Do you flush the toilet paper? - or do you throw it away in the trash can - Printable Version

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- PatCooper - 08-10-2003

Ok someone told me today that flushing the toilet paper down the toilet is bad for the pipes. He said it clogs the pipes up. He told me that after he uses the paper he throws it in the trash can and then empties the can after leaving the bathroom.I was dumb founded to hear this. So does anyone else not flush the toilet paper?

- crx girl - 08-10-2003

uh, no

- Hoon - 08-10-2003

I've heard of people who do it.
I didn't get into depth with them about it and assumed they left the tp in the trash 'till it was full.
It's way disgusting but some people do justify it.

- PatCooper - 08-10-2003

sounds like a lot of work to me. It's easier to call a plumber to fix the clogged pipe.

- crx girl - 08-10-2003

or just plunge it down yourself. toilet paper disintegrates in water. what the fuck kinda weirdos do you hang out with anyway?

- Mad - 08-10-2003

Or not use so much paper and take a shower or use a bidet.

- PatCooper - 08-10-2003

crx girl Wrote:or just plunge it down yourself. toilet paper disintegrates in water. what the fuck kinda weirdos do you hang out with anyway?

when you plunge don't you bring it back up not push back down?
And i too think it disintergrates in water but i would think years and years of paper would clog the pipes up. And your pipes join with the rest of the neighbors on your block. Just think of all that toilet paper in the sewers right now. It's an enviromental disaster.

- Galt - 08-10-2003

He is an idiot.

Tell him so. Toilet paper was specifically designed to disintegrate in water.

Tissue paper is built with moisture to avoid irritation of the nose and designed to expand to hold snot. If flushed, it will expand, and could potentially clog the pipes. The exact same thing is the case with paper towels, and to a lesser extent, some napkins. The whole expanding in water thing is the reason why it's horrible to flush tampons down the toilet.

Anyway....toilet paper was specifically designed knowing that it is to be flushed. That's simultaneously one of the dumbest and grossest things I've heard an adult do.

- diceisgod - 08-10-2003

If you put toilet paper that has touched your asshole anywhere but the toilet you should be fucking shot in the head on principle alone.

- diceisgod - 08-10-2003

End of thread

- IrishAlkey - 08-10-2003

What DIG said.

- Goatweed - 08-10-2003

I concur.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 08-10-2003

yeah, im with DIG on this one, your friend is a weird weird person.

- Zootybang - 08-10-2003

Quote:Tissue paper is built with moisture to avoid irritation of the nose and designed to expand to hold snot.
Are you using "N.A.S.A." brand tissues? I've never seen one that didn't get a hole blown in it when you blow your nose. If your tissues have enough technology in them to expand precisely when you blow, you should probably send them to the govt. You may have some secret weapon that was accidently leaked to the public.

- Goatweed - 08-10-2003

uh, Galt is right - it's not designed to withstand gale-force winds, but most tissue is designed to deal with blowing one's nose. And if you buy cheap-shit generic brands, chances are they'll fall apart anyway.

- Keyser Soze - 08-10-2003

Where was your friend raised?

- IrishAlkey - 08-10-2003

He probably drags his ass along the carpet.

- Keyser Soze - 08-10-2003

My dog has better manners. He licks his own ass clean.

- Hoon - 08-10-2003

You say we throws it in the trash can then empties it into the main trash?
Everytime he shits?
One trash bag per poop paper?

This guy has more $ than brains.

- Keyser Soze - 08-10-2003

He's got shit for brains.