Things I hate about public bathrooms - Printable Version

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- Hey Ladi - 03-28-2003

At home, my bathroom is quite possibly my favorite room :loveya:

1. using a stall right after someone else, I don't want to be in there while their air is still lingering

2. the puddles on the counter, wipe up after yourself cunt, the water just dripped of your own Damn hands

3. people sitting in the stall next to me, when there is a perfectly good one over there

4. people standing & talking in there, I don't even like to say hello when I see someone I know, I just want to do my business

5. people talking from stall to stall, this is not a social hour

6. people who shit at work

7. people who hover

8. those crinkly noisey seat covers, who is the dirty fuck sitting there that you can't touch the seat

- Jack - 03-28-2003


- DGW - 03-28-2003

Quote:4. people standing & talking in there, I don't even like to say hello when I see someone I know, I just want to do my business

5. people talking from stall to stall, this is not a social hour

6. people who shit at work
screw you too

- Hey Ladi - 03-28-2003

well, I say Hello, if I have to ... I just rather not have to

- Skitchr4u - 03-28-2003

i don't mind talking stall to long as neither one of us had something die in there recently...then its hard to breath...

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 03-28-2003

Quote:i don't mind talking stall to long as neither one of us had something die in there recently...then its hard to breath...
Ever hear of a curtousy(sp) flush

- flamingfish - 03-28-2003

i share a bathroom with all the girls on my floor, yay community living :moonie:

- Ronin - 03-28-2003

who the Hell talks stall to stall? let me take my dump in peace!

- flamingfish - 03-28-2003

ooh ooh do you ever get people on the phone in the stall next to you?

- Jack - 03-28-2003

Quote:i share a bathroom with all the girls on my floor, yay community living

Post pics please. Thank you very much.

- Rape Fantasizer - 03-28-2003

Quote:7. people who hover
I line the seat with those liners or toilet paper as well as hovering. Public bathrooms scare me.

- JimmyBlueEyes - 03-28-2003

This is why, unless an absolute emrgency...NEVER use a public toilet...Thank God for urinals..

- HedCold - 03-29-2003

Quote:i share a bathroom with all the girls on my floor, yay community living
all 3 of them

- GonzoStyle - 03-29-2003

People who hover need to be beaten with the toilet seat and drowned in the dirty bowl water.

People who socialize in the bathroom or people who socialize in any place where you should just go in and handle your business. They deserve to beaten to death, there should be a law about this.

- HedCold - 03-29-2003

when i take a shit at home and in private i like to call people. it gets lonely in there Undecided
if its public ill go to yahoo or play games on my phone

- JimmyBlueEyes - 03-29-2003

or when they leave a really nasty shit in there and it clogs up and others leave more nasty shits in there....gross

- GonzoStyle - 03-29-2003

well if you walk in and see a nasty clump of shit in the bowl and still decide to take another nasty shit on top of it, you are a cancer upon society who must be removed.

- drusilla - 03-29-2003

Quote:1. using a stall right after someone else, I don't want to be in there while their air is still lingering

some women have really nasty smelling cooches & it freaks me out when i walk into a stall after someone & i can still smell them. i have to hold my breath while i pee. i hate that

Quote:8. those crinkly noisey seat covers, who is the dirty fuck sitting there that you can't touch the seat

my bare ass will never touch a public toilet seat with a liner. i won't even let my jeans touch one. i don't even touch door knobs.

- crx girl - 03-29-2003

Quote:4. people standing & talking in there
what if there's a bowl going around, is it ok then? :fuggin:

- Rape Fantasizer - 03-29-2003

Quote:People who hover need to be beaten with the toilet seat and drowned in the dirty bowl water.
Why is hovering bad? I don't shit in public bathrooms, just to pee. You've obviously never seen a women's bathroom. For some reason, there is a girl in every bar that feels the need to piss all over the seat rather than in the bowl.