Real World/Road Rules Battle of the sexes - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 10-30-2004

It further proves that men are better than women because women are vindictful drama queens. They are too busy hating other women for the most miniscule non issues, to gather together for 5 minutes to complete a single task.

- crx girl - 10-30-2004

Quote:because women are vindictful drama queens
i don't have cable so i don't know what you're talking about. but i want you men to know that there's a handful of us who aren't

- The Sleeper - 10-30-2004

you mean "us" in the general sense right

- crx girl - 10-30-2004

no, there's a lot of annoying stupid game playing bitches out there. but some of "us" realise that we're our own best allies

- GonzoStyle - 10-30-2004

There have been two of these battle of the sexes prior to this one and both were won by the men, so far the men are again leading the contest. The women do nothing but bicker and argue with eachother and everyone feels the other bitch is out to get them, I say bitch cause thats all they call eachother.

The men I am not lying cause I have watched most of the epiosodes (yeah yeah I am a tasteless fag) The guys have never really argued or started up any cliques, all their strategies make sense, even the voting off. They have to vote off members, the men simply choose the guy who performed the worst that mission or a previous mission so thi way it's fair and no ones feelings are hurt. The chicks all set up cliques and basically its the veterans of the missions looking to vote off the n00bs or people who bring over grudges from the previous shows who are still pissed they got voted off... holy shit does that sound familiar to anyone whose posted on a message board?

Laugh at me for watching but I can't help it, I am drawn in on how women always complain they can do better jobs than men in politics and being leaders, I dont mean the physical stuff cause they hold their own. Unfortunatly this program as pathetic as it may seem and be it is a good proving point that women really can't be leaders for the most part and its not just cause they are young its most women who are like this, they simply just can't stand to see other women succeed or get more attention, they hate it more so than chauvanistic men as they call them but it's just painfully true.

- crx girl - 10-30-2004

again, i haven't had cable for a while, but i'm sure it's the same as survivor when they do men vs women. the thing is, the women on these shows are picked because of their potential to cause drama. and yeah, they probably represent a good chunk of women out there. i'm just saying, there's a handful of us who've actually realized that we can be on our own sides

- GonzoStyle - 10-30-2004

It's not too hard too find women who are gonna cause drama, bitch, cry, complain and have nervous breakdowns. Just put them in a group and give them a mission, or just let them be and they'll be dismembering eachother cause one bitch was lookin at my mans!!!

- diceisgod - 10-30-2004

A true "Battle of the Sexes" would involve a bare knuckle brawl between a girl and a guy. This I would watch. It would be the shortest Battle in history next to the French surrendering to Germany.

- GonzoStyle - 10-30-2004

They had that thai chick beat up one of the dudes in the jackass movie. I am not saying that physically they are not as good because they do have the physical ability. It's just the mental, emotional and communication skills that they just lack. Yet they say that a woman could run the country better cause men are beasts and just have an internal need to fight and war. They also say that women are more mature than men and that is the biggest lie ever, maybe on a sexual level but it ends there.

- Black Lazerus - 10-30-2004

Honestly if it wasn't for vagina and breasts I wouldn't speak to women.

- Arpikarhu - 10-30-2004

i am sure it doesnt matter cause i cant believe that that they want to speak to you.

- Hawt Baux - 10-30-2004

Half the problem is the repeat players like Coral, Veronica, etc. They're spiteful and insecure about the new girls coming on and doing better than they will so they get rid of them before they even get into the 4th mission.

It's not a strategy so much as it's weakness and that's why they always lose.

- Black Lazerus - 10-30-2004

they do speak to me all the time. i guess it's my boyish looks that makes them think that i care what they say.

- Black Lazerus - 10-30-2004

My Looks > Your Looks

- drusilla - 10-30-2004

i've been watching too. the women are all stupid. you think they would learn from the past, but they never do. they just continue to bicker & screw themselves over. great tv though.

- Arpikarhu - 10-30-2004

clever edit,laz

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1099175645

- Goatweed - 10-30-2004

remember when MTV was about music?

- drusilla - 10-30-2004

im too young to remember that

- GonzoStyle - 10-30-2004

It really is just like the message board drama, the sex, the banning, the cliques, the mods the n00ds, the vets, etc etc etc. The only difference is theres no fat people or virgins.

- Goatweed - 10-30-2004

