Tipping - Why & Who - Printable Version

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- Hey Ladi - 12-16-2002

Ok, so I tip at bars & restaurants pretty much because I'm supposed to.

But what about all those other places, Dunkin Donuts has a cup out, and someone once told me they tip the gas attendants.... Anyone do that? Do you believe it should depend on good service?

I don't often tip the coffee people because I find them unattentive.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 12-16-2002

I tip at bars and restuarants...if I'm paying $5 for a cup of coffee, I assume they're getting paid well enough not to need my spare change. I don't tip at the gas station, because I always use self-serv. I tip my manicurist, the woman who I go to for waxing, and my hair lady as well.

- The Sleeper - 12-16-2002

Insert Reservoir Dogs quote here

- LyricalGomez - 12-16-2002

I'm having the strangest feeling of Deja-Vu

I usually throw my change into those little tip cups at say Dunkin Donuts or Subway, that way it doesn't jingle in my pocket

- The Sleeper - 12-16-2002

I wonder how much Lou Weed tips...

- crx girl - 12-16-2002

outside of bars and restaurants i don't know who you're supposed to tip either, i probably tip a little excessively.

the reason it's so important to tip bar and waitstaff is because that's their main source of pay. most get about half of minimum wage at best so they rely on the tips for a living. i don't think enough people realize this, and it's a flawed system, if it were up to me, there'd be a service charge on the check, or we'd get paid properly, but anyway...

as far as other people, if they're being paid a decent wage, then tipping should be up to you if and how much you give.

- Jack - 12-16-2002

I tend to tip more to female rather than male waitresses. Especially if she is hot. I always leave a tip though. Even if the only thing that they bring me is a soda.

Edited By Jack on 1040009954

- Hey Ladi - 12-16-2002

Quote:I'm having the strangest feeling of Deja-Vu
I thought there was another thread, but couldn't remember what was said

If you think about it, there are quite a few people who may or may not expect it. Like you're supposed to tip anyone who moves your bag for you on vacation, right .... like the bellhop or a bus driver. What about desk people? It's not really a tip is it, if you are looking for a better room?

What about drycleaners, car washes....
Food delivery people expect it, right? But what about the UPS man?

- Goatweed - 12-16-2002

I always tip at a restaurant, and always 15% - at this time of the year, I do 20%.

Once in a while I'll tip the Dunkin' Donuts places, or places with a tip-cup (esp. small mom & pop places, like pizzerias.

I never tip at the gas station because full service gas costs more than self-serve because they pump the gas for you. The way I see it, I already tipped them by being lazy - why should I give more?

I used to work for tips, so thats probably why I tip high and often (we go out to eat a lot, esp. lately) - even if the service sucks, I'll leave a decent tip.

- TheGMANN - 12-16-2002

As I am reading this I just happened to be watching Resevoir Dogs on dvd....nice huh ??

When Im at the bar I usually tip a dollar per drink. If the baretender buys a round I leave a dollar per what she bought back.At a res taurant I usually double the tax and round it off....does that sound right ???

- Hey Ladi - 12-16-2002

well... tax is only like 6 or 7% right? so doubling it is only 12 or 14ish. whereas some prefer closer to 20. :-D :clueless:

- crx girl - 12-16-2002

in nyc it's 8.25 so doubled is 16.5% of the pretax bill. it's about the minimum that i expect. it's not been happening lately though Undecided

and please excuse me while i bitch for a moment, but when did 10% become acceptable? just because the economy's not doing so well people seem to have decided to punish me. and if you're paying with credit card, leave the tip in cash please, we get taxed on credit card tips... not that we don't get taxed on cash too, but only 10% of our total sales, on credit it all gets taxed and i can't afford to pay taxes...

- TheGMANN - 12-16-2002 tell em Steve-dave!!!

- PeterDragon - 12-16-2002

Quote:while i bitch for a moment, but when did 10% become acceptable? just because the economy's not doing so well people seem to have decided to punish me. and if you're paying with credit card, leave the tip in cash please, we get taxed on credit card tips...

You have every right to bitch...
I always leave 15-20% and cash tip unless service is poor.

I also tip the barber when I get a haircut - but there are others I'm not sure what is right. Do you tip a guy who helps bring your stuff to your car (like at a PC richards)? I tip guys who valet my car, but should I tip a guy at a lot when I get my own car? that seems stupid.

Speaking of $5 coffee, there is a bud light commercial with that - that it takes real guts to put out a tip jar for $5 latte.

I never mind tipping waitresses, but it sux that they rely on that for their pay - they should be paid decent wages, with tips being extra for good service. As it is now, it is just a hidden tax on food.

- Keyser Soze - 12-16-2002

20%+ always, in special cases like Dunkin Donuts or whatnot, i'll throw them my change or a buck if they really go out of their way

- FollowThisLogic - 12-16-2002

Usually I do between 15 and 20 for a mediocre job, 20 for a good job, more for excellent. Crappy job, under 15. I tend to use my drink as a gauge for tipping - especially if it's a soda with free refills. If there are free refills, I should never have an empty glass. If a refill is brought without even asking me, they just noticed it's low, definite bonus points. Or if they ask me if I want another before the current one is finished. Points off if it gets empty. More points off if I was asked if I want a new one, after it's already empty, and they forget. Those points can be regained if they remember later, without me having to ask again.

It's a system, really... I think it works.

As far as DD/Starbucks/places with tip jars, I'll dump the change in the jar simply cause I don't need more pocket change, unless there are a few quarters in the change and laundry is coming up.

- JimmyBlueEyes - 12-16-2002

When Drinking, they always get a dollar for every drink. Once I only had a 5 and I was buying coke. She gave me the coke for free so I slipped her the 5 as a tip. In a restaurant it depends on the quality of service. Usually 20% depends on my mood.

- PlasticMan - 12-16-2002

At a bar one time, some guy next to me must have bought a $3.75 drink and left four, or something like that. I saw the bartender find the cash, go to the register, hunt the guy down, and hand him back his quarter. "This isn't a tip. Don't ever come to me for a drink again."


- krahzee - 12-16-2002

I tip based on service. I once had a waitress not get water for the table after being asked for it four times. Our order came out 45 minutes later. I wouldn't care but it was 3AM at a diner and nobody else was there. She got one dollar and a note as to why.

That said, I used to work in the industry as well, so most get at least 20% from me. My friends and i once went out to eat after a long night of drinking and tipped 40%. We all thought someone else was going to be cheap and threw in an extra two to three dollars a piece.

Bartenders get at least 1.50 from me per. I drink hard shit (Jack &Coke), and find that that gets me alot stronger drinks than just a dollar. If the drink is three dollars they get a five and keep the change for the first few then a little less depending on my cash situation.

My barbers get two to three dollars, sometimes 5 depending on how much care and time they take.

The UPS guy at work get 100 every Christmas, since he bails our ass out when something arrives we can't pay for. We pay company check for shit, but sometimes the vendor will ship certified only without telling us. Our driver will come back later that afternoon if we need that package that day (while the boss goes to the bank to get a money order) , often allowing us to get the job done on time.

- DGW - 12-16-2002

between 15 and 20 percent at restaurants
bars.... usually per drink as previouslt stated by another
carwash...yes, usually 2 bux to the guy who dryz my car
d and d get no tip
gas station no
the chic who cutz my hair gets 6 bux
i've alwayz thought of myself as a good tipper