I just had the weirdest dream - Printable Version

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- Bloody Anus - 08-27-2003

It had the feel of one of those 8-part miniseries that you're not at all interested in until you start watching it.

I don't remember everything, so what I do remember makes pretty much no sense...

There were a bunch of people walking/running along some really busy expressway, including an entire football team - probably the Giants; all I remember is that their uniforms were blue.

Next thing I know there's an airport scene with some hot chick (who I'm assuming is the main character) avoiding security trying to get somewhere or find something out. She was taking out members of security using some sort of death grip and simply punching others in the face and knocking them out.

It turns out she was trying to get onto a plane, because the next thing I remember (and this is the freaky part) she and 1 or 2 other people - I think one of them was Tiki Barber - were on an airplane that was already in the sky! But everyone on the plane was frozen in time, their faces frozen in sheer horror and fear. But the plane was not about to crash or anything, it was just in the middle of nowhere in the sky. (There's a HUGE hole in the plot as far as how the hot chick and Tiki boarded this plane in the first place).

Anyway, they're searching the plane for survivors/evidence, and meanwhile some of the "people" wake up and, without saying a word slip up into the overhead compartment. I know just by the looks on their faces and their body movements that these were certainly NOT humans.

The next scene was back on the ground, where people are still running alongside, and even ON, the expressway. Then they look up in the sky and see about 20-30 alien spaceships. Just circling around, pale blue in color such that they blended in with the overcast sky. But they were there alright, and everyone could see them.

And that's all I can remember. It was kind of like the Langoliers meets Independence Day meets Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Which is weird, because I haven't seen or even thought of these movies in years. The only movie I've seen recently was Wishmaster 3, which has NOTHING to do with the plot of this dream.

- Doc - 08-27-2003

Maybe you should ease up on the peyote right before bedtime

- diceisgod - 08-27-2003

I haven't had a really cool dream in while. Dreams rule.

- Goatweed - 08-27-2003

refine the plot, write a screenplay and sell it to New Line or one of those "risk-taking" studios - with the right cast, you could have a smash hit on your hands!

- Danked - 08-27-2003

Not if I do it first!!!

- Doc - 08-27-2003

If you tell it our of order, it would be a sweet Tarintino-esqe joint

- Danked - 08-27-2003

That's mine too!!!!

- Danked - 08-27-2003

Instead of Tiki Barber, it'll be Terry Tate. All the kids love him these days.

- Bloody Anus - 08-27-2003

I'm thinking Elisha Cuthbert as the hot chick (even though I'm pretty sure it was a brunette in the dream) and Mekhi Phifer as Tiki.

- Goatweed - 08-27-2003

note to self - never tell Danked any "great ideas" I may have :30:

- Danked - 08-27-2003

Great idea? From you?

There's always a first time!

- Goatweed - 08-27-2003


- Danked - 08-27-2003

I didn't mean that.

- Goatweed - 08-27-2003

oh - ok, cool :banana:

- Danked - 08-27-2003

What I meant was that you couldn't mod yourself out of a paper bag!

- Goatweed - 08-27-2003

why would you mod a paper bag?

- fbd - 08-27-2003

keep tiki, dont bother with tate. if you keep tiki, you could put in ronde as an alien

- Danked - 08-27-2003

I shall revise again...

What I meant to say was that you were soft and weak like a woman!

- Goatweed - 08-27-2003

so Trish is soft and weak?

- Jack - 08-27-2003

Can we just skip to the part where I am declared the supreme ruler of the galaxy?