Can you imagine if in four years - Printable Version

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- Galt - 11-16-2004

Iraq is free
Peace between Isreal and Palestine
Bin Ladin caught / dead / silent

Would it change anyone's opinion of Bush and his foreign policy?

- Gooch - 11-16-2004

i can't imagine it....even when Mossad is kind enough to off Arafat with the US's permission. Fallejah's fall only spreads elements to other places, and there is still anti-US sentiment. Bin Laden being caught is hit or miss, but he should have been caught years ago.

- Galt - 11-16-2004

The two main points were Iraq and Israel/Palestine.

I'd hope that after 4 years, the US can scurry all the rats to other areas of the mid-east, get them out of Iraq and then remove themselves from it.

A Palestinian State is not totally unrealistic. I think if a state of Palestine does occur it will help with some of the anti-US sentiment.

- The Jays - 11-16-2004

We shouldn't even be in Iraq, who gives a shit if it's free or not? Should I really care? Do I live there? No. Is it really the job of the US to install democracy everywhere?

- Galt - 11-16-2004

While I agree that this specific instance that the only reason we are actually in Iraq is because of 9/11, which they had no involvement. The public clammored to get someone's head and so boom! There it was. Saddam's the bad guy.

However, your premise of Pat Buchananesque isolationism, while very popular, is just wrong. Should we not have fought the world wars because you didn't live there?

Fact is, Saddam ignored the UN for a decade. Something should have been done sooner. The fact that we did nothing until after we got attacked lessened Bush's stance and it was obvious that he was using a bullshit reason.

If a foreign government is torturing and murdering their populace, I think it is in the US's right to stop it. However, it should be done in areas outside of the middle east as well.

- The Jays - 11-16-2004

yeah, but you really shouldn't have to lie about shit in order to get everyone on board the "free iraq!" bandwagon. "Oh, my bad, my fellow citizens, but I had to say they had WMDs, otherwise, you guys would have never given me approval to stop all those horrible attrocities! I mean, look at you people! Having sex with your boys and your girls, getting married to the same sex, watching indecent programming and pornography, you are sick sick people! So, I lied about the fact that Saddam Hussein was gonna try and kill you, because, it wasn't really about saving you digusting immoral pigs, it was about saving the Iraqis! "

- Keyser Soze - 11-16-2004

peace between israel and palestine? you must be joking.

- Galt - 11-16-2004

The Jays Wrote:yeah, but you really shouldn't have to lie about shit in order to get everyone on board the "free iraq!" bandwagon. "Oh, my bad, my fellow citizens, but I had to say they had WMDs, otherwise, you guys would have never given me approval to stop all those horrible attrocities! I mean, look at you people! Having sex with your boys and your girls, getting married to the same sex, watching indecent programming and pornography, you are sick sick people! So, I lied about the fact that Saddam Hussein was gonna try and kill you, because, it wasn't really about saving you digusting immoral pigs, it was about saving the Iraqis! "
Yes, but that is not what you said. You said you didn't care if they were free regardless of the issue.

Bush screwed things up in his timing of when he went in and why he went in.

It's a big difference to saying that "it's not in my country, I don't care" and a lot of people are reacting that way. Hell, Bill Maher's stupid audience who boos every even republican and gives screaming applause for Noam Chomsky was even cheering Pat Buchanan's isolationist opinions.

- Keyser Soze - 11-16-2004

bush was just using his "political capital" of 9/11 and spent it on settling old scores

- The Jays - 11-16-2004

Iraq was not our biggest threat, and they made it out to be. Sure it's nice that they might be free now, but that's not why we went in. They told us we went in to make sure our freedom would be secured, and then we found out that our freedom was not threatened by Iraq. The security of our country's freedom comes before all others, and only when we have made sure of that do we ever bother with other country's freedom.
Meanwhile, Osama bin Laden said hi a couple weeks ago, was wondering what we've been up to, and how come we haven't come by to see him yet.

- Galt - 11-16-2004

Bush is a fuckup.

The point of the thread wasn't to say how great he is. My point is that after how everyone says he's an idiot, how he's "the worst president ever", blah blah blah blah, wouldn't it be kind of hilarious for him to leave with two of the biggest foreign policy wins in recent memory if Iraq were free and Palestine got their own state?

- Keyser Soze - 11-16-2004

I'm not impressed by Iraq. If Palestine becomes a free state I will post a picture of my glorious cock in this thread.

- The Jays - 11-16-2004

If Palestine got their own state in the next four years, wouldn't just seem like , "oh, so all they really needed was for arafat to die?"

- Galt - 11-16-2004

seem like?

- drusilla - 11-16-2004

i really don't care much about his foreign policy, i still think he's an idiot & disagree with some of the things he does here in our own country

- Buttmunch - 11-16-2004

If this war ends in 4 years, maybe the price of Hallal Falafel will finally go down and the lines won't be so long.

- Arpikarhu - 11-16-2004

our involvement in iraq is already longer than our involvement in ww1 and the european theater of ww2

regardless of the outcome, he rushed us in, with not enough troops, and with a plan based on ideaology rather than the facts. even if iraq is a peaceful democratic nation at the end of his term, too many soldiers died unneccessarily. no peace will cleanse him of that idiocy.

- Velociti - 11-16-2004

bush won

- The Sleeper - 11-16-2004

Yea, since I don't buy the premise that a free and peaceful Iraq = no more terrorism, I wouldn't care either way what happens there. Israel/Palestine is a big issue, and part of the reason I couldn't bring myself to vote for Kerry was cause he and Edwards seemed to be even more pro-Israel than Bush. I see no reason for us to help either side other than for our own personal interests. I pretty much agree with Pat Buchanan's stance on the whole issue with the qualifier that we should step in in cases like Rwanda and now Sudan, where it's the morally right thing to do.

- Keyser Soze - 11-16-2004

it was morally right in Iraq, but Bush sold it as a War to find and remove WMDs.