An Open Letter to the CDIH Members... - Printable Version

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- Jack - 08-04-2003

After making an ass of myself yet again, I feel the need to apologize to you as the members of this site.

I have spoken in IM's or PM's with those of you involved in the deletion of your posts earlier this evening....

My judgement ceased to be when I deleted those posts..
It was not an attempt to muffle or silence anybody, rather it was an attempt at cleaning up/starting over the contest thread.

However, I took myself into chat and dug myself a hole when I said I didn't care about what had happened and proceeded to go on a power trip both on the board and in the chat room.
It did not dawn on me as to the fact that I was putting myself on a pedestal, as if I were better than the members until it was pointed out to me by a fellow moderator..

The truth of the matter is that I do care about this site and what happens to it. I am sorry for what I did, it lacked tact and was a mistake. In retrospect I can see why it has angered so many of you. We for the most part came from a place where censorship ran rampant. The concept here was that nobody here would be censored. A concept I went against.

I value the opinion of each and every one of the members here and would like your input not only on the situation at hand, but any future things that happen on the board. Whether it be in thread form, Private message form, or just some ideas tossed back and forth in chat.

I hope we can all put tonight as water under the bridge and I look forward to making this place the best it can be.

- fbd - 08-04-2003

this isn't the first time you've gone on a censoring binge...

- Jack - 08-04-2003

This is true.. :-(

- diceisgod - 08-04-2003

Fuck these sissies. I got your back Jack. Do it again.

- The Sleeper - 08-04-2003


- Teenweek - 08-04-2003

[Image: sucks10.gif] (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)}" onclick="javascript:if(this.width > (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)} else {this.width = (this.width*2)}" border="0" alt='Posted image: Click to resize'>

- Jack - 08-04-2003

Another wonderful cut and paste job by our friend Teenweek...

A round of applause please?

- Banana_juice - 08-04-2003

HI everyone. I havent posted in like a year.. did I miss anything?? :5:

- Weird NJ - 08-04-2003

Yes, you did.

Somebody kicked over the bucket of AIDS and no ones fessing up.

- I steal watermelons - 08-05-2003


Its your board, do what you want

- crx girl - 08-05-2003

I steal watermelons Wrote:Fuck

Its your board, do what you want
um, no it's not: :: Cold Day In Hell
For the members, By the members. Period.

- fbd - 08-05-2003

i say leave jack as an admin...without delete and lock buttons

- diceisgod - 08-05-2003

I agree. I'll take those buttons if nobody's using them.

- Zootybang - 08-05-2003

We have a chat room? where Is It?
nevermind. I see It.

Edited By Zootybang on 1060105459

- diceisgod - 08-05-2003

I think he was serious

- PlasticMan - 08-06-2003

Nope, I still don't give a shit.

- Hoon - 08-06-2003


Do you know Jesus loves you?

From behind.

- PlasticMan - 08-06-2003

I'm sure he does. He loves all us sinners!

- Hoon - 08-06-2003

No he doesn't.

Your a chip in his giant game of poker with the devil.

- Mad - 08-06-2003

Jesus is some guy who cuts the grass every week.