Always look on the bright side of life - Printable Version

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- Hey Ladi - 03-26-2003

Negativity is killing this place, so in an effort to bring a little sunshine to you day, I'm going to point out the Silver lining in your problems.

You: Ladi, my dog has cancer & I have to put him to sleep.

Answer: Atleast you won't have to get up in the middle of the night to let him out anymore or clean up dog puke, & you can use the money for dog food for more pot.

Ok go! :banana:

- Ken'sPen - 03-26-2003

Me: The moo shoo pork I ate last night wasn't really that good...

answer: At least Ladi's dog didn't go to waste.

- Hey Ladi - 03-26-2003

Ladi: see, wasn't hard was it

Answer: I'll get more sleep tonight, since Ken is leaving

- Hey Ladi - 03-26-2003

:damnpc: :lol:

Edited By Hey Ladi on 1048689172

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 03-26-2003

I've got a test on Thursday I know nothing about the subject matter, I've got a test on Friday I know a little about but the prof doesn't like me so she's gonna grade me hard I just know it.

The only thing I can think of is that the weather down here is gorgeous, and I"m going to the Devil's game friday for the tests...can't be too bad I've got finals in 3 weeks.

- Hey Ladi - 03-26-2003

enjoy the pleasant weather by studying outside, and when you spot a hot girl from the class, ask her to help you :-D

- LZMF1 - 03-26-2003

2 tired....good luck on the tests. friday's game should be a good one. the thrashers aren't exactly a top notch club but they do have dany heatly and ilya kovalchuk and that alone is worth the price of admission. you'll be there in person....i'll be listening to it on the radio on my drive down to see QOTSA.

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 03-26-2003

There are 3.5 guys for every girl on my campus. I'm a year ahead of my girlfriend. I'd have a better chance makin a 4.0 than finding a girl in my classes. I'm a computer science nerd and they're all hot management broads. :disappointed:

- Hey Ladi - 03-26-2003

Management knows dick about computers, you'll be there to make their e-mail work :thumbs-up:

- Ronin - 03-26-2003

Me: Cat got spayed yesterday. she looks really skinny. She can't do most of the stuff she used to so she looks sad. I feel really bad..

Answer: She is looking good so far! And she doesn't hate me!

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 03-26-2003

Aw fuck it...I don't least I"m not sick...

- Galt - 03-26-2003

Me: I have a fifteen page research paper due in four and half hours and I haven't done any research


- Hey Ladi - 03-26-2003

when you get a failing grade, that will teach you to procrastinate so badly ever again.

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 03-26-2003

Hey my week doesn't look so bad now...Galt is worse off than I am...

- LZMF1 - 03-26-2003

galt..... i realize that this statement may make you sick to your stomach with the thoughts that you and i share any similarities but i always do my best work under extreme pressure you might also. :thumbs-up:

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 03-26-2003

Also another good thing is that after the Devils game I get to watch GT vs. GA on the same ice without paying again. :banana:

- Galt - 03-26-2003

I blew the biggest load in my life last night.

So that was better than doing research