Love 101 - advice for the younguns - Printable Version

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- diceisgod - 01-17-2003

Whores. That's what they are, guys. But don't get all self righteous cause that's what we all are. They'll offer to cuddle your pecker. They'll offer a shoulder for you to cry on and spew all your little horseshit problems. The best way to approach life and all this "love" business is to live according to the following underlying principle: Live life with the assumption that you and everyone else in the world only cares about themselves. And that's all we really care about, isn't it?

You compliment someone, they smile ---> you feel good. Why else would you do it? Pavlov's work (as cited as much as it is) isn't nearly recognized as much as it should be. We're all animals seeking that treat whether it's a bisquit or ramming your stick in a hot moist gash. And when your back is turned and your "special" someone isn't around...they're out hunting...salavating....and so are you...seeking the next thrill. It's a twisted game. It's a fun game. But you have to know the that it is a game. So lie. Cheat. Do what ever you have to do. Just remember that no matter what that special someone tells you...whether you're the "one" or whatever...they are lying. And so are you. That's the game. Fun, huh?

- Maynard - 01-17-2003

If that's what you really think DIG, then you're a sad, sad man.

Just because some chick dumped you doesn't mean it's the end of the world. OR the end of love. Maybe you're dating the wrong kind of women.

No matter what crap you spew, or what bullshit you quote, isn't going to phase me or stop me from being in love.

- LyricalGomez - 01-17-2003

Chemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate

- diceisgod - 01-17-2003

Quote:If that's what you really think DIG, then you're a sad, sad man.

Just because some chick dumped you doesn't mean it's the end of the world. OR the end of love. Maybe you're dating the wrong kind of women.

No matter what crap you spew, or what bullshit you quote, isn't going to phase me or stop me from being in love.

Where's your girl right now?

- floydian slip - 01-17-2003

Why dont we get drunk and screw is my motto.

- Hey Ladi - 01-17-2003

Confuseduicide: I never thought I'd say this ....... dig ..... how you doin' :loveya:

guys are such sluts, they're great Confusedmokey:

- Goatweed - 01-17-2003

DIG, have you ever thought of being one of those motivational speakers? I think you missed your calling.

- Weird NJ - 01-17-2003

Heh. Move this thread to the Info Forum.

- Sir O - 01-17-2003


- Danked - 01-17-2003


Nice, O.

- The Sleeper - 01-17-2003

I agree, everyone is inherently selfish and only cares about their own well-being. If you disagree with this you are just in denial.

- LyricalGomez - 01-17-2003


- Hey Ladi - 01-17-2003

you have to spend all your time with you, so it just makes sense
and in the end, the only one that will ever be there is you
so look out for you, man :fuggin:

I say, how can you not be selfish :banana:

- Keyser Soze - 01-17-2003

theres more truth in what he said than most care to acknowledge.

Edited By Keyser Soze on 1042779871

- Luna - 01-17-2003

Quote: Confuseduicide: I never thought I'd say this ....... dig ..... how you doin' :loveya:
Me, too, Ladi......this is spooky! :-o

There is nothing wrong with healthy selfishness.

It's funny that you mention Pavlov, because the human animal is really not much different than the canine animal and most other animals, we learn the same way. What we lack in instincts, physical strength, and speed, we make up for with our thinking capabilities. It balances out.

Edited By LunaBabe on 1042805575

- Metalfan - 01-17-2003

Quote:we make up for with our thinking capabilities

There are exceptions to every rule :lol:

- Luna - 01-17-2003

Quote:There are exceptions to every rule :lol:
It all depends how an individual has been "classically conditioned". :-D

"Operant Conditioning" plays a part, as well.

Edited By LunaBabe on 1042805937

- Metalfan - 01-17-2003

That may be....but the level of conditioning which can be achieved is severely limited by natural limitations, wouldn't you agree? :-D

- Luna - 01-17-2003

perhaps.... ;-)

- Metalfan - 01-17-2003

Present company excluded, of course :loveya: