002

I think i'm going to start a rickshaw (sp?) service in lower manhattan.

- Suzie - 12-12-2002

No, no, the homeless are my competition for riding in cars with boys. I hope to appear (and smell) more desirable so commuters will choose me to get them over the bridge.
Believe it or not, they actually have rickshaws in the city now, and the fuckers drive in the left lane. Freaks me out when I'm driving behind them.

- Keyser Soze - 12-12-2002

Damn, i thought i was onto something there. maybe i can offer piggy back rides instead.

- Mad - 12-12-2002

Just your lucky a 350lb black woman needs a lift. Care to help her out?

- GonzoStyle - 12-12-2002

Suzie by the time you wake up people are finishing work, not starting.

- Suzie - 12-12-2002

That's true, but sometimes when ppl are starting work I'm still up from the night before. Although at that hour of the morning, I often do look and smell like a homeless person.