Howard on the phone with Mike Powell - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 10-27-2004

Did anyone hear this I believe it was this morning.

Apparently Michael Powell Head of the FCC and son of Colin Powell was on some radio show not Howards. He wasn't scheduled to be on but Howard Stern called in and took him on.

I heard it was pretty good, did anyone hear this yet?

- Mad - 10-28-2004

I listen to the mp3, I wasn't really impressed with any of the ass clowns. The host had to turn Howard's mic down to let Powell make his point, which was the typical official line.

Complete and utter horse shit from them all.

- GonzoStyle - 10-28-2004

Meh, I figured it would bring some fireworks. Howards been obsessed with this topic for a while now so you'd figure he'd be beyond prepared.

anyone got a link or torrent?

- Goatweed - 10-28-2004

audio here

- GonzoStyle - 10-28-2004

fuckin awful, howard sounded like one of the stuttering nimrods who phone into radio shows. The only thing missing was howard starting the call off with "long time listener, first time caller"

- The Sleeper - 10-28-2004

oh no viacom can't buy anymore radio stations SadSad

- GonzoStyle - 10-28-2004

that stuttering fuck, he sounded like he was a stutter away from saying "baba booey!!!"