AIM - What's all the hubub about? - Printable Version

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- Galt - 06-29-2004

I was just on AIM for an hour and I got nary an instant message.

I expected to get whisked away to some Xanadu of hilarity; but nothing.

- Keyser Soze - 06-29-2004

you've never used AIM before??? under which rock in what far distant planet have you been hiding under?

- Goatweed - 06-29-2004

maybe if people knew your name, you'd get a message

- Galt - 06-29-2004

My user name has been PatrickFnBateman for years and years. It's been on all my profiles.

I have no need to turn it on because nothing interesting ever happens.

Normally, when I turn it on, I immediately get an IM from Alkey or Suzie, but nothing. I think they both stopped liking me when they finally took the hint that I wasn't interested in their overtures.

- Gooch - 06-29-2004

i saw you online and contemplating IM'ing you. I figure since I chat with DIG lately, I might as well network more. :loveya:

- Goatweed - 06-29-2004

I would've said hi, but I wasn't on.

- Galt - 06-29-2004

I think if DIG and I chatted it would be the lamest thing ever.

"so, hey"
"umm say some thing funny"
"like what"
"i don't know"
and so forth

- Keyser Soze - 06-29-2004

don't you have any friends? i stay in touch with my friends and family and my girlfriend while im at work through AIM when I can actually pick up the phone and talk to them.

- drusilla - 06-29-2004

if it wasn't for AIM i doubt i'd be in touch with more than half the people i talk to now. i hate the phone.

it's especially nice for talking to jorge in grenada.

- Zootybang - 06-29-2004

All i ever get are messages from "SexYYmEgHHAn153748" inviting me to see her oh-so-private webcams, just for me. This chick must really dig me.

- Danked - 06-29-2004

I could have sworn PatrickFnBateman was Flock of Moosen.

You guys really need to start fitting your board names somewhere into your AIM names.

- diceisgod - 06-29-2004

pull the trigger, bonwalla

- coppelia - 06-29-2004

seriously... aim is the ONLY reason i learned to type well and quickly. Im addicted.

- IrishAlkey - 06-29-2004

I'm permanently away.

- Gooch - 06-29-2004

you and buttmunch

- IrishAlkey - 06-29-2004

His away messages are very caustic.