My Ear!!!!!! - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 04-01-2003

It's all clogged up and infucted, I have to wait for my check on thursday to go get it drained out cause I dont got no insurance :-(


- DGW - 04-01-2003

put the q-tipz down

- GonzoStyle - 04-01-2003

Thanks for the revalation, I'm half deaf as it is and I have permanent ringing in the ears, falling asleep is hard enough and now this. Feels like my ear is gonna explode and shit.

hold me Undecided

- LyricalGomez - 04-01-2003

Go to sleep with a walkman on, you'll still hear something but at least it will be music instead of an annoying ringing

- Buttmunch - 04-01-2003

Try some avocado.

- Goatweed - 04-01-2003

how much does it cost to have them drained? I've been thinking fo getting it done myself, sometimes I can heear fine and then sometimes it gets "muddy". I have insurance, but I thought it only covered it if it was necessary.

- Hey Ladi - 04-01-2003

ooo Gonzo, so sorry :disappointed:
I get them & it hurts

- Goatweed - 04-01-2003

Didn't Galt get this done not too long ago? I recall him saying that once it's done, you hearing seems superhuman.

- HedCold - 04-01-2003

drained is putting a pipe in there and getting the water out
what galt did was have hot water shot in to get the wax out

- Keyser Soze - 04-01-2003

1. Buy debrox and place drops in with head held horizontal, stay in that position for 5 mins, laying down is recommended. repeat in other ear, wait one day.

2. buy a water bulb, fill with room temp water, clear your ears.

- GonzoStyle - 04-01-2003

I can't wait, when he shoves the pipe in, it feels sooooo good.

- Kid Afrika - 04-02-2003

Take a newspaper and fashion a funnel out of it. Make it long because you're going to be lighting the big end on fire.

Tilt your head on its side and stick the small end of the funnel in your ear.

Light the large end of the funnel on fire.

Wait about 15 seconds and then remove the funnel and extinguish it.

Enjoy your new unclogged ears.

Disclaimer: I don't know if the above actually works, but I saw some silly guinea do it one day.

- Danked - 04-02-2003

I wanna be there when you do what Kid says!

Can I light it for you?

- The Jays - 04-02-2003

... you kids and your wacky weed smokin techniques...

- diceisgod - 04-02-2003

Did anyone know that when a boxer (and so I've been told many other breeds as well) is a pup they slice part of his/her ears off in order to shape them? Fucking nasty shit. But anyway...

- HedCold - 04-02-2003

they do that with horse tails too, but instead of cutting they break.

- Danked - 04-02-2003

I'm gonna go watch Reservoir Dogs.

- diceisgod - 04-02-2003

They also tie off part of the dogs tail and let it atrophy and it falls off leaving a little nub (ps. don't bore me with a penis joke). All the Nazi's went into the animal breeding business it would appear.

- Buttmunch - 04-02-2003

Actually, I forget where I heard it, but what K1d says is true.

However, they recommend a paper straw. As it burns, it heats the ear wax and sucks the oxygen out of the ear canal. As the air comes out, it is supposed to draw out the wax. You are left with a short straw filled with ear wax.

Mmmm. Tasty.

- HedCold - 04-02-2003

so danked can use rolling papers on gonzo