Troops support Bush 3-1 over Kerry - Printable Version

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- Keyser Soze - 10-28-2004

Devils advocate: Do we want a president who 2/3rds of the military disapproves of?

- Mad - 10-28-2004

Yes, if it means they'll shoot him.

- Black Lazerus - 10-28-2004

you really need to stop reading free republic newsletters.

- Galt - 10-28-2004

vast majority of the military ALWAYS supports republicans. Always.
Just like teachers ALWAYS support democrats and the press always supports democrats.
The terrorists want Kerry to win

Devil's advocate.
Do you really want a president where the media that cover him on a daily basis want the other guy?

- GonzoStyle - 10-28-2004

Devils advocate, whoever believes these retarded polls is a retard.

Polls can be skewed towards any direction people want, has anyone here been polled for any of these polls you see on the news? They poll a few thousand people to reflect the views of hundreds of millions. It's as silly as the nielsen ratings and aol polls.

- Goatweed - 10-28-2004


- The Sleeper - 10-28-2004

GonzoStyle Wrote:Devils advocate, whoever believes these retarded polls is a retard.

Polls can be skewed towards any direction people want, has anyone here been polled for any of these polls you see on the news? They poll a few thousand people to reflect the views of hundreds of millions. It's as silly as the nielsen ratings and aol polls.
umm using samples is a pretty accurate way of reflecting the views of the general population without having to actually ask 200 million people for their view. if nielsen ratings were so idiotic i don't think corporations would invest billions of dollars in advertising based on them.

- Galt - 10-28-2004

OMG!!!! In your face!

- Keyser Soze - 10-28-2004

marketing guru sleeper!!!

- The Sleeper - 10-28-2004

I'm only defending neilsen cause I get free stuff from them

- Galt - 10-28-2004

Gonzo is Sleeper's bitch.

- The Sleeper - 10-28-2004

the moon landing was a sham! I mean do you know anyone in the space program!?!?!

- crx girl - 10-28-2004

isn't there a big scandal about neilson being inaccurate because they don't include a proportionate number of minorities?

- GonzoStyle - 10-28-2004

great now posts are disappearing, this new host is not very hospitibabable

- Hoon - 10-29-2004

ABC has held onto the newest terror tape and only released a few seconds of it's 75 minute content.

It's of a terrorist warning of an attack that will "make us forget about 9/11 and we'll mourn in silence".
He goes on to say if Bush is elected the streets of America will run red with blood of infidels.
He goes on an on about Bin laden, Zawahiri and the Taliban and makes no mention of Iraq.

The major liberal networks are giving this tape no play for one reason.

It reinforces the question...
"Who would terrorists vote for"?

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 10-29-2004

I got you Goat. Good one.

I think the terrorists would prefer Kerry cause he's a pussy. GW may be a dick but you need dicks to fuck assholes and terrorists are assholes.

- Galt - 10-29-2004

I think it's some Berkley College student (or other form of hippie) that submitted a fake tape to the muslim media (like the fake beheading tape of a few months back) in an attempt to scare people into voting Bush out of office.

- GonzoStyle - 10-29-2004

2 tired 2 give N F Wrote:
I got you Goat. Good one.

I think the terrorists would prefer Kerry cause he's a pussy. GW may be a dick but you need dicks to fuck assholes and terrorists are assholes.
I am officially convinced, I was on the fence but I gotta go with Bush now cause that makes the most sense of anything I have heard so far.

How could you fuck an asshole without a dick? Brilliant!!!

and btw the oapoll was the most scientific poll ever, I even used excel spreadsheets for it!

- Galt - 10-29-2004

if you vote Kerry, all the assholes are going to shit all over us.

- HedCold - 10-29-2004

Quote:It reinforces the question...
"Who would terrorists vote for"?
who cares who they would vote for? they're going to try and do shit to us anyway, and you really believe kerry is going to do anything drastically different enough from bush that would make it easier for them? is he going to tell all the soldiers in the middle east, or cops and law enforcement people in nyc (or anywhere) they don't have to try as hard? are they really going to not try as hard because kerry is in charge? its like you think democrats would just be handing out flowers instead of guns and telling them to use that.
i just don't get that logic at all.
how do you know terrorists aren't sitting back somewhere thinking "this is so easy to mess with americans thanks to all the things Bush and Cheney are telling them. What can we say we're going to do next?"