Kids Someday - Pro's / Cons - Printable Version

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- Hoon - 10-05-2003

My girlfriend is pressuring me to have kids.
There's good an bad points.
Good = A male would carry on my family name.
Bad = the stupid incessant questions.

For example,
The other day I'm giving my nephew a bath.
He says "Uncle Hoon, how come our penis's are different"?
I tell him the truth..."Becasue mine is erect, Mikey".

Should I mention my nephew is 26?

- Goatweed - 10-05-2003

I think I speak for everyone else when I say it might not be the best idea for you to procreate.

Tell your girlfriend to take up being a lesbian - it'll take her mind off kids.

Edited By Goatweed on 1065339735

- GonzoStyle - 10-05-2003

500 bucks gets you 2,000 that you use the "if everyone jumped off a bridge would you?" line on your kid someday.

- Hoon - 10-05-2003

You're both right but your concerns will go unheeded.

- Goatweed - 10-05-2003

then why ask?

- Hoon - 10-05-2003

I don't remeber asking anything, douchebag.

You know what the problem is with this board.
You people are exclusioinary and inbred into your own little cliques...
yet you bitch that no one joins or stays.
Yeah, you guys can at times be pretty humorous but that's about the extent of it.

90% of you are pathetic, self involved whiners.
Keep kissing each others asses until your bored with each other.
Then complain about your boredom.

How long can you idiots last when no one will join your own private little deliverance?

Edited By Hoon on 1065342131

- Hawt Baux - 10-05-2003

Quote:90% of you are pathetic, self involved whiners.

That's it?

- Hoon - 10-05-2003

NJ9 Wrote:
Quote:90% of you are pathetic, self involved whiners.

That's it?

There are a few that are ok.
Sadly, they're the only ones that are amusing.

- Goatweed - 10-05-2003

so you'd rather just post random thoughts and have noone comment on them?

- Hawt Baux - 10-05-2003

Quote:There are a few that are ok.
Sadly, they're the only ones that are amusing.

You wouldn't place yourself in that 90%

I'm guessing.

- Kid Afrika - 10-05-2003

OK, this thread has nothing to do with me. I declare shenanigans.

- Galt - 10-05-2003

the point of the thread wasn't to ask a question, it was a setup to a 10 year old stolen joke.

- diceisgod - 10-05-2003

I love when people bitch about our bitching.

- IrishAlkey - 10-05-2003

He thinks we actually like each other.

- diceisgod - 10-05-2003

Does he know about the other wing of forums we've added to the place?

- Doc - 10-05-2003

I love it when people get all high and mighty like this. Quick, tell me about how we're all losers for posting to a message board and we need to get real lives. Then, tell us about all the women you've nailed and how cool you are and how you do more before 6:00 am then we do all day. Then finish it off by saying you're leaving and then come back 4 months later under a different name.

I hate reruns

Edited By Doc on 1065371629

- diceisgod - 10-05-2003

What ever happened to Blarpi? New show opening up?

- The Jays - 10-05-2003

Quote:the point of the thread wasn't to ask a question, it was a setup to a 10 year old stolen joke.

Not only that, but I do believe this is a repeat thread, with the same exact joke in it.

- The Jays - 10-05-2003

I was right, it was done by the same person too.


Quote:I have been thinking of having children of my own alot lately.
But it's things like what happened the other day that make me second guess myself.
For instance, children ask too many annoying questions..

Just the other night I was giving my nephew a bath.
And he asks me, "Uncle Hoon? Why are our penis's different"?

I answered him honestly saying...
"Because mine is erect".

Edited By The Jays on 1065375122

- GonzoStyle - 10-05-2003

But he added the name Mikey this time, he's evolved the story with new characters. Plus now his "girlfriend" is pressuring him, before it was he who was pondering it.

It's like the last season of threes company. when they redid an episode from season one; when they were trying to hide a cat from Mr Roper, except now it was a dog from Mr Furley.