do you fart around other co-workers? - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 12-23-2004

I usually hold mine in and take a smoke break and let them rip outside but one of the guys I worked with let one go by the fax machine and just smiled at me and did a "wooo bombs away". Most of us burp at times and no one says nothin besides a bless you. I wish I had some gas right now to see what would happen and if this was strictly an isolated incident and should I have maybe been all like "wtf nuggah?"

- Goatweed - 12-23-2004

I let little ones rip at my desk, but if I'm having serious gas issues I'll usually take it to the restroom.

I've never done it in one of the elevators here, however - that would probably be really funny.

- GonzoStyle - 12-23-2004

yeah we're on the ground floor, I had lentil soup for lunch..... I can just feel the gases bubbling!!!

- Goatweed - 12-23-2004

I dont do smoke breaks no more, and when I did Im sure I let a few go when I was out there. I'm 15 floors up, so its easier to just go to the restroom.

If I'm in a situation where it would be obvious that I did it, I'll do my best to not let it happen.

- Hawt Baux - 12-23-2004

Im sure George does.

- Galt - 12-23-2004

I wait until someone comes into my office and then when I shit myself and the smell comes over them and they ask if I farted, I say "meeting adjourned!"

- GonzoStyle - 12-23-2004


I already took a shit though but it's on my to do list for next week.

- Goatweed - 12-23-2004

I voted no when I meant yes. stupid mouse.

- Keyser Soze - 12-23-2004

if you push down in your chair, they cant hear it through the fabric

- Buttmunch - 12-23-2004

Is Thursday a universal lentil soup day?

Around here it is.

Oh, and no, but in my office I do and sometimes people come in and give me a disappointed look like I've really let them down.

- LZMF1 - 12-23-2004

i voted yes but only if it is someone who i know very well or if it's someone i can't stand.

SBD for them!

- HedCold - 12-23-2004

i fart around my desk and stuff. i figured most people will think its the older guys who sit sort of near me

- lush - 12-23-2004

One time I silently farted around a bunch of my co-workers and someone laid the blame on this other guy. It was hilarious.
I never told anyone it was me.

- HedCold - 12-24-2004

once in third grade i farted and this girl blamed it on this other kid telling him how gross it was. he was just like "it wasn't me!!", and she was all disgusted

good stuff

- OKHorrific - 12-24-2004

I broke someone's nose with a fart once. They bailed out of the car too quickly and the door snapped back on his face as he was getting out.

- The Sleeper - 12-24-2004

you waited a year and a half to make that post?

- Goatweed - 12-24-2004

better late than never

- OKHorrific - 12-24-2004

I like to get the feel of a place before I post.

- GonzoStyle - 12-24-2004

I got busy at work but I want to report that I did indeed fart at work and it was a smashing success, everyone was like "no more lentil soup for the jew!!!" and good times were had. Then some lame-o new guy was like "your shoes must be too tight!!!" and then began to laugh at his own joke while everyone just stared at him and shook their heads, in my head I kept repeating to myself "stfu n00b!!!".

- Bloody Anus - 12-24-2004

I worked graveyard at my last job and it was pretty much a requirement to make the place smell like a slaughterhouse when first shift came in. We'd have contests some nights and keep score on the whiteboard. My supervisor at that time was lactose intolerant but insisted on drinking Jack in the Box shakes, so I remember losing one night to him 35-7. I went home that morning with a headache and a sore throat.

Another time I had some serious gas and walked by somebody while he was on the phone with a client and let go a huge bomb. He started laughing uncontrollably and had to spend 5 minutes explaining to the client that he wasn't laughing at her and that "somebody in the office was telling jokes". Then no more than 5 minutes later I let another one go and he had to put her on hold because he couldn't control himself.

Then there was the time that same supervisor took a call on my phone, on speakerphone. About 10 minutes into the call the customer asked a question, supervisor took about 2 seconds to try to answer it, during which time I farted. This was followed by about 40 seconds of dead silence as his face turned red and tried to compose himself to the point of continuing the conversation. The customer eventually hung up and called back later. Probably a smart move.

But the best of all had to be the time the spineless, ballless "department head" went walking past me on the way to the bathroom. I wasn't even aware he was passing by, but happened to let go about a 7 second explosion that he inevitably heard loud and clear. Of course, since he has no balls and no spine, he said nothing and did nothing as I laughed hysterically.

Ah, good times.