Comic movie casting - Casting the heros and villains - Printable Version

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- IkeaBoy - 02-22-2002

With the principals for Daredevil pretty much cast (Affleck, Garner, duncan, Favreau, Farrell) and the rights to most major title picked up (e.g. Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider) who'd you cast or recast as some of the heros in big features.

Fantastic Four:
Dr. Doom- Jeremy Irons
Mr. Fantastic- Tim Robbins or David Duchovney
Sue Storm - Michelle Pfeiffer(need to think but she's the first that comes to mind)

Nelson- Andy Richter
Daredevil- Guy Pierce

Gambit- Stephen Dorff

- Skitchr4u - 02-22-2002

I kind of like the idea of Affleck playing Daredevil...maybe its due to his relationship with Kevin Smith who revived the character, but it seems like he can play the good looking attorney (sure the blind part will be tough to pull off, but if Val Kilmer can do it, so can Affleck)

For Hulk, banner is being played by Eric Eron (i think) while Betsy is being played by Jennifer Connoly...she I agree with, him I don't know

Don't read Fantastic 4 or Ghost Rider so I won't comment...