Fidel Castro - best fall ever??? - Printable Version

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- Black Lazerus - 10-22-2004


- diceisgod - 10-22-2004

The first one to blast, the last to dash

- GonzoStyle - 10-22-2004

They've been trying to kill the beard since before the kennedy administration and he's evaded death since then, this is just pathetic.

- GonzoStyle - 10-22-2004

Best fall ever? No.

Best fall still belongs to Bob Dole.

- Black Lazerus - 10-22-2004

Yes that was the election sealer. if either candidate falls like that i am voting for the other one.

- Galt - 10-22-2004

Yankees still have the best collapse

- GonzoStyle - 10-22-2004

Howard Deans collapse was pretty amusing as well.

- Galt - 10-22-2004

Bush Sr. was a sight to behold.

- Arpikarhu - 10-22-2004

Galt Wrote:Yankees still have the best collapse
i still give the win to the '78 sox.

- GonzoStyle - 10-22-2004

Bush Sr. shoulda played his harmonica on the arseino hall show.

- Galt - 10-22-2004

yeah, well you'd be one of a very few who would believe that.

Losing 14 games in 80 isn't as bad statistically as losing 4 in 4 especially given that the Yanks were 3 outs away from sweeping.

Combined with the condenced importance of a series rather than half a season, the fact that the winner went to the World Series rather than just won their division, how all they had to do was win ONE GAME and couldn't even at home against a cripple, and that the Yankees "always find a way to win" makes it pretty obvious that there is no debate.

But you like to debate for the sake of debating, no matter how far off the mark you are, so that's fine...have your fun.

About 200,000 voted on this exact subject at ESPN and over 70% said that the Yankees collapse was the biggest in sports history.

- Arpikarhu - 10-22-2004

i feel beaten because people who vote on ESPN disagree with me. most of the nation are yankee haters as is proven in all of those votes on that involve the yankees. its a bogus reference and you of all people should feel ashamed for using it. very fucking pathetic.

- Galt - 10-22-2004

I don't need the last line to prove my point. It's sufficiently proved before that.

Like a Mark Bellhorn home run.

Edited By Galt on 1098412480

- GonzoStyle - 10-22-2004

Well a poll on espn is unfair cause it just happened less than 24 hours ago so ofcourse they'll vote the yanks collapse as the worst. These people have the attention spans of goldfish.

- Keyser Soze - 10-22-2004

galts lapdog concurs

- Galt - 10-22-2004

that's right, Beecher.

- Goatweed - 10-22-2004

so yeah, that Fidel sure can take a tumble, huh?

- Arpikarhu - 10-22-2004

Galt Wrote:I don't need the last line to prove my point. It's sufficiently proved before that.
then i will address that part of your argument. while the postseason does add importance, the fact that it was just 4 games makes it a very small sample so your use of "statistics" is completely off base. anomalies occur all of the time in a small sampling, as happened here. taking into account the number of games in the second half of the '78 season and the enormity of the sox lead in the division, the red sox collapse is larger. the yankees collapsed over 4 games, the sox collapsed for 3 months.
now go find a poll on that sides with your point.

- GonzoStyle - 10-22-2004

Castro should float over some new pitchers.

- Black Lazerus - 10-22-2004

I like the fact that a red sox fan after waiting years for the win over the Yankees, gets shot in the eye with a non lethal bullet and dies.