AFI's Top 100 Heroes and Villains - Ch 2 CBS Right now. - Printable Version

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- Danked - 06-04-2003

So far an excellent list, including Goldfinger, Denzel's character in Training Day, Tom Hanks in Philadelphia (Oh no! I have AIDS) and Verbal Kint.

Watch it.

Edited By Danked on 1054685721

- Danked - 06-04-2003

:bow: 46 - Hans Gruber

- The Jays - 06-04-2003

... I forgot this shit was on... I just caught the Joker....

- Danked - 06-04-2003

Looks like they have a top 50 of each category, hereos and villains, and they just alternate back and forth counting each one down. I can't find a complete list anywhere.

- Danked - 06-04-2003


Charlie Chaplin - The Kid

- GonzoStyle - 06-04-2003

Damn I totally forgot about this.

Nicholson's Joker is a no brainer, that should be top 20.

I'd really need to think on this one though.

who was #1? for both genres?

- GonzoStyle - 06-04-2003

Off the top of my head after some consideration, here's some choices.

Travid Bickle - Taxi Driver (hero or villian?)
Richard Blaine - Casablanca
Hannibal Lecter - Silence Of The Lambs
Antonio Salieri - Amadeus
Tony Montana - Scarface
Michael Corleone - Godfather
Jimmy "Popeye" Doyle - French Connection
Lucas "Luke" Jackson - Cool Hand Luke
Jim Stark - Rebel Without A Cause
Sgt. Lee - From Here To Eternity
Rocky Balboa - Rocky
Randal McMurphy - One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
George Patton - George C Scott
Riggs & Murtaugh - Lethal Weapon
Charlie Chaplin - dual roles in The Great Dictator (as a jew and a parody of Hitler)
Doc Holliday - Tombstone
Darth Vader - Star Wars
Arthur "Cody" Jarret - White Heat
John Doe - Se7en
Gordon Gekko - Wall Street
Tyler Durden - Fight Club
Tommy DeVito - Goodfellas
Little Bill - Unforgiven
Norman Bates - Psycho
Max Cady - Cape Fear

- Teenweek - 06-04-2003

Quote:#50 Hero- General Maximus (Gladiator)
#50 Villian Alonzo Harris (Training Day)
#49 Hero-Andrew Becket Philadelphia
#49 Villian-Auric Goldfinger Goldfinger
#48 Hero Terminator Terminator 2 Judgement Day
#48 Verbal Kint Usual Suspects
#47 Hero Karen Silkwood (Silkwood)
#47 Villian Tony Camonte (Scarface)
#46 Villian Hans Gruber (Die Hard)
#46 Hero Batman (Batman)
#45 Villian Joker (Batman)
#45 Hero Zorro (Mark of Zorro)
#44 Villian- Baby Jane Hudson (What Ever Happend to Baby Jane)
#44 Hero- Jimmy "Popye" Doyle (The French Connection)
#43 Villian- Regina Giddens (The Little Foxes)
#43 Hero Moses (The Ten Commandents)
#42 Villian Tom Powers (The Public Enemy)
#42 Hero Edward Flanagan (Boys Town)
#41 Villian Joan Crawford (Mommy Dearest)
#41 Hero Arthur Chipping (Goodbye Mr Chips)
#40 Villian Freddy Krugger (Nightmare on Elm Street)
#40 Hero Frank Serpico (Serpico)
#39 Villian Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmations)
#39 Hero Lassie (Lassie Come Home)
#38 Villian Casear Enrico Bandello (Little Casear)
#38 Hero The Tramp (The Kid)
#37 Villian Harry Lime (The Third Man)
#37 Hero Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
#36 Villian Frank Booth (Blue Velvet)
#36 Hero Rooster Cogburn (True Grit)
#35 Hero Alvin York (Sgt York)
#35 Villian J.J Hunsecker(Sweety Smell of Success)
#34 Hero Tarzan (Tarzan the Ape Man)
#34 Villian Dr Szell (Marthon Man)
#33 Hero Marge Gunderson (Fargo)
#33 Villian Count Dracula (Dracula 1931)
#32 Hero Phillip Marlowe (The Big Sleep)
#32 Villian Bonnie and Clyde (Bonnie and Clide
#31 Hero Erin Brockovich (Erin Brockovich
#31 Villian Mrs Danders (Rebecca)
#30 Hero Luke Jackson (Cool Hand Luke)
#30 Villian Travis Bickle (Taxi Driver)
#29 Villian Revered Harry Powell (The Night of the Hunter)
#29 Hero General George Patton (Patton)
#28 Villian Max Cady (Cape Fear)
#28 Hero Jurior #8 (12 Angry Men)
#27 Villian Martians (Martian Movies Like War of Worlds Mars Attacks ETC)
#27 Hero Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein (All the Presidents Men)
#26 Villan Cody Jarret (White Heat)
#26 Hero Superman (Superman)
#25 Villan Jack Torrance (The Shining)
#25 Hero Lou Greig (The Pride of the Yankees)
#24 Villian Gordon Gekko (Wall Street)
#24 Hero Thelma and Louise (Thelma and Louise)
#23 Villian Eve Harrington (All About Eve)
#23 Hero Terry Malloy
#22 Villian Terminator (Terminator)
#22 Hero Spartacus (Spartacus)
#21 Villian Mrs John ISelin (The Manchurian Candidate)
#21 Hero Manhatma Gandhi (Gandhi)
#20 VIllian Man (Bambi)
#20 Hero Butch and Sundance Kid (Butch Casidy and the Sundance Kid)
#19 Villian Captain Bleigh (Muntiny on the Bounty)
#19 Hero Virgil Tibs (In the Heat of the Night)
#18 Villan The Shark (Jaws)
#18 Hero Robin Hood (The Adventures of Robin Hood)
#17 Villan Annie Wilkes (Misery)
#17 Hero Harry Callahan (Dirty Harry)
#16 Hero Shane (Shane)
#16 Noah Cross (Chinatown)
#15 Hero Norma Rae Webster(Norma Rae)
#15 Villian Amon Goeth (Schniders List)
#14 Hero Han Solo (Star Wars)
#14 Villan Alien (Alien)
#13 Villian Hal 9000 (2001 A Space Odessy)
#13 Hero Oskar Schindler (Schindler List)
#12 Villan Alex De Large (Clockwork Orange)
#12 Hero Tom Joad (The Grapes of Wrath)
#11 Villan Michael Corleone (The Godfather)
#11 Hero Jefferson Smith (Mr Smith Goes to Washington)
#10 Villian The Wicked Queen (Snow White)
#10 Hero T.E. Lawerence (Lawerence of Arbia)
#9 Villian Regan Macneil (The Exorcist)
#9 Hero George Baily (It's a Wonderful Life)
#8 Villian Phyllis Dietrihson (Double Indemmity)
#8 Hero Ellen Ripley (Alien)
#7 Villian Alex Forrest (Fatal Attraction)
#7 Hero Rocky Balboa (Rocky)
#6 Hero (Silence of the Lambs)
#6 Villan Mr Potter (Its a Wonderful Life)
#5 Hero Will Kane (High Noon)
#5 Villian Nurse Ratched (One Flew Over the Cucko's Nest
#4 Hero Rick Blaine (Castablanca)
#4 Villian Wicked Witch of the West (Wizard of Oz)
#3 Villian Darth Vader (Star Wars
#3 Hero James Bond (James Bond Series)
#2 Hero Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones Trilogy
#2 Villian Norman Bates (Psycho)
#1 Hero Atticus Finch (How to Kill a Mocking Bird
#1 Villian Hannibal Lector (Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Red Dragon)

