So this guy buys a vibrator... - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 05-16-2003

The neighborhood cops come in yesterday to bullshit for a couple minutes.They were in a call around the corner at the porn shop.

The sex shop operator calls the cops cause some erratic customer is threatening him and shit. So the cops show up and ask what the ruckus is?

The customer says he purchased a vibrator earlier and when he got home and took it out of the package, it had batteries in it and was operational.

sooooooo... what's the problem?

He points to the package and it says "batteries NOT included"

Then he starts going balistic that he NEEDS, really, really, really needs this vibrator for tonight.

So it's not bad enough you got some dude using a vibrator, its not bad enough that the store sold him a used vibrator. Oh no, no, it gets better.

So the cop says, how can you be sure it was used?

The guy takes out the dildo and waves it around and yells


yes, this is the world in which we live.

- NaughtyAngel - 05-16-2003

HAHAHAHHA thats funny
thats the only downfall of working after hours, no funny stories like that to tell

- Goatweed - 05-16-2003

I don't know if I should laugh or be disgusted. Im leaning towards disgusted.

- Jack - 05-16-2003

Pull my finger.

- Suzie - 05-16-2003

shit, I knew I should have cleaned it before I returned it.

- GonzoStyle - 05-16-2003

Thats not as bad as this tho.

there's a karate school 2 blocks away. They have a small gym for the students downstairs, plus they rent it out to some neighborhood dudes.

This was a couple months ago. They dont have the best quipment, anyway. They have thos old freeweight bars that are hollow inside. So this guy was all alone in there and all of a sudden for whatever reason, he wasn't satisfied with seein how much he could bench or press with just his arms and legs. He wanted to see how much he could lift with his cock.

So he musta been flacid or something, he got his dick into the bar and i dunno if he lifted the bar with his cock or not but one things for sure, he couldnt get his dick out now.

This poor fuck tried for like 15 minutes to get it off, (just imagine the chaffing). Finally when his time was up someone went downstairs to tell him they were closing up shop and they discovered the pathetic sight.

The cops and fire fighters came down and had to cut the prick loose, literally.

- GonzoStyle - 05-16-2003

Quote:Pull my finger.

Yeah cause your finger and that vibrator have both been in the same places, I see the connection.

- The Sleeper - 05-16-2003


- GonzoStyle - 05-17-2003

hey I didn't buy the vibrator to be edgy so fuck off.