Conservatives against saving lives - Why i want us to die as a society - Printable Version

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- IkeaBoy - 02-15-2002

I don't really post many articles here but this one disgusting me. I don't have a high opinion/value of human life but you know, if someone is saying a way to save lives, sure great, fine. But when people actually bash the person giving ideas to save lives because it involves CONDOMS!!!! I want to punch something, preferably them. And to make things worse, I'm agreeing with a black guy. Anyway here's the article...enjoy

Quote:Colin Powell's Stance on Condoms Draws Fire
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Comments by Secretary of State Colin Powell encouraging the use of condoms to fight the spread of AIDS have drawn fire from some conservative supporters of the Bush administration who suggested the remarks were at odds with White House policy.

During a teleconference on the music television network MTV on Thursday, Powell told a global audience he believed condoms were part of the solution to the HIV/AIDS crisis and encouraged their use by young people who were sexually active.

In my own judgement, condoms are the way to prevent infection and, therefore, I not only support their use, I encourage their use,'' he said in response to a question from a young Italian.

Powell added, ``Forget about taboos, forget about conservative ideas with respect to what you should tell young people about it. It's the lives of young people that are put at risk by unsafe sex, and therefore protect yourself.''

The administration of Republican President Bush has not taken a stance against condoms. But the White House strongly advocates abstinence as the best option for preventing sexually transmitted diseases and promotes ``abstinence-only'' programs to curb teen-age pregnancies.

Former Republican presidential candidate and Christian activist Gary Bauer said on Thursday that condoms gave people a ''false sense of security'' and told Powell to ``follow the lead of the Bush administration which he serves.''

The conservative organizations Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council said Powell's comments directly contradicted the policy of his boss.

``Colin Powell is a career soldier. He knows what it means to follow the commander in chief. We have to assume he wouldn't contradict his boss without approval,'' said Dr. James Dobson, president of Focus on the Family. ``If that's not the case, the president needs to publicly repudiate these statements immediately.''

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer told The Washington Post that Powell's message was consistent with White House policy. He said Powell ``limited his answer to people who are sexually active.''

- Gooch - 02-15-2002

Colin Powell obviously is not allowed an opinion. Though, if the opposite was said say by someone from the Left, the same thing would happen. The polar extremes of Left and Right in this country are so entrenched, they do not allow there to be any leeway or middleground.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 02-15-2002

Gooch Wrote:``Colin Powell is a career soldier. He knows what it means to follow the commander in chief. We have to assume he wouldn't contradict his boss without approval,'' said Dr. James Dobson, president of Focus on the Family. ``If that's not the case, the president needs to publicly repudiate these statements immediately.''
That by far might be the funniest thing I ever read. He basically said that since he's a career soilder he's basically a robot. Robots don't get to be Secretarys of State.

- Galt - 02-15-2002

The comments shitting on Powell were made by Gary Bauer and a religious/conservative group, and inferrences made by the author about what they thought the Bush administration thinks. None of these have anything to do with the actual administration, and the only comment from Bush's camp said essentially, he said nothing that disagrees with the Bush administration.

I hate religious political groups. All they do is give the right wing a bad name. I wish they'd find a new cause and quick fucking up the conservative name with their idiocy.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 02-15-2002

Galt Wrote:I wish they'd find a new cause and quick fucking up the conservative name with their idiocy.
Its because of religious groups getting involved with politics that the sentiment of separation of church and state has become a total sham. There are political views and then there are religious ones, those should not EVER be confused.

- WhipThisFez - 02-15-2002

Quote:Why i want us to die as a society

I'm sure we'd settle with just you.

- Sloatsburgh - 02-15-2002

PollyannaFlower46 Wrote:
Galt Wrote:I wish they'd find a new cause and quick fucking up the conservative name with their idiocy.
Its because of religious groups getting involved with politics that the sentiment of separation of church and state has become a total sham. There are political views and then there are religious ones, those should not EVER be confused.
The separation of Church and State means that there will NOT be a State sanctioned religion like practically all of Europe (except I believe Germany, Spain, and Denmark) had. It does not state that religion will not have an influence on government nor does it state that for government purposes, no religious beliefs will be allowed. All of our currency has IGWT. That simply stipulates that the Government believes in a God. But it does not say which one it believes in. It is Lutherian, Calvinists, Methodist, Anglican, etc.... Enter the Catholics into Pennsylvania, a spackling of Jews, creation of the Shakers, Mormons, .... and lo an behold, there is a general accepted belief in a God, but specific religious beliefs are not held above others (i.e. is Ash Wednesday a holy day/holiday or not).

Just remember, religious is a big part of certain people's lives and people are a big part of this government. You cannot just have the attitude that even if it's immoral, if it's good for the State, we should do it. I.E. you have been accused of murder, well (the wife of Caesar should be above such accusations) then you are probably bad for the State so we will eliminate you from Society.

- AdolescentMasturbator - 02-15-2002

I hope you do realize that the religious undertones in money, pledge of allegiance weren't originally there. The founding fathers were either deists(Washington, Jefferson, Franklin), some accounts being Atheists, and liberal Christians(Adams was a Unitarian). In fact the Declaration of Independence was attacked for not mentioned Christ. The founding fathers were extremely weary of religon. They saw what had happened in Europe and they didn't want the same thing happening in America.

- Gooch - 02-16-2002

All I know is that Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton in a duel. Those had to be the days.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 02-16-2002

Gooch Wrote:All I know is that Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton in a duel. Those had to be the days.
You know that from a "Got Milk?" commercial don't you?

- Sean Cold - 02-16-2002

PollyannaFlower46 Wrote:Robots don't get to be Secretarys of State.
they do get to be ninjas though. Confusedeph: Confusedeph: Confusedeph:

- Keyser Soze - 02-19-2002

Galt Wrote:The separation of Church and State means that there will NOT be a State sanctioned religion like practically all of Europe (except I believe Germany, Spain, and Denmark) had.

Sanction is the key word here. Official authorization or approval might be a too strong an interpretation here but encourage or tolerate by indicating approval would be another. The thing about politicians is that they can always find a way to say or do something so it get done but can spin it six ways to sunday to make it seem like something else enitrely. Not unlike how they sneak clauses in bills they pass everyday in congress right under most of our noses.

Galt Wrote:That simply stipulates that the Government believes in a God.

I bet the atheists aren't too keen on that one.

Edited By Keyser Soze on Feb. 18 2002 at 10:23

- Doc - 02-19-2002

Quote:the White House strongly advocates abstinence as the best option for preventing sexually transmitted diseases and promotes ``abstinence-only'' programs to curb teen-age pregnancies

Now this I love. Let's all live in a dream world where no one wants to have sex until they are 35. Wow. Great. Doesn't that solve all of our problems?

While we're at it, why don't we just stop underage smoking by promoting a "just-don't-smoke" policy.

Fucking geniuses, all of them :pissed: