I know I've done this before, but... - Printable Version

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- Galt - 03-23-2004

some guy from the office has his wife and new baby here, and everyone else is oohhing and ahhing about their baby. The baby is probably 3 weeks old. Maybe a month. She's a couple feet away from me.

My first urge is to ask to hold her, and then grab her by the feet and swing her around and bash her head into a computer monitor. And then swing her around and chuck her accross the trading floor like a hammer throw.

I really have that urge every time I see a kid. But I like kids. They're cute.

I'd love to have a psychologist tell me what this is a sign of. I'm sure it's not a good thing.

But, man, that would be so funny to see the reaction on people's faces as I cracked her skull against my Trinitron.

- Goatweed - 03-23-2004

note to self - never ask Galt to babysit.

- Rooner - 03-23-2004

Galt is gangster.

- Goatweed - 03-23-2004

not gangstA?

- Rooner - 03-23-2004

Hes not hard enough for the a.

- HedCold - 03-23-2004

i bet galt would even do that to poor baby sleeper Sad

- Arpikarhu - 03-24-2004

i despise children. i just dont see the point.

- Kid Afrika - 03-24-2004

Ahem, you were a child once. Thus then, no children = no people.

Wait, maybe you have a point.

- crx girl - 03-24-2004

i've spent the last 5 days with my nephew and niece, 3 and almost 2. there's been many a time when i've been swinging them around and stuff and i get not an urge, but just a vision of like, dropping them, or accidentally flinging them accross the garden. i'm not sure what that means. but really every time i'm holding one of them it flashes through my mind. on the upside, i'm not feeling any kind of broodiness, if that's a word. they're fun and all, i love em but i'm quite happy that i can give them back to their parents when i get bored with them.

on a side note, kid, i've been going through all my old papers and stuff and apparently i took an environmental class in college that i have no recollection of but there's a bunch of papers including one on over population and the society for voluntary human extinction. it's a pretty interesting idea...

- Arpikarhu - 03-24-2004

i just dont get why you would have a kid, spend all of that money, lose all of that freedom, and for what? to satisfy your ego by making a copy of yourself? a child is heavily influenced by its parents so when you have a kid you are essentially saying "what i am is so great that i should create another person and instill it with my beliefs and ethos". i cant think of another thing more egotistical.
plus the need to have your own children when there are plenty of kids desperate for parents. SELFISH!

- Kid Afrika - 03-24-2004

It's quite an interesting quandary actually...

On the one hand, the idea of being a parent is rather intriguing and there seems to be some rewards to being a parent that can not be found anywhere else in life.

On the other hand, I have some difficulty with the idea of bringing a person into a world that I sometimes view as guite a living hell.

There's good and bad, joy and pain, reward and responsibility all rolled into one tiny being. However, that being is a piece of yourself and hopefully someone that you love. It's a beautiful thing, but certainly not something that should be taken lightly.

At the end of the day, I would feel somewhat contented with the fact of ending what seems to be a rather temultuous(sp?) bloodline. Not to mention the fact that I can't imagine myself having a kid within the next few years and I would prefer not to be dealing with a teenager when I'm in my early 50s.

The extinction of man will come in time, probably by our own doing. I don't feel the need to prolong the human race rests solely on my shoulders, or balls as the case may be.

- Rooner - 03-24-2004

Arpikarhu Wrote:i just dont get why you would have a kid, spend all of that money, lose all of that freedom, and for what? to satisfy your ego by making a copy of yourself? a child is heavily influenced by its parents so when you have a kid you are essentially saying "what i am is so great that i should create another person and instill it with my beliefs and ethos". i cant think of another thing more egotistical.
plus the need to have your own children when there are plenty of kids desperate for parents. SELFISH!
Its called family douchebag. If youve never had one, or one worth a damn, you wouldnt understand.


I just called someone a name. What have you people done to me.

- diceisgod - 03-24-2004

Personally I hate kids and being around them. Some people like them and get involved in the whole family scene and that's fine. Just keep it out of my face and don't try to tell me you're better than me or are more enlightened or I'll crack your little babies' heads open like a melon. This argument of course works both ways.

- Rooner - 03-24-2004


- Gooch - 03-24-2004

Arpikarhu Wrote:i just dont get why you would have a kid, spend all of that money, lose all of that freedom, and for what? to satisfy your ego by making a copy of yourself? a child is heavily influenced by its parents so when you have a kid you are essentially saying "what i am is so great that i should create another person and instill it with my beliefs and ethos". i cant think of another thing more egotistical.
plus the need to have your own children when there are plenty of kids desperate for parents. SELFISH!
Freud would have a fieldday with you.

- PatCooper - 03-24-2004

Arpikarhu Wrote:i despise children. i just dont see the point.
I always thought gay men liked other peoples kids.

- Keyser Soze - 03-24-2004

i found the irony of rooner spelling genius, genious, quite satisfying.

kids are a huge responsibility and financial burden. but i hear it changes your life, for good and bad. i think i'm going to have some, just to see what its like to have your own kids. the thought of it fascinates me.

- Galt - 03-24-2004

I want to have kids just because I am a humanitarian and the world really deserves as many of me as possible.

- Splatterpunk - 03-24-2004

Kid Afrika Wrote:It's quite an interesting quandary actually...

On the one hand, the idea of being a parent is rather intriguing and there seems to be some rewards to being a parent that can not be found anywhere else in life.

On the other hand, I have some difficulty with the idea of bringing a person into a world that I sometimes view as guite a living hell.

There's good and bad, joy and pain, reward and responsibility all rolled into one tiny being. However, that being is a piece of yourself and hopefully someone that you love. It's a beautiful thing, but certainly not something that should be taken lightly.

At the end of the day, I would feel somewhat contented with the fact of ending what seems to be a rather temultuous(sp?) bloodline. Not to mention the fact that I can't imagine myself having a kid within the next few years and I would prefer not to be dealing with a teenager when I'm in my early 50s.

The extinction of man will come in time, probably by our own doing. I don't feel the need to prolong the human race rests solely on my shoulders, or balls as the case may be.
Kids interest me a lot. I don't want any, not for any idealistic reasons... just selfish, I guess. I like to have my freedom. I can get along with kids that talk but babies scare me.

I have a hard time turning away anyone in need, children, animals, or adults... this generally results in lots of guests, pets, and visitors for extended periods. I don't mind it. I might like being a parent, if I had to be. I'd certainly take someone else's kids in.

I don't think I'm going to have any on purpose... I don't plan it.

- crx girl - 03-25-2004

Quote:Its called family douchebag. If youve never had one, or one worth a damn, you wouldnt understand.
i have a very close family, non physically speaking. i had a good childhood, never had anything to complain about. my parents have been married for 32 years, my grandparents are celebrating their 60th next year. i have 3 sisters, we all get along. probably partly because we see each other so rarely, which makes me sad. anyway, my point is, i agree with arpi for the most part.