I could care less - No.  In fact, you could NOT. - Printable Version

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- Galt - 11-24-2004

I thought I'd started this thread before, but alas, maybe not.

The phrase "I could care less" is one of the most annoying and wrongly used phrases in the english language to me.

Everyone except for me says it wrong.

Think about it.

If you "could care less" it means that you care. If something doesn't matter to you then you "could not care less". Meaning that you don't care at all. And therefore, your level of caring could not possibly be lower than its current level.

Why does everyone in the country insist on saying it properly?


- Mad - 11-24-2004

Fuck off, OCD freak.

- Galt - 11-24-2004

If you are going to overthrow the government, you should at least learn the meaning of the words you speak, Mr. Nichols.

- Mad - 11-24-2004

So sue me because I didn't pay attention is school. It was a public school and really bored me to death, with all the mindless crap the teachers droned on and on about.

- Arpikarhu - 11-24-2004

this is the only matter on english that galt understands so he has to make an issue of it every chance he gets.

- Galt - 11-24-2004

yes, light boy. You are way more educated than I am.

And, Mad, I'm not singling you out. I went to public school as well. It's not like "supposubly" where only stupid people say it wrong. EVERYONE says it "I could care less". I don't know why. Am I wrong? Am I the only one who is taking the phrase litterally?

- Arpikarhu - 11-24-2004

ooooh, light boy! thats a good one.

- Mad - 11-24-2004

Quote:One entry found for careless.
Main Entry: care·less
Function: adjective
1 a : free from care : UNTROUBLED <careless days> b : INDIFFERENT, UNCONCERNED <careless of the consequences>
2 : not taking care
3 : not showing or receiving care: a : NEGLIGENT, SLOVENLY <careless writing> b : UNSTUDIED, SPONTANEOUS <careless grace> c obsolete : UNVALUED, DISREGARDED
- care·less·ly adverb
- care·less·ness noun

Maybe you should sue them.

- Galt - 11-24-2004

Well, actual college graduates need to speak to people from the University of Phoenix in a brief manner so we can be understood.

- Arpikarhu - 11-24-2004

Galt Wrote:Well, actual college graduates need to speak to people from the University of Phoenix in a brief manner so we can be understood.
improper use of the third person.

- Galt - 11-24-2004

careless and "care less" are different.

Saying, I could be careless and I could care less are not even close.

- Arpikarhu - 11-24-2004

Quote:Saying, I could be careless and I could care less are not even close.
misused comma. Lack of quotation marks to delineate the stressed phrases.

- Galt - 11-24-2004

excuse: I'm drunk. What's yours?

- Arpikarhu - 11-24-2004

I need no excuse to point out that while you start a thread to correct other people's use of the english language, your mastery of the language is less than average.

- Galt - 11-24-2004

speaking and going back to correct drunken ramblings is different.

Drunk or not: people misuse this phrase all the time! Debate that! Does that phrase make sense or doesn't it? And 90% of the people who speak the language say "I could care less" when it makes no fucking sense logically.

- Arpikarhu - 11-24-2004

Your, "I'm drunk", defense is lame, you pathetic, sociopathic freak.

- Galt - 11-24-2004

You are skirting the issue that everyone fucking says "I could care less" when it's just wrong. Don't make me kill someone to make you pay attention.

- Arpikarhu - 11-24-2004

i get joy knowing that you have to sit in front of your computer, alone and drunk. the lack of friends and love in your life makes mine that much more complete.

- Keyser Soze - 11-24-2004

the value that you derive from his misery is just as pathetic

- crx girl - 11-24-2004

it should be "i couldn't care less" logically, but kid a made this thread about 2 years ago.