So why does the last ten posts... - Printable Version

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- Chris52 - 07-29-2004

List posts from like 10 days ago?

- Danked - 07-29-2004

Why is anything anything?

It's crazy when you sit down and think about it.

- The Sleeper - 07-29-2004

please remove the spam from your sig, thx!

- Black Lazerus - 07-29-2004

I think he is challenging jacks board coding skills.

- Chris52 - 07-29-2004

Jack doesn't have board coding skills. Jack did not code this board.

- The Sleeper - 07-29-2004

hey cocksmack, I said remove it, not shrink it

- Chris52 - 07-29-2004

Hey guy, blow me.

- The Jays - 07-29-2004


- The Sleeper - 07-29-2004

wow with that kind of wit, i'm surprised more people aren't signing up to THE MESSAGE BOARD

- Chris52 - 07-29-2004

I think I'm going to quote black lazerus here.

"I fucked your mom."

- Black Lazerus - 07-29-2004

i think he better apologize to jack, before jack gets nasty.

- Chris52 - 07-29-2004

What bad things did I say about Jack? I am only stating facts here. Jack did not code this board and the last 10 posts are not working as they should.

- The Jays - 07-29-2004

why go with name brands like CDIH, when you can go no frills with your message board?

- The Sleeper - 07-29-2004

I can't even click on any threads on his board cause they blend in with the background. how will I know what movies 16 year olds from long island prefer?!?!

- Chris52 - 07-29-2004

ummmm no everyone else can see them fine. Change the brightness on your moniter or something.

- The Sleeper - 07-29-2004

check the brightness on your face

- Chris52 - 07-29-2004

Well that made no sense. So I am just going to smack you. :Confusedmack::

- The Jays - 07-29-2004

he got all role-playing on yo ass, Sleeper.

- The Sleeper - 07-29-2004

I tried going back to your board again but all I got was a picture of a huge black man's cock. better check that bug too

- Black Lazerus - 07-29-2004

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