How sad this is. - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 05-16-2003

I was watching the daily show the other day and they had the most fascinating guest on.

I forget the title of her book, I hope someone can remember. It had to do with Political Correctness in the school systems.

This is just plain old fucked up and just goes to prove further why our society is taking a huge nose dive and the outcome is unfunny, uneducated twits.

The author described certain stories that were not allowed to be told to school children because they are "biased" Like you are not allowed to tell certain stories about oriental people in the field of science per se, like so and so gook invented this or that. because it is steroetypical that all chinese people are smart. You are not allowed to tell stories about Jessie Owens and his triumph in the Munich olympics when he upstaged Hitler and his ideals. Because blacks excelling in sports is also stereotypical.

This one took the cake though, I missed part of the story so I am pasting it together from what I heard.

Recently a story about a blind man who climbed either mount everest or one of the major peaks, was also dissalowed. Why? Well because telling a story of a blind man doing something others have done but making his ordeal seem more courageous than the others because he is blind, makes it biased. Why? Because it makes it seem that blind people have a "handicap"....

Thats not the worst part though, the other reason is, since the mountain is covered in snow and is cold it is also biased for children who live in warmer climates who never see snow. So it is weather and climate biased to them.

This is just fuckin mind boggling, makes me just wanna tear my hair out. For the life of me I can't remember the title of the book though.

- HedCold - 05-16-2003

you're going to blow your load with all these topics today
you'll have to take another break soon

- GonzoStyle - 05-16-2003

There's plenty more where that came from, I actually am rationing the topics.

whats the name of the book, bitch?

It's funny how these stories of people are not allowed in school, yet stories of how great and powerful america is and how we have been everyones savior are still allowed.

- Sir O - 05-17-2003

The book is "The Language Police" by Diane Ravitch. I picked it up about a week ago but haven't read through it yet, maybe now's a good time to go do that...

- GonzoStyle - 05-17-2003

Thanks Sir O, i'll pick it up this weekend. Sounds like a very interesting read and good discussion piece... well atleast off the board.

- Danked - 05-17-2003

Thinking is too hard anymore.

I'm thunked out.

- GonzoStyle - 05-17-2003

That's biased danked, a stoner with no brain cells left, please don't be so stereotypical.

- Danked - 05-17-2003

I'm so high right now.

- GonzoStyle - 05-17-2003

I'm gonna call the language police on you, you already got 2 strikes!!!

- Danked - 05-17-2003


- Sir O - 05-17-2003

Yeah, definitely read this book. What I've read so far is pretty incredible - how the companies that print the textbooks have to appease both the PC left and the religious right, how the entire education system is focused primarily on standardized tests, how history is either rewritten or blatantly ignored, etc. Shit, how the fuck are kids supposed to learn about the Civil War when the word "slavery" is banned? Ignorance is knowledge...or something to that effect...

- Hey Ladi - 05-17-2003

ignorance is bliss

so who can they talk about? how much history do they have to leave out so as not to be biased to white people? ridiculous

textbooks suck anyway, every year history started at frikin Rome & ended at the Civil War. taught by old women. no lively political discussion, students could care less most of the time & the teachers are beaten down.

how bold our country is, marching blindly into the future, cutting funding from schools, rewriting history, pandering to the lowest denominator .... so well prepared to be bossing other countries around

how is it that decides what is biased? did good o'l rev Al write up a list of approved black people to talk about? do we talk about the chinese landing on the moon?

trying to avoid a sterotype just makes it stand out. if they are looking for instances of sterotypes, they must first write down all the ones they have.

- HedCold - 05-17-2003

they don't have any problem teaching kids the "right" way to use the internet though
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 3May6.html</a><!-- m -->

- GonzoStyle - 05-17-2003

They talk about biased but Columbus day is still celebrated and he is still praised for "discovering" america. Too bad there aren't enough native americans around for anyone to care.

Like chris rock said "when's the last time you saw two indians together? I ain't never seen two indians just stainding around."

- Sir O - 05-17-2003

I think all textbooks should be banned from schools. It's clearly biased against, the persons whom are unable to read.

- GonzoStyle - 05-18-2003

The alphabetically challanged.

Letters are like so biased, there's like too many of them.