Atticus Finch, you have to be fucking kidding me. How can james Bond not be #1.

- JimmyBlueEyes - 06-04-2003

Fuck Finch, how can the Joker be like 45?? I declare shenanigans!!!

- Galt - 06-04-2003

Where's Dean Wormer?

- Keyser Soze - 06-04-2003

Christian Bale in American Psycho

- Galt - 06-04-2003

Bale gets no love. He wasn't even nominated for an Oscar the year he should have won in a landslide.

- Keyser Soze - 06-04-2003

very underrated movie and performance, the book is better but still a fine flick nonetheless

- Gooch - 06-04-2003

Antonio Salieri - Amadeus

nice choice, gonzy.

- Galt - 06-04-2003

No way. American Psycho the movie is way better than American Psycho the book.

I agree that normally book > movie, but the movie in this case is way better. The book just seemed to beat you over the head with gore trying to be overhanded, the movie was a lot more subtle and Bale did better than my imaginary Bateman ever could have.

- DGW - 06-04-2003

what about Harvey Korman as Hedley Lamar in Blazing Saddles?
no respect

- GonzoStyle - 06-05-2003

Quote:Antonio Salieri - Amadeus

nice choice, gonzy.

One of the most amazing scenes in movie history, when salieri describes how he has finally come to the realization he wants to kill Mozart. After the Don Giovani scene "god powerless to stop it, I for once in the end laughing at him".

Another great villian that pops into mind

Mr. Blonde - Resevoir Dogs

and I am sorry but Nicholson doesn't make it for any of atleast 20 movies, namely Cuckoos Nest but fuckin Erin Brokovitch?

- Arpikarhu - 06-05-2003

Quote:very underrated movie and performance, the book is better but still a fine flick nonetheless
they both sucked and i will bet $20 neither keyser nor galt know what the book is really about.

- Galt - 06-05-2003

what are you talking about? Are you saying that I didnt' read American Psycho? Had my roommate not stolen the book and moved to Jersey, I could read you passages from the book.

- Arpikarhu - 06-05-2003

reading it is not the same as understanding it. you probably thought it was a book about a psycho killer.