Iraq cooperating? - Printable Version

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- Maynard - 01-20-2003

Should we be scared? I mean, is this some kind of tactic they're using to hide the rest of their weapons from us? The old..."Hey look over here" while they hide stuff where we're not looking.

Personally I HOPE that they're being sincere. I read that Saddam was offered asylum from war crimes if he cooperated with us. It would be wonderful if he actually did this.

That would be one less problem in the world we'd have to deal with. We could station troops there just to be sure, then take on North Korea.

I'm hoping that these countries are scared of us. Not because I want them to be scared, but I hope they realize that there is no good outcome for anyone if we all go to war.

- OAS - 01-20-2003

Sadaam is feeling the pressure, he knows he can't beat us and he knows we won't stop until he's dead. He has to weigh the value to him, if any, that he can live in exile. If he feels he can be a force to be reckoned with in exile, he might take that option.

And forget N. Korea. We will not risk a war against them. We will find some way to give them what they want as long as we can save face.

- Maynard - 01-20-2003

I agree about war with N. Korea. I don't think we can afford to go to war with them. They're just using this as leverage. They want more money from us.

- Arpikarhu - 01-20-2003

they want food.
sadamm, i think, is willing to go to war with us. he is going to pull all his troops back to baghdad and fight us in the streets. this urban warfare will result in high casualities for us and he hopes that this will make the american public force bush to pull out.

- Zootybang - 01-20-2003

I think he's just trying to stall us on attacking. I dont think maniacal lunatics just suddenly have changes of heart like that.

- GonzoStyle - 01-20-2003

I say hit him with a steel chair and then power bomb n. korea.

- Goatweed - 01-20-2003

F5 the gooks!!!11

- GonzoStyle - 01-20-2003

The big bad booty daddy woulda handled this by now.

- LyricalGomez - 01-20-2003

Sure he would have

- criticslovesnatch - 01-20-2003

was I the only one laughing my ass off when lawler and JR were calling steiner a 'genetic freak' all night when its obvious he's taken every steroid known to man?

- LyricalGomez - 01-20-2003

I wanted to slap Michael Cole for yelling "THIS IS WHAT THE WORLD TITLE AND SMACKDOWN ARE ALL ABOUT" for the 20th time

- GonzoStyle - 01-20-2003

I wouldn't doubt steiner took some form of steroid but for a body like that you still have to put in a massive amout of work. It's not like the roid actually magically makes the muscle, even arnold admitted to taking roids.

- criticslovesnatch - 01-20-2003

i don't doubt the amount of work it takes. I just found it hilarous how the announcers made it seem like he was born with those muscles.

- Goatweed - 01-20-2003

Quote:I wanted to slap Michael Cole for yelling "THIS IS WHAT THE WORLD TITLE AND SMACKDOWN ARE ALL ABOUT" for the 20th time

let's not forget the ever-popular "this is they type of wrestling and excitement you can expect to see on Smackdown!" said 400 times as well.

I like Tazz as the sidekick, but they really need to get rid of Cole - who is he blowing to keep that job?!?!?!

- GonzoStyle - 01-20-2003

Steiner would have had saddam in the steiner recliener by now and freaking all the ho's in his harem.

- LyricalGomez - 01-20-2003

Did you see him last night? He couldn't hurt a fly

- GonzoStyle - 01-20-2003

Steiner would suplex iraq without blinking an eye.

- JimmyBlueEyes - 01-21-2003

I say we turn HBK loose on Saddam and let him deliver some sweet chin music...and then dig up some of the bad character ideas from Raws 10th anniversary and unleash them on the Koreans

- LyricalGomez - 01-21-2003

Acctually I think it would be cool if we had the leaders of the world fight rather than the people living in their respective countries. You want war so badly? Well go for it

- Arthur Dent - 01-22-2003

N. Korea is not a problem. If they were really a threat, CHINA would have stepped in by now. China does not want a strong nuclear power to the the south.

Saddam has to know he can't win no matter what tactic he uses. He can only raise the body count on both sides. He's a survivor and will do whatever leaves him in the best position. I saw an article that said the guy is worth $7 Billion and would take it all with him into exile.

Anybody see the rallies in Egypt with hundreds of people chanting that they wanted weapons and a ride to Iraq to stand with their "Islamic brothers" ?? Another war on Iraq could bring about a race war if it's not handled correctly.