Osama's New Tape - Here's an article about it. - Printable Version

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- The Jays - 10-29-2004

Quote:DUBAI (Reuters) - Osama bin Laden burst into the U.S. election campaign on Saturday, releasing his first video tape in more than a year to deride President Bush and warn of possible new Sept. 11-style attacks.

Bush had failed Americans with his Middle East policies, deceiving the nation and putting it at risk from further al Qaeda strikes, bin Laden said. The speech was his clearest claim yet of responsibility for the Sept. 11 strikes of 2001.

Appearing in a video released from hiding to Al Jazeera television four days before the U.S. presidential poll and gesturing with a finger to stress points, he said the Sept. 11 attacks would not have been so severe if Bush had been alert.

"Despite entering the fourth year after Sept. 11, Bush is still deceiving you and hiding the truth from you and therefore the reasons are still there to repeat what happened," he said.

It looked like a deliberate attempt to influence the U.S. election on Tuesday.

But he made little mention of Bush's Democratic challenger John Kerry, saying only: "Your security is not in the hands of Kerry or Bush or al Qaeda. Your security is in your own hands and each state which does not harm our security will remain safe."

Al Qaeda sympathizers attacked trains in Madrid in March just before a Spanish general election, an act that some analysts said contributed to the defeat of the government, which had allied itself with Bush by sending troops to Iraq.

He said he thought of the idea of attacking the U.S. skyscrapers when he saw Israeli aircraft bombing tower blocks in Lebanon in 1982.

The Bush administration resembled "corrupt" Arab governments, he said, reading from a sheet of paper.



His voice was strong and he appeared in fair health, his full beard a mixture of white and dark gray.

Bin Laden, apparently sitting or standing at a table against a neutral brown background, wore a white head covering and white tunic under a light brown cloak.

A U.S. official said U.S. intelligence agencies believed that it appeared to be bin Laden on the tape.

Bush has ordered U.S. forces to get bin Laden dead or alive and American officials have said they suspect he is hiding in the border area between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

An editor at Al Jazeera said the Qatar-based channel had received the video tape on Friday but did not say how. He said the tape was new but did not give any details.

Saudi-born bin Laden last appeared in a video tape broadcast by Al Jazeera in September 2003, showing him and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahri descending a mountainside calling for jihad and praising the Sept. 11 hijackers.

In April, Arab television stations broadcast an audio tape purportedly from bin Laden offering a three-month truce to Europeans if they withdrew troops from Muslim nations. The deadline expired with no word from bin Laden.

Quote:"Despite entering the fourth year after Sept. 11, Bush is still deceiving you and hiding the truth from you and therefore the reasons are still there to repeat what happened," he said.

Wait. He makes it sound like, because Bush deceived us and hid the truth, that we had September 11th., thus, since he keeps deceiving, we can still be attacked. Clarify what Bush was deceiving us about before Sept 11th? Like, I know that he was deceiving us with the war, and all that, but, what was he deceiving us about in the 8 monthes before? That he comes from a family made of oil? That he deals with Saudis? That America supports Israel?

- GonzoStyle - 10-29-2004

I was hoping he'd clue us in on when Bush is gonna march him out in chains so I could sweep into arpi's Osama pool.

- The Jays - 10-29-2004

Quote:Bin Laden, apparently sitting or standing at a table against a neutral brown background, wore a white head covering and white tunic under a light brown cloak.

You fools! He's a fucking Jedi!

- GonzoStyle - 10-29-2004

Honestly I wouldn't doubt it, he's made fools of the goverment for the past decade and clinton plus both Bush's.

- Goatweed - 10-30-2004

The Jays Wrote:
Quote:Bin Laden, apparently sitting or standing at a table against a neutral brown background, wore a white head covering and white tunic under a light brown cloak.

You fools! He's a fucking Jedi!
"These are not the sandniggers you're looking for"

- The Jays - 10-30-2004

"You may go about your business"

- Hoon - 10-30-2004

I keep waiting for DHL to place an advertisment in one of the Osama tape backdrops.

- Black Lazerus - 10-30-2004

Goatweed Wrote:
The Jays Wrote:
Quote:Bin Laden, apparently sitting or standing at a table against a neutral brown background, wore a white head covering and white tunic under a light brown cloak.

You fools! He's a fucking Jedi!
"These are not the sandniggers you're looking for"
this has to be the funniest thing you have ever said. i am about 6 beers into my 12 pack so i might be mistaken.

- The Sleeper - 10-30-2004

Quote:Wait. He makes it sound like, because Bush deceived us and hid the truth, that we had September 11th., thus, since he keeps deceiving, we can still be attacked. Clarify what Bush was deceiving us about before Sept 11th? Like, I know that he was deceiving us with the war, and all that, but, what was he deceiving us about in the 8 monthes before? That he comes from a family made of oil? That he deals with Saudis? That America supports Israel?

He's saying that Bush is decieving us into thinking that terrorists attack us cause they "hate freedom" rather than cause we threaten their freedom, especially in our alliance with Israel.

- GonzoStyle - 10-30-2004

You mean they don't hate the fact we have freedom of speech on our airwaves like television and radio where people can speak their minds without being prosecuted and that people are always open and honest with their reporting and the goverment never leads us astray... I don't believe it!

- GonzoStyle - 10-31-2004

A question now about the tape, I was discussing this with myself yesterday as I lay alone trying to cry myself to sleep.

Does this tape hurt or benefit Bush?

Does it hurt him in the fact that it reminds americans that Bin Laden is still out there, the man who was trully responsible for an attack on america is not in custody. There were the rumoUrs he might be dead but the tape now disproves that. That we shifted our entire focus away from americas real war, with the real threat that actually did hurt us.

Or does it help bush by reminding us of the real reason we have fully partaken in this "war" on terror, that Bush is a man of action and even though he lacks in so many ways he's so gung ho, etc etc.

- The Sleeper - 10-31-2004

well considering the war we have waged has nothing to do with any of the reasons bin laden gave for why he attacked us, i don't see how this would help bush unless people are idiots, which they are.

- GonzoStyle - 10-31-2004

Well I watched a debate today on fox and ofcourse they spun it for Bush. Saying he was the one who took on terror and was resolute no matter what he was told and he is the man to get Osama... well he's kinda had 3 years now and it really doesn't look like Osama is even on their radar, I though that interview he gave while in his cabin about how Osama wasn't really the focus etc etc, was just revolting. You can kill 1,000 foot soldiers but it doesn't comapre to cutting off the head.

That was the mistake made with the Mafia for decades, at first Hoover figured ignoring their existence would get rid of them or atleast keep them off the radar. Then it was decades of taking down the street guys and it proved pointless cause you take down 1 you got 10 to take his place. Once they started taking down the bosses once scarfo, gotti and those types fell then it crippled them, they still exist and always will but they'll never be as powerful now.

If Bush had put half as much effort into aghanistan we'd have had bin laden by now, dead or alive no matter. Now afghanistan is even a bigger mess than Iraq, I guess taking down the towers wasn't good enough, Bin Laden shoulda threatened to assissinate daddy bush.

- Galt - 11-01-2004

full text of speech

For someone who's supposedly be living in caves and sleeping on dirt for the last four years, he's really keeping up with current events in the US.

- Rooner - 11-01-2004

Black Lazerus Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:
The Jays Wrote:
Quote:Bin Laden, apparently sitting or standing at a table against a neutral brown background, wore a white head covering and white tunic under a light brown cloak.

You fools! He's a fucking Jedi!
"These are not the sandniggers you're looking for"
this has to be the funniest thing you have ever said. i am about 6 beers into my 12 pack so i might be mistaken.
I whole heartedly concurr.

- Keyser Soze - 11-01-2004

Quote:This means the oppressing and embargoing to death of millions as Bush Sr. did in Iraq in the greatest mass slaughter of children mankind has ever known, and it means the throwing of millions of pounds of bombs and explosives at millions of children ? also in Iraq ? as Bush Jr. Did, in order to remove an old agent and replace him with a new puppet to assist in the pilfering of Iraq's oil and other outrages.

So with these images and their like as their background, the events of September 11th came as a reply to those great wrongs, should a man be blamed for defending his sanctuary?

sounds like Iraq is a harbor for Bin Laden to me.

- GonzoStyle - 11-01-2004

a 6 foot 8 inch arab on dialysis, how hard can it be?

I bet David Stern could find him if there was an arab following in the NBA.

- Keyser Soze - 11-01-2004

i thought bin laden actually made some pretty solid points in his diatribe.

- GonzoStyle - 11-01-2004

Well even Hitler had some good ideas, i'm not saying that as a joke, as a leader he was looking out for his own people and had their interests at heart. It's just the way these types of leaders choose to go about getting things done and their sense of decency and right and wrong is terribly skewed. I dunno if you can honestly call Bin Laden insane, a sociopath and evil, yeah he is but I don't believe he is trully insane in the true defenition of the term.

- Keyser Soze - 11-01-2004

do you think he sincerely cares about the security of his people or just has a God (Allah) complex?