Our country is divided? - Printable Version

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- Galt - 11-04-2004

So, I've been seeing this a lot latey, and I just don't get it. Isn't it the exact opposite? The country isn't divided. People voted for a republican president AND a republican Congress to go along with how most states have republican governors?

Isn't the fact that Bush beat Kerry by 4 million votes, the fact that the republicans increased (dramatically in the senate) their majority in both houses, AND having the ranking democratic Senator be defeated largely because he was an obstruction against Bush mean that the country is unified in what party they feel better represents them?

No, I personally am no fan of GW, but just because certain people hate him a lot does that mean that the country is "divided"?

I guess I don't define "divided" by the amount of hatred one side has toward the other but by the amount of people who hold a disagreement.

Maybe an argument can be made that the country is "divided" by urban and rural areas. But no one's really been making that argument directly. They're just saying broadly that the country is divided and healing needs to be done.

Don't get it.

- Arpikarhu - 11-04-2004

4 million vote differential in a country with a population of 250 million is nothing. country is practically split down the middle.

- Galt - 11-04-2004

your statistics would be more telling if
a) you used the actual US population
b) cut that down the actual voter-eligible population
c) cut that down to the amount of people who actually voted.
d) and that's 51-48

- IrishAlkey - 11-04-2004

It's split between religious fanatics who don't want dykes and fags to get hitched and normal, educated people with teeth.

- Galt - 11-04-2004

but then isn't the country always divided? Why this time specifically is everyone whining about stuff being divided.

The republicans won everything possible. Sounds like a pretty clear message.

- IrishAlkey - 11-04-2004

Because the republicans used issues that fucking normal people who live their own lives and mind their own business and just fucking do what needs to be done to survive and maybe get some joy out of life could give two flying fucks about to get these bumpkins out of their holes to vote for the first time since the Civil War.

- Galt - 11-04-2004

but if there are more of them then there are of us, it doesn't make it divided.

- diceisgod - 11-04-2004

I only care about how I can make it worse.

- IrishAlkey - 11-04-2004

In what way do I need to convince you that 51% and fucking 48% is pretty damn divided?

Use a confederate flag as a cape and jump off a high building, stupid.

- diceisgod - 11-04-2004


- Arpikarhu - 11-04-2004

Galt Wrote:your statistics would be more telling if
a) you used the actual US population
b) cut that down the actual voter-eligible population
c) cut that down to the amount of people who actually voted.
d) and that's 51-48
i was making a generalization and not going for a true statistical formula. i thought that was obvious. not to you though.

- Galt - 11-04-2004

when was the last time a presidential candidate got 70% of the vote? Has it ever happened? isn't it always low 50s to high 40s?

And my point isn't really the popular vote it's the fact that the Democrats accross the country lost in not only the presidential campaign, but also senate, congress, governor.

There are more republican representatives, senators, and governors. That's what I meant by being confused about the division.

- Arpikarhu - 11-04-2004

according to your theory if the entire senate was republican but each one of them only won by one vote then the country wouldnt be considered divided because only republicans won.

- IrishAlkey - 11-04-2004

I already explained to you the part about the bumpkins voting.

Just because a few million mongoloids rally around a turd doesn't mean the rest of us even remotely agree with them. It's like the job market. You send out your resume and, if you're qualified, you're hired. They don't give out CEO jobs to random dolts wandering the streets. On Tuesday the dolts wandered to the voting booths and gave the head dolt his job back.

- Galt - 11-04-2004

Arpikarhu Wrote:according to your theory if the entire senate was republican but each one of them only won by one vote then the country wouldnt be considered divided because only republicans won.
That's a fair point.

I just haven't seen people explain why the thought specifically that we were "divided". it seemed more like sour grapes that the vote wasn't anywhere near as close as everyone (except for me) predicted.

- IrishAlkey - 11-04-2004

You predicted shit.

- Galt - 11-04-2004

check the predictions thread, Whiner McBitterstein.

- IrishAlkey - 11-04-2004

I'm not whining so much as I am disturbed that I may be blown up because Jethro in Alabama doesn't want Joe and Ted to get married.

- Galt - 11-04-2004

when I am president anyone who wants to burden themselves with marriage will be allowed to do so.

- IrishAlkey - 11-04-2004

And free abortions to all girls under 17.