Sawks fans try to break bambino curse - How about digging up the babe instead? - Printable Version

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- Keyser Soze - 02-25-2002

<font size="3">Sunken piano could be music to Sox fans' ears</font>
Associated Press

BOSTON -- Red Sox fans will go to any depths to break the Curse of the Bambino.

On Saturday, a group went to the bottom of a suburban Boston pond in search of Babe Ruth's piano, which, the story goes, was tossed into the water by the slugger in 1918.

The group hopes to refurbish the piano and play it again, just as the Babe did in 1918, the last time the Red Sox won a World Series. A season later, Ruth was sold to the New York Yankees, who have since won 26 championships.

"Once we bring this up, the Red Sox will win," Sudbury historian Lee Swanson said.

The search is sponsored by the Restoration Project, a rehabilitation program for adults with mental illness and head injuries. It received a search permit from the state -- Willis Pond is state property.

If the piano is positively identified, an excavation permit would be needed to retrieve it.

"We're confident we can save it and play it again," said Kevin Kennedy, a local upholsterer who volunteers with the group. "Wouldn't that be something? The last person to play this piano was Babe Ruth. Who knows -- it could end up at Fenway Park."

Five divers tried a blind search Saturday because visibility was poor, said Chris Hugo, who works with the state Board of Underwater Archaeological Research. They didn't locate the piano but said they'll return with a "sub-bottom profiler," a sonar scanner to get through sediment.

Organizers say they have proof the piano is there. On Dec. 22, Hugo used an infared camera and identified a "rectangular shape with wiry weeds" at the bottom, 15 feet below the surface and near shore.

The piano story has been local legend ever since Ruth rented a cottage near the pond in 1917 and 1918.

Kennedy heard the stories after moving to the area last year and investigated. If indeed the piano was there, he thought, he could refurbish it with help from the Restoration Project.

It would be a way to exorcise a baseball demon in the name of charity, said Kennedy, who calls himself "your average frustrated fan."

But first, they had to find the piano. Enter historians Swanson and Curt Garfield. Garfield wrote "The 100-year History of Sudbury," in which he identified Willis Pond as the resting place of Ruth's piano.

Still, Kennedy wanted more proof.

He called the Babe Ruth Birthplace and Museum -- a block from Camden Yards in Baltimore -- and spoke to director Greg Schwalenberg, who found a photo dated "winter 1917-1918" showing Ruth posing at the cottage.

Next, they found a letter in the archives of the late historian Ralph Sheridan, a friend of Ruth's from nearby Maynard, describing how Ruth often "sang around the piano with friends," Kennedy said.

The letter also described a 15-foot incline from the lake to the cottage -- a perfect launching point.

If excavated, the piano would be state property, but the Restoration Project would have preservation rights. State guidelines require that the group outline how it would conserve the piano and how it would pay for it. The nonprofit group says it will hold fund-raising events.

Ruth was drawn to the pond, Swanson said, because several teammates lived nearby. The area, he said, soon became a hotbed of illegal drinking for Boston gangsters during Prohibition.

By that time, Ruth was leading the Yankees to World Series victories. Many Boston fans believe their beloved Red Sox have been cursed ever since.

"I certainly believe there's something going on," Kennedy said. "In 80 years, we haven't had a championship in Boston in baseball. Perhaps we can eliminate whatever this is -- whether it's a curse or a psychological block."

- The Sleeper - 02-26-2002

Who cares about Red Sox fans?

- Galt - 02-26-2002

Do you people outside of Boston realize that no one in Boston give's a rat's ass about this fucking curse? Everyone knows it's bullshit, and everyone is sick of continuously hearing the retards in the press bring it up becuase they can't come up with actual stories.

The only reason it's still purpetuated is so Dan Shaugnessy can sell more of his shitass books, and so politicians can have photo ops where they take a firm stance on a side that no one can take issue with.

- Keyser Soze - 02-26-2002

I don't give a fuck about the Sawks, I just think its funny the lengths these morons will go to trying to break the so called curse.

- Galt - 02-26-2002

Keyser Soze Wrote:I don't give a fuck about the Sawks, I just think its funny the lengths these morons will go to trying to break the so called curse.
These fucks aren't do anything to break any non-existent curse. They are doing this to get their names in the paper, and since the press is so lazy and unoriginal, they fall over themselves to print anything about the curse, thus passing another print deadline without having to use gray matter.

It is the ***OFFICIAL*** position of ESPN, that there is no curse. Read for yourself, here

- Keyser Soze - 02-26-2002

Galt Wrote:It is the ***OFFICIAL*** position of ESPN, that there is no curse. Read for yourself, here
You're damn right they are looking for some publicity.

And I think its actually the ***OFFICIAL FROY ENDORSED BOARD SANCTIONED*** position of Bill Simmons, not neccessarily that of ESPN.

- Galt - 02-26-2002

Keyser Soze Wrote:
Galt Wrote:It is the ***OFFICIAL*** position of ESPN, that there is no curse. Read for yourself, here
You're damn right they are looking for some publicity.

And I think its actually the ***OFFICIAL FROY ENDORSED BOARD SANCTIONED*** position of Bill Simmons, not neccessarily that of ESPN.
Bill Simmons IS ESPN. Do you hear me boy? Fuck Gammons. Fuck Stark. The only thing that matters on ESPN is Bill Simmons.

You will read that article, including the witty "ramblings" at the end, and you will like it.

You will follow up that reading with your thrice-weekly readings of his award-winning column.

You will acknowledge that everything he says and does is funny and smart.

That is all.

- Keyser Soze - 02-26-2002

I drink from all that is NOTthe cup of Neyer. His hatred of all things Met is so transparent that I get a sick pleasure out of watching him contort into the most discusting positions in order to bring the miracle down. Neyer is the anti-Met, I hope he gets hit by Mr. Met while he drives his golf cart drunk during batting practice, breaking both legs while Mo Vaughn squeezes his over inflated head with his ass cheeks.

- Galt - 02-26-2002

Your Anti-Neyer stance does not interfere with my Pro-Simmons stance.

I don't feel we will have many problems in the future as long as you accept the fact that Bill Simmons is the greatest sports writer in the history of the world (and that includes Lupica)

I am already not a huge fan of Neyer.

- Arpikarhu - 02-26-2002

raze fenway and kill all the red sox players. now no one has to worry about the curse

- Keyser Soze - 02-26-2002

Sorry, the best sports writer of all time is Red Smith.

- Galt - 02-26-2002

Keyser Soze Wrote:Sorry, the best sports writer of all time is Red Smith.
From "The Red Tapes"?

- Keyser Soze - 02-26-2002

Galt Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:Sorry, the best sports writer of all time is Red Smith.
From "The Red Tapes"?
Smith worked for various newspapers before his column, "Views of Sport," began appearing in the New York Herald Tribune in 1945, it was syndicated soon thereafter. He joined the Times in 1971. His writing, mostly about major spectator sports, shunned jargon and displayed literary craftsmanship, wry humor, and deep knowledge. He won a Pulitzer Prize in 1976. His columns were collected in five books, incl. Out of the Red (1950) and Strawberries in the Wintertime (1974).