Marijuana is evil - so is danked!!! - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 03-14-2003

Danked got me high last saturday, I almost died, my legs went numb and I drove home trying my best to stay awake.

yeah drugs are so much fun Rolleyes

- Goatweed - 03-14-2003

it takes practice - welcome to the club! :toast:

- LZMF1 - 03-14-2003

i got high yesterday and had a grand old time. the drive home was fun. when i got home i was wondering where i could put more quarters in because it felt like i was playing a videogame. it was fun. :fuggin: :fuggin: :fuggin: :fuggin: :fuggin:

- GonzoStyle - 03-14-2003

You're all shepards for the devil, evil!!!!!!

- Danked - 03-14-2003

Ha ha. I got Gonzo stoned and then we went to 7-11 and stuff.

He was a true stoner.

Except for all that Omigod! Am I gonna die? stuff.

- LZMF1 - 03-14-2003

i was sooooooo looking foward to snowboarding while i was completely baked........................

- Goatweed - 03-14-2003

I'll bet you didn't have any blueberry coffee handy, did ya? It would've gone a lot better for you if you did.

- GonzoStyle - 03-14-2003

Danked witnessed the empty pot of the blueberry goodness, they fuckin tear that shit up. I had to get a.... I dunno what I got but I bet it wasn't as good as blueberry coffee.

Marijuana is bad though, did you know that marijuana is latin for evil.

- GonzoStyle - 03-14-2003

After we were done with the joint, danked packed a bowl. Then we shared it and it was shaped like a penis. It was so sexy to see danked suck on it, then we shared it and put our lips on it and tasted eachothers saliva, so we technically made out.

- Danked - 03-14-2003

No tongue.

- GonzoStyle - 03-14-2003

I was so out of it, you coulda molested the fuck outta me and I wouldn't be able to do nothin.

- LZMF1 - 03-14-2003

i had red bull and lots and lots of regular coffee.......

i can not get into the blueberry creme coffee.

then again anykind of food or drink tastes sofa king good when you're stoned.

- Danked - 03-14-2003

I did.

I stuck my joint in your mouth.

- Goatweed - 03-14-2003

Danked gets good shit - we gotta hang sometime :thumbs-up:

And the last time we hit that 7-11 we emptied their blueberry coffee pot. You should suggest to them that they should have 2 pots goin' at all times. They might actually listen to you to, as I recall they were all white.

- LZMF1 - 03-14-2003

i wonder what gonz would be like if he was on 5 hits of acid or if he ate an 1/8th of shrooms all by his lonesome :bouncer:

- Danked - 03-14-2003

Judging by what I saw Saturday, he would implode, but... he'd be giggling a lot.

- Hey Ladi - 03-15-2003

:thumbs-up: kick ass
congratulations G, welcome to the dark side

- The Jays - 03-15-2003

... let's all lounge out together on the beaches of lovely Staten Island and roll and smoke a godfather.... then we can eat some mescaline and go swimming...

- Hey Ladi - 03-15-2003

and watch the occasional hairy stranger wander by?

- crx girl - 03-15-2003

maybe it's time for my roomwarming party. you may all bring green gifts :fuggin: