bush using 9/11 footage - your thoughts? - Printable Version

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- crx girl - 03-05-2004

i've heard about this, and i've seen clips. i'm not sure what the message is exactly that he's attempting to portray. i also hear that these ads won't be aired in nyc, but are for the rest of the country.

i know i have a biased stance, i hate the guy. i'm scared for the future. but even if you are 100% behind bush, what exactly is showing him and pics of the destroyed trade center going to do?

woohoo look at me i dealt with it? any president would deal with it, what other choice is there?

i just don't really see the motivation behind using this footage, so yeah, it reeks of using tragedy to capitalize politically. but then i only read the post and daily news so what do i know.

opine if you will....

- diceisgod - 03-05-2004

I plane George Bush.

- Keyser Soze - 03-05-2004

You can bet the democrats would have used it if they were in office. This isn't really an issue of if its right or wrong, its just finger pointing for the sake of politics.

- PlasticMan - 03-05-2004

As a staunch Democrat (though not a resident of NY), I don't care.

- Goatweed - 03-05-2004

If it weren't for political reasons, I wouldn't have a problem with it - but to use it to get votes seems kinda wrong to me.

Then again, I don't vote so my opinion means shit.

- Keyser Soze - 03-05-2004

i dont see how you couldnt use 9/11 as a major issue for this campaign. its the biggest issue outside of the economy. i will bet you the democrats will use the footage as well and spin it to show bush in a negative light.

- Mad - 03-05-2004

Those images shouldn't be used for any political or commercial purposes. It's a sad moment of our history and shouldn't be exploited due to the pain that it causes the families of those who lost loved ones.

It's pure propaganda. Off with the bastards head who approved it.

- Jack - 03-05-2004

I was kinda shocked to hear about these ads a few days ago (haven't seen one yet)..

To me it seems like it would be Bush shooting himself in the foot using something like that. I see it as him basically saying "Look at what I allowed to happene while I was in charge"

- diceisgod - 03-05-2004

Is the job market really improving or is it a smoke screen created by the Bush camp for campaign fuel?

- crack hitler - 03-05-2004

Keyser Soze Wrote:i dont see how you couldnt use 9/11 as a major issue for this campaign. its the biggest issue outside of the economy. i will bet you the democrats will use the footage as well and spin it to show bush in a negative light.
This is what a president is supposed to do, during an election year.
FDR the father of the modern democratic national party ran with the slogan of "i remember pearl harbor". in speeches he made, he said things to the extent of " my re-election to president is vital to the allies winning the war.
Lincoln ran for re-election by bringing up the cival war.
George Washington campaigned on the basis of his revolutionary war status; this is what a leader does. he points out tradegy that has fallen on america and how he then responded to it. Bush was at ground Zero two days later, standing strong, giving support and comfort to the nation, against all recomondations from the secret service, because its what a leader does.
So for the liberal media and democratic party to attack him for reminding this country of what happened and what can happen in the future is insane.

Edited By crack hitler on 1078524294

- Galt - 03-05-2004

diceisgod Wrote:Is the job market really improving or is it a smoke screen created by the Bush camp for campaign fuel?
Bush administration estimated 300,000 average new jobs per month this year. Wall St. expected 125,000 new jobs this month. It came out to be 23,000.

- The Sleeper - 03-05-2004

weren't most of the new jobs in India or some shit?

- The Jays - 03-06-2004

He created 300,000 new jobs for terrorists in Iraq, and since Iraq is part of America now, 300,000 for America.

- Zootybang - 03-06-2004

Quote:George Washington campaigned on the basis of his revolutionary war status
Not to be nit-picky, and i'm most likely wrong, but i belived Washington was un-opposed and therefore didnt have to campaign.
Either way, people are waay too sensitive these days. I lost a great friend in the towers, and i'm not particularly offended by the ads. It's a fact of life, it happened, and there's no real way around it. He almost HAS to use it to campaign.

- Keyser Soze - 03-07-2004

and the 23,000 jobs he created were government jobs. private sector job growth was flat